The Church Bell

Vol. 8, No. 2

Holy Week and Easter Sunday 2024

Time to clean up and get ready!

March 23rd Work Day at the Church - 9:30 a.m.

As we look ahead to Holy Week and Eastertide, it's time to do some spring cleaning on the church campus!

We can use some helping hands on Saturday morning at 9:30 a.m. We will do our best to finish before noon.

March 24th is Palm Sunday

March 24th is Palm Sunday, also known as the Sunday of the Passion. The service recalls Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem as the crowds spread palm branches along the pathway. 

In place of a sermon, we will read the Passion Gospel According to Matthew that recalls Jesus' arrest, trial, crucifixion and burial. This final time of Lenten preparation will lead is to the joy of Easter morning and the glorious news that Jesus is Risen.  

Come and worship with us at the 11 o'clock hour. The service will begin in the parish hall with the Liturgy of the Palms, and then proceed over to the Nave for the remainder of the service.

Also, on March 24th, we will finish the last lesson in our Lenten Bible Study during the 10 o'clock Sunday school hour in the parish hall. All are invited to join us, even if you haven't attended previous lessons.

March 28th: Maundy Thursday Service

The various Cowan churches will gather for a shared Maundy Thursday on March 28th, 6:00 p.m., here at St. Agnes'.

Rev. Ronnie Pittenger will be our speaker.

Maundy Thursday recalls the Last Supper that Jesus held in the Upper Room with the Disciples. The Last Supper is where Jesus gave the new commandment. (The word "maundy" is based on a Latin word that translates to "mandate" or "commandment".)

All are invited to a meaningful time that reflects on Jesus' time before he was crucified. The service is sponsored by Cowan Ministerial Association.

Being that St. Agnes' will be the host church, we will need members of our church family to arrive early to help with set-up and other preparations for the service. If you can arrive around 5:30 p.m. it will be most helpful.

March 29th - Good Friday Gathering

The Good Friday gathering is a solemn service that recalls the events of Jesus' arrest, trial, crucifixion, death and burial.

The service, based on Stations of the Cross, will be hosted by Cowan First Baptist Church beginning at 6 p.m. 

Cowan First Baptist Church is located at 316 W. Cumberland St. The gathering is hosted by the Cowan Ministerial Association.

March 30th - Lighting of the New Fire

On Saturday evening, March 30th, at 6:15 p.m., we will light the New Fire on the front lawn at St. Agnes'.

This short prayer gathering comes from the Easter Vigil in the Book of Common Prayer.

The "New Fire" brings together the light of God in Creation as well as the Light of Christ in the Resurrection.

The New Fire that we start in the front lawn we then carry into the Nave for the lighting of the Paschal Candle, which we will light every Sunday during the 50-day Season of Eastertide.

March 31st: Easter Sunday Services

The various Cowan churches will gather on Easter SUnday at 6:30 a.m. at Cowan Montgomery Cemetery to celebrate the discovery of the empty tomb and the news that Jesus is risen!

Our speaker will be Pastor Cynthia Jolley Gray from Cowan Fellowship Church. The cemetery is located at the end of South Willow Street in Cowan.

The service is sponsored by the Cowan Ministerial Association. (Rain location: Cowan Fellowship Church.)

We will hold a festival service at St. Agnes' on Easter Sunday, March 31st, at the usual 11 o'clock hour.

After the service we will gather for our annual church family photo.

Invite your friends and extended family to join us in joyful praise to Jesus who is risen in glory!

Updates from our extended church family

Kathleen Black is struggling to maintain strength and needs our continuing prayers. We are hopeful that she can build her blood count and get back to a regular routine.

Wynona Gibson is recovering from shoulder surgery and able to return home. We hope that she gets the results she needs to feel better and have her pain under control.

Nancy Glenn is situated in a healthcare center in Florida and making a strong recovery. Her voice is stronger and she is feeling stronger. If and when she meets her physical therapy goals, Nancy will be able to move into an assisted living facility.

Christie reported that her father, The Rev'd Scott James, is having some good days and feeling more like his old self. Thanks be to God! We were pleased to see him on Sunday March 17th when he came to worship with us!

Linda Milligan has recovered from two rounds with Covid - one in December and the other in January. Thankfully, she has recovered well!

Coddy Murphy is returning from overseas deployment in early April and will move back to Cowan in mid-April. We look forward to seeing him!

Steve Pearson is generally comfortable and situated. Some days are more challenging than others, and the entire Pearson family appreciates everybody's continuing prayers.

Jack and Marcia Ruffin were at church on Sunday March 10th and we were glad to see them! Jack has recovered from pneumonia and is gaining strength.

Carla's granddaughter, Kristina Scruggs, is home and recovering from open heart surgery. We are thankful for her progress!

Pat Underwood is doing generally well. She appreciated the card we sent following the untimely death of her grandson.

Duncan Weddington is also struggling with general weakness. Please pray for his strength and well-being.

Get Ahead on Recent Sermons
Take full advantage of our online presence, especially if you are unable to attend services in person.

Here are some of our recent Video Sermons:
"Truly glorified" from March 17th
"John 3:16" from March 10th
"The banks of their time" from March 3rd
"In the wilderness" from February 18th
"Teaching and healing" from February 4th
"Prophetic teaching and authority" from January 28th
"Faithful and humble obedience" from January 21st

Spring Birthdays

April 7 - the anonymous parishioner

April 7 - Montana Smith

April 15 - Dane Leitzel

April 23 - Mandy Summers

May 2 - Ella Grissett

May 4 - Greg Cheek

May 9 - Carla Wilson Money

May 11 - Steve Pearson

May 28 - John Ng'oma

May 31 - Kathleen Black


"Watch over thy children, O Lord, as their days increase; bless and guide them wherever they may be. Strengthen them when they stand, comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall; and their hearts may thy peace, which passeth understanding abide all the days of their lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."

We Uphold in Prayer

Kristina Scruggs, Kathleen Black, Jack Ruffin, Nancy Glenn, Gloria Stuart, Scott James, Mike Cunningham, Jonathan Mahaffey, Tony Newmann, Leanna Morris, Shane O'Dear, Heather Martin, Steve and Rose Pearson, Harold Black Jr., Scott James, Wynona Gibson, Gene Black, Marty Judd, Iris Ellidge, Mary McDonald, Roy Tankersley, and Linda Milligan.

We pray continually for Christians around the world in grave danger.

We pray especially over the crisis and conflict in Israel.

We pray for those in our armed services, especially Coddy Murphy and Anthony Russell.


"O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayer, and grant to your servants the help of your power, that their sicknesses may be turned into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."

Sunday Service ....................................11:00 a.m.
Sunday School .....................................10:00 a.m.

Location/Address: 105 England Street E., PO Box 356, Cowan, TN 37318
Telephone: (931) 636-6313
E-mail the church
The Rt. Rev'd John C. Bauerschmidt..................Bishop of Tennessee

The Rev'd Sam Ponniah.....................................Visiting Priest

L. Jarod Pearson.................................................Lay Reader