Minutes from past meetings and dates of upcoming meetings can be found here.
The next HSC meeting is Mon, Jan 31st, at 7pm on Zoom (rescheduled from 1/24).
Highlights from Principal Kara Butler
If you are interested in being on the parents’ committee for WASC (Leigh’s periodic reaccreditation process from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges), please send an email directly to Principal Butler.
Incoming 9th Grade Parent Night (info night for parents of current 8th graders) will be January 24.
It’s almost time to start course selection for next fall! An information evening for parents of current 9th-11th grade students will be held on January 11, 6:30-8pm. More information will be shared in Mrs. Butler's Weekly Bulletin.
Info sessions about AP and Honors classes are coming up. These sessions are held during tutorial so students can learn about AP or Honors courses they may want to take next year. A schedule of the info sessions will be sent out right before winter break. Please encourage your student to attend.
Bell Schedule Survey: Parents and students provided feedback on various aspects of the bell schedule under consideration for the next school year. The teachers will vote on the schedule options. By the terms of the teachers’ contract, this vote must be completed by the end of the 12th week of the 2nd semester, which is in March. Therefore, by the end of March, the bell schedule for 2022-23 will have been finalized.
Highlights from Student Representative Ella F.
Past events/activities in December
Last week was Stress Relief Week. The ASB organized a different stress relieving activity every day during lunch.
- The sophomore class held a hot chocolate fundraiser.
- Students from ASB spoke at the most recent CUHSD school board meeting.
- ASB gave gifts to the teachers as a Teacher Appreciation Activity right before the Thanksgiving break.
- Principal Butler said the teachers were very touched by the gifts from the Teacher Appreciation Activity, which included cookies and personal notes from the students, and she says the teachers are still talking about it.
Current events through December
- The virtual Family Giving Tree is ongoing.
- PJ Spirit Week is happening the week of finals.
Upcoming events in January
Winter Ball is January 22nd, 2022 in The Glass House, San Jose. Purchase tickets for Winter Ball.
- There will be another spirit week the week of Winter Ball in January.
Highlights from College & Career Specialist, Nathalie Goricanec
- Attendance has picked up at the college essay help sessions. We're wrapping those up for the year. A big thank you to all the parent volunteers.
- CCC parent/guardian office hours are on Fridays from 1pm to 2pm.
We also need volunteers to make College & Career Center posters, for College & Career Readiness and College Application How-To’s. Please contact Nathalie Goricanec if you're able to help out.
For information on the District and teachers’ union negotiations, please refer to the following links:
The following staff grants were approved for funding at our December HSC Meeting:
- $99 for the Mandarin class to purchase Wordwall and Ponddy Reader.
- $300 for the Robotics Club for parts as they prepare for competition.
Please join us as we spread a little holiday cheer in appreciation of everything our teachers and staff do for our Leigh community!
You can send treats/gifts to school with your student, drop off gift cards in the front office, or email an e-gift card using a teacher/staff school email address. Would you like some ideas? Our HSC asked our teachers and staff to share with us their favorite treats, stores, and restaurants. We have compiled a list with the responses received to date...
Planning is underway for the Leigh Longhorn Stampede to be held on Saturday, May 21st, 2022. The Stampede is a 5K Run/Walk for our entire community - students, parents, staff, neighbors, and friends. The event is a collaboration between all four booster clubs: Home & School Club, PAPA, Sports Boosters, and Spirit Boosters.
Volunteers are needed to help us plan this event. If you would like to join our team, please contact the Stampede committee at stampedeinfo@leighhsc.org. We would love your support! Let us know what you like to do and we will find a place for you to help. We particularly need support with community outreach, sourcing sponsorship, and tracking deliverables.
Grad Night at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk on June 2nd promises to be an unforgettable night as our seniors spend one last time together as a class. Chartered luxury buses will collect students from Leigh at 9:00 pm and return by 3:00 am the next morning. See flyer below to learn about all the amazing activities students will experience on the night!
Purchase tickets
Our goal is to raise additional funds and provide scholarships for students that need them. We have several fundraisers planned -- Stay tuned for more information soon.
Volunteers Needed
We would love your help! If you have signed up to volunteer already, thank you! If you haven’t signed up and are interested in helping with ticket sales, fundraisers, chaperoning on the night, etc, please email us at gradnight@leighhsc.org.
Thank you for your support in providing a safe and sober event for our soon to be Graduates. Any questions, email the Grad Night Committee at gradnight@leighhsc.org.
Booster fundraisers: Winter Percussion is selling soup through January 7th. Leigh High School students, families and friends are invited to purchase soups from Winter Percussion in this delicious fundraiser running now through January 7, 2021. CLICK HERE to order your soups, ranging from Creamy Cauliflower to Classic Chili, from Split Pea to Sausage and Lentil, and many more! Click here to read more about these wonderful soups.
Yearbook Senior Salutations: Senior Parents - celebrate your soon to be graduate with an ad in the 2022 yearbook. Early bird pricing is available through December 22nd. Details are available on the Senior Information webpage.
You can now add school calendars to your phone, tablet, and computer. Go to the calendar page on the school website, select the calendar you wish to add, then click on subscribe. The following calendars are available:
- Events (all-school events, holidays etc)
- Athletics (sports games)
- ASB Activities (on campus student events and activities)
- College & Career Center (CCC events & activities, College Rep Visits etc)
- A/B and Collaboration/Minimum days (add to your calendar and always know which day is which!)
Monday, January 31 @ 7pm via Zoom
We invite you to join us for our next Home & School Club meeting. Zoom link is below. Dates for all future HSC meetings are here - mark your calendar!
Meeting ID: 918 5093 0665
Are you shopping on Amazon? Yes? Great! Use Amazon Smile and a % of your purchase automatically comes back to Leigh HSC. Shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/77-0199809 or with AmazonSmile ON in the app. This is free money for Leigh HSC - to date we have received $315 through this program. Thank you for your support!
Leigh High School Home and School Club is an all volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Tax ID # is 77-0199809. All donations are tax-deductible.