Volume 3 Issue 4 | October 2019
Home & School Club
Next Home & School Club meeting: November 18th at 7pm in the Leigh Library.
All are welcome.
Meeting dates for 2019-20 as well as minutes from past meetings are available  here
Highlights from the October 2019 HSC Meeting

  • Meredyth Hudson, Chief of Strategy and Human Capital at Campbell Union High School District (CUHSD) presented the accomplishments and future plans of CUHSD. Here is an excerpt from Ms. Hudson's presentation:
College enrollment numbers are increasing. The district is also focused on career readiness and offers more than 16 Career Pathway tracks district-wide. On the facilities side, the district has $95 million worth of projects under construction - a total of 34 projects across all 6 schools. The district projects a 6% enrollment increase in the next 5 years.

  • Additional CHUSD updates were presented by district trustee Stacey Brown:
We are a Community Supported school district (per the CUHSD Budget report , 91% of the District’s revenue comes from local sources, such as Property Taxes, Parcel Taxes, and leases of existing property, with only 6% coming from the State and 3% from the Federal Government). In order to better support our schools, the CUHSD board has been looking at the possibility of putting a parcel tax on the ballot (currently parcel tax is $85 per year). A feasibility study is underway to determine the amount of tax the community would support. They are also taking a look at what funding level would actually be needed to do what the school district wants to do which is to keep teacher salaries competitive so they can attract and retain the best teachers as well as increase funding for academic and mental health counseling. They are also working to streamline expenses and generate revenue as much as possible before going to the voters to ask for a parcel tax.

Your feedback is critical as CUHSD considers local funding options. Please take this survey and rate the importance of school priorities for you »

The board passed a resolution about vaping and tobacco-free communities, promising to provide resources to prevent students from vaping and tobacco use, and to try to address the root causes of why students are turning to vaping.
  • Principal Kara Butler shared the following updates:
Challenge Day was very impactful for the students who participated. The school will bring these students back together to talk about ways they can take what they learned to the larger student body. (More details on this event below).

Leigh’s first Latino Parent Night was held in mid-October. There was a panel of Latino students talking about their experiences here at Leigh. The parents, most of whom had not gone to school in the U.S., were enthusiastic about the event and more events are being planned.

8th grade Shadow Day is November 21. This is when 8th graders come from local middle schools to visit Leigh.

Vaping paraphernalia is very easily accessible online as well as in the community, and vaping among Leigh students is increasing. The Leigh administration is working to educate the students. In addition to proactive measures, any student found vaping will be required to take an online program on vaping offered through Stanford. 

Leigh is in the process of compiling its self-study report in preparation for its next visitation by a WASC committee in February 2020. The report is due in December. The first chapters are already on the Leigh website . The remaining chapters will be posted as they are completed. The WASC report includes a lot of interesting data about the school. Feel free to send feedback to Leigh's WASC Coordinator, Ms. Mosley, at MMoseley@cuhsd.org

  • College & Career Center specialist, Nathalie Goricanec, invited all parents to her Coffee and Cookies with Mrs G every Friday 12:45-2:15pm. A CCC newsletter is published every 2-3 weeks.

Help Home & School Club Reach our Annual Giving Drive Goal

WE'RE SO CLOSE! Our annual giving drive goal is within reach! We've had so many amazing donors, and we just need a few more to reach our goal of improving the Leigh community for every student through classroom resources, staff grants for additional programming, updated technology, support for student's social and emotional well-being, and creating a positive school environment.

Your consideration of donating at any level is greatly appreciated.
You Can Also Donate By Check! Make check payable to Leigh Home & School Club. Mail to: Leigh Home & School Club, Leigh High School, 5210 Leigh Ave, San Jose, CA 95124 or drop it off at the front office.
Don't forget to check if your employer will double your donation - it's quick and easy to check!
Thank you for making a difference!
Your support is important and is greatly appreciated!
Leigh High School Home and School Club is an all volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
Tax ID # is 77-0199809. All donations are tax-deductible.
Recent programs/activities funded by Home & School Club

  • Challenge Day program
  • Staff Appreciation
  • Snacks/drinks at the Kyle J. Taylor Heart Screening event
  • Staff Grants:
  • Slab roller for 3D design clay projects in Ceramics
  • iPad and Apple Pencil to create and record short tutorial videos Integrated Math 1 & 2
  • Class set of whiteboard sleeves for review games and quick checks of understanding in Integrated Math 1 & 2
Home & School Club By-Laws Revised

One of the primary goals of our HSC Board this year was to review and revise our By-Laws (most recent revision was in 2014). This task has been completed and we will vote on the amended by-laws at our November 18th HSC meeting. An executive summary of the changes made, a document with all of the edits highlighted, and a final version of the updated by-laws are available for review on our HSC website .

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact our Co-Parliamentarians, Gretchen Gabriel and Ben Dodge, at parliamentarian@leighhsc.org. Thank you to all of the Board members who spent many hours working through the details to create this updated document.
We Love our Teachers and Staff!

The teacher and staff appreciation team provided donuts and coffee to the staff on October 17th, and decorated the teachers' lounge with a little seasonal fun. The staff also received some sweet surprises for Halloween! Thank you to our Staff Appreciation coordinators, Carol Hofheimer and Susan Lovelady, and to all of our parents who contributed to help make our teachers feel loved.

Campus Clean Up Day -- Another Smashing Success!
On October 26, 40 volunteers showed up to beautify the Leigh campus. We rented an auger to dig holes, which was a terrific addition to our efforts (once we got it to run!), and our Leigh Campus Plant Manager, Brian, lent us the golf cart which was a life saver! 

Campus Beautification by the Numbers:

  • A million weeds removed
  • 40 volunteers with sore backs
  • 31 plants in the ground ready to grow
  • 19 tree beds freshened up with decomposed granite
  • 10 yards of mulch moved
  • 6 yards of gravel spread
  • 5 bags of soil 
  • 3 dead geraniums removed
  • 2 dads super happy to use a gas-powered auger instead of post hole diggers
  • 1 beautiful school!

A huge thank you to all of our volunteers and to our Campus Beautification Coordinators: Kelly Masini, Tamiko House and Ashleigh Coffeng.
Recap of Challenge Day at Leigh

The climate and culture of Leigh are an important focus for our school administration. To that end, many of our students participated in the 2nd annual Challenge Day program on October 9th and 10th.

The Challenge Day program goes beyond traditional anti-bullying efforts, building compassion and igniting a movement of positive change. Through the program, participants begin to recognize stereotypes and labels that exist among them. They examine the impact of difficult social and emotional issues and academic and social pressures. They find commonality and a sense of belonging.

Andrew Hogg, Leigh High School parent and volunteer, said of the experience,

“As a parent and a youth sports coach, a classroom volunteer from elementary school through high school, and someone who thought he had a pretty good pulse on kids, it was eye-opening in the extreme.”

To read Andrew's full write-up of what he personally experienced during these emotional and eye-opening workshops, read his short entry here on the HSC website .

This program was funded by your Home & School Club donations - Thank You! Thank you also to the many parent volunteers who helped facilitate this program. Your support was critical to its success.

Thank you for supporting the First Annual Kyle J. Taylor Foundation Youth Heart Screening at Leigh

Thank you to all who came out to support the first annual heart screening at Leigh. Over 200 youth were screened and early detection was provided to a handful of students who were identified as "at risk".

Our Home & School Club is honored to support the Kyle J. Taylor foundation. In May 2019, we funded one of two AEDs purchased by the foundation for the Leigh campus. We also contributed funds towards the food and drinks to be provided to volunteers at the October Heart Screening.

Thank you, as well, to those who made a donation directly to the foundation. Donations help keep these youth heart screenings free of charge to participants. There also have a foundation sponsorship program, that will allow the foundation to get more equipment for the screenings, donate AEDs in the community and provide CPR training. You can find more information about the sponsorship program here . If you have any questions, contact the foundation at kylejtaylorfoundation@gmail.com .
More happenings at Leigh

  • Performing Arts Parent Association: Last chance to see the Leigh Haunted House, Thursday, Oct 31st. Get your tickets now! » (Due to the frightening nature of this production, it is not recommended for children under 13 years of age)

  • Sports Boosters is selling Leigh apparel at the Football games. Volunteers are needed for the snack shack at the games. Sign up here »

  • Read Principal Kara Butler's Weekly Bulletins here »

  • Read the Daily Bulletins created by our Activities Director, Anthoney Roe, here »
Volunteers needed to support Student Clubs

There are over 70 Student Clubs at Leigh, and parent support for these clubs would be greatly appreciated. A full list of clubs is available here .

If you can help or have any questions, please reach out directly to our Activities Director, Anthoney Roe, at aroe@cuhsd.org .

Thank you for making a difference at Leigh!

Earn FREE money for Leigh when you shop

Shopping on Amazon? 
Use our dedicated Leigh Amazon link when shopping with Amazon, and Leigh Home & School Club receives a % of the amount you purchased. Bookmark this link for future shopping 'trips'! The link is always available on our website. Does your company shop at Amazon? Then refer this link to the person in charge of purchases. Anyone can use this link and Leigh will benefit.

Shopping at Office Depot?
When you check out, let the cashier know that you want to support Leigh High School. Leigh will receive 5% of your purchase amount.

Shopping at Sports Basement?
On your next visit to Sports Basement, register as a Basementeer and select Leigh High School as your beneficiary. Basementeer's receive 10% and give 10%:

  • 10% off every item every day
  • 10% of your purchase is donated back to Leigh