King of Peace MCC Matters
March 27th, 2024
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Easter is always such a busy time for the church. Our staff has been preparing for the extra services of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Sunrise Service. It means extra bulletins, extra music, extra slides, extra readings, extra people to fulfill the extra roles, etc. It is a lot of extra! But we wouldn’t want it any other way. The experience of this week deepens our love, our commitment, and our appreciation of all that Jesus did for us.
I hope you will attend as many of the extra services as you can. It is a week for us to remember and be grateful for all Jesus was willing to go through because of such a deep love for us. Sunday we will celebrate, knowing the tomb is empty. Our Sunrise Service will include a short play in our garden put on by our talented KOP actors. Start your Easter early and come and Rise in Power with the One who gave his all!
Blessings on your Holy Week,
Rev. Renae
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Safety Protocols for In-person Worship | |
Masks are optional for all those fully-vaccinated. If you have not been fully-vaccinated, we ask that you please continue to wear your mask.
In terms of physical contact, please be sensitive and respect everyone's personal wishes.
If you don't feel well, we ask you to please stay home. This includes fever, cough, and shortness of breath.
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This year our Lent offering will go to the Pinellas Central Elementary School. Our donation will help them provide everyday school supplies for the students, as well as laundry and clothing supplies that some of the students don't have access to at home. Bring your Lent Offerings to church with you this week on Easter Sunday morning, March 31st. | |
When you come to church this Sunday morning, you are invited to bring a flower to decorate the cross. | |
We will take up our special 5th Sunday Benevolence Offering this Easter Sunday morning. This offering will benefit Iglesia de Amor MCC in Merida, Mexico. The funds raised will go to help prepare for their representation at Pride in Merida in June. | |
Our church offices will be closed on Monday, April 1st in observance of Easter. We will do our best to respond to any emails and voicemails as quickly as we can, after the offices reopen on Tuesday. | |
There will a meeting of the Social Justice Team after worship on Sunday, April 7th. If you are on this team or interested in being a part, please join Kathy Moll in the Social Hall. | |
For many years, gay and bisexual men have been unable to donate blood, because of the fear of spreading HIV. Next Sunday, April 7th, a few volunteers from the Suncoast Blood Bank will be at King of Peace to discuss some of the new standards for blood donations by members of the LGBTQ+ community. We hope you'll join them in the Overflow Room after worship to ask any important questions and hear the new standards. | |
If you haven't seen "The Shack", don't miss our next Monday Night at the Movies on April 8th at 7 pm. Based on William P. Young's book "The Shack", the story takes us on a father's uplifting spiritual journey. After suffering a family tragedy, Mack Phillips spirals into a deep depression causing him to question his innermost beliefs. Facing a crisis of faith, he received a mysterious letter urging him to an abandoned shack deep in the Oregon wilderness. To watch the movie trailer, click here.
Following the movie, Rev. Lorraine and Dwayne will lead a short discussion on how to journey with your faith when difficult things happen in life.
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If you are an early riser, make plans now to attend our next Breakfast Club on Thursday, April 11th at 9 am. We meet at Parkside Cafe, located at 8180 49th St. N, Pinellas Park. This is a great way to have fellowship with others from King of Peace. | |
As we prepare for our pastoral transition, mark these dates on your calendar. Rev. Renae's last Sunday as our Interim Pastor will be on April 28th. Following worship that day, there will be a special celebration to honor her ministry at King of Peace over the last 3+ years. If you plan to attend that celebration, please sign up in the foyer, so we know how much food to plan for.
Rev. Ray's first Sunday as Senior Pastor will be May 5th. During that service, Rev. Ray will preach and Rev. Renae will be present to participate in 'passing the mantle'. We hope you'll join us for both of these Sundays to celebrate what God has done through Rev. Renae and what God will do through Rev. Ray's leadership.
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We are offering a book study before worship on Brian McLaren's "We Make the Road by Walking". Every Sunday, we meet from 9:30-10:15 am, in Room 5. If you miss Sunday School, this is for you! Want to know more about the book or how to order it, click here. See Rob Pannett if you have any questions. | |
Join SunCoast MCC, our Moderator Rev. Cecilia Eggleston and her wife Orgena Rose, Marsha Stevens-Pino, Rev. Nancy Wilson, Rev. Renae and Terrie, and many MCCers on a 6 night cruise aboard the Carnival Paradise on September 30th-October 6th. Make your reservations today! | |
This month, the Good Samaritan Food Pantry is in need of donations of cereal and ramen noodles. If you are able to donate these items, please bring them to church with you on Sunday or you can drop them off at the church office Monday through Thursday from 9 am-5 pm. There will be a shopping cart in the foyer, just inside the front door, where you can please them. | |
Do you know of anyone within our congregation who might need some congregational care or for us to offer their name in prayer during Sunday service? If so, please email | |
Covenant Keepers is our Stewardship program for 2024. It provides an opportunity for you to make a covenant with God through King of Peace MCC in six areas of your life: Presence, Spiritual Growth, Prayer, Financial Support, Witness, and Service. This program is designed to help us grow as individuals and together as a Church.
Our theme this year is "There's No Place Like Home." What a journey we have been on to get “home”. As we settle in to our new facility, there is a lot to do at the church and beyond the church. If you haven't yet filled one out, you can still do so. Put it in the offering basket, mail it to the church office (6085 Park Blvd., Pinellas Park, FL 33781) or email it to
You can get an electronic copy of the Covenant Keeper Commitment Card here.
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Pre-Order Rebecca Wilson's Book | |
(Picture courtesy of Rebecca Wilson's Facebook page) | |
Many of you will remember Rebecca Wilson who was our special guest poet on Ash Wednesday. During the reading of her poetry, she mentioned that she had a book that was soon to be released. On April 23rd, her book entitled "Unraveling: Coming Out and Back Together" will be available for purchase. If you'd you to pre-order your copy from Amazon, click here.
To find out more about the book release or to receive a weekly offering of water-filled words each Wednesday direct to your inbox from Rebecca, follow 10 Camels on social media and subscribe on Substack at
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Total Monthly Budget for 2024: $24,956
Total Income for February 2024: $27,119.07
Total Weekly Budget for 2024: $5,759
Total Income for week of 3/17-3/23: $4,923.06
In-Person attendance for 3/17: 139
Facebook Live attendance for 3/17: 19
Online Views: 300
Class/Event Attendance: 19
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Remote Giving Options
with VANCO Mobile
In our continual effort to make giving easy for you, we are offering VANCO Mobile. This mobile app is accessible on your phone or tablet anywhere you are! Best yet, it is easy to use! Or you can access their website at For instructions on how to do this, click here.
If you have any questions about this or need some help, call the church office and ask for Melanie or send her an email at
Here are a few other ways to give your tithes/offerings to King of Peace:
- Call in your contribution to VANCO Client Services 800.675.7430
- Mail your contribution to King of Peace MCC (6085 Park Blvd, Pinellas Park, FL 33781) or you may drop it by the church office Monday - Thursday 9:30 AM - 4PM.
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