Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in Holy Week
(March 25-27)
8.30am Morning Prayer
5.00pm Confession (or by appointment)
6.00pm Evening Prayer
6.30pm Eucharist
These are quiet, reflective services that follow Jesus the days before his crucifixion.
The homilies at the Eucharists will continue our Lenten sermon series
on the collect of the day.
Maundy Thursday (March 28)
8.30am Morning Prayer
5.30pm Evening Prayer
6.30pm Eucharist at Watch until 11pm
This service begins the observance of the holiest days on the Christian calendar.
This night commemorates Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples and the institution of the Holy Eucharist,
but also reflects on his commandment to love on another.
Good Friday (March 29)
8.30am Morning Prayer
12noon Meditation on the Last Seven Words
A service of prayer and music, reflecting on Jesus’ last words from the cross.
5.30pm Evening Prayer
6.30pm Good Friday Liturgy
This is the main Good Friday observance with hymns, veneration of the cross,
and communion from the reserved sacrament.
8.00pm Commemoration of the Burial of Our Lord
A service that brings Good Friday to a close as we reflection in prayer and Scripture
on Jesus being laid in the tomb and as we sit in hope of the resurrection.
Holy Saturday (March 30)
8.30am Matutina (Morning Prayer in Spanish)
6.00pm Evening Prayer
Easter Eve (March 30)
7.00pm Easter Vigil
The great and ancient Easter celebration when the Paschal Candle is blessed, we listen to God’s saving work in history and proclaim the new life made known in the resurrection of Jesus.
Easter Day (March 31)
8.00am Eucharist
10.00am Eucharist