Dear brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus, part of the growing repentance remnant, cleansing as His Bride, getting ready for His soon return as our Bridegroom-----

On May 20, 2024 we had a remarkable three hour zoom call for National/Global Repentance for South Africa. Participants not just from South Africa, but from Malawi, Kenya, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Australia and the USA, repenting in private with the Holy Spirit, declaring His Kingdom Sovereign over the enemy, were "of one mind, one accord." Acts 2 came alive! The first issue repented over was Failure to Follow God's Word: the failure to stand with Israel and the failure (Luke 24:47) to preach His gift of repentance and remission of sins. We also covered and repented for the bloodshed, the killing of innocents, and the racism, hate, bitterness and revenge that accompanies that demonic anti-Christ spirit. We also repented for any idolatry, including witchcraft, greed, corruption, pride, and sexual perversions. Powerful Declarations then followed, speaking Scriptures testifying to His Light and Life over the upcoming South Africa elections. If you wish a copy of the power point slides used on the zoom, either Susan Hammer or I will gladly send the set to you. Here is the You Tube link: as a relief from world's pressures, this will bless you:

At the same time there is a major move among pastors in Malawi, thanks to Bishop Joesph Kazembe, with what we are calling the "Joseph Project." The old wineskin spirit of religion is dying; the colonial mindset which encouraged begging for funds is dying; fresh thinking from the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit has birthed a new "Joseph Project" patterned after Joseph, son of Jacob, in his key leadership role in Egypt. We read in Genesis 41:45-57 that Joseph used the Wisdom of the Lord to plan for and provide food in a time of famine. Joseph named one of his sons Ephraim" For God has caused me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction." (Genesis 41:52). That is now our prayer for every young person in Africa; for each to come OUT of the world, find OUT her or his life purpose (John 15:16), and then plant fruit of the Holy Spirit, spiritually and in physical plantings, to support the OUT movement, bearing fruits of the Holy Spirit which will remain!

Here is a recent series of emails from our brother Joseph Kazembe:

Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord Jesus Christ .

One of prominent leaders former General secretary of Baptist church in Malawi send me this audio recommending the Joseph project this is awesome and it humbles me to hear from Church leaders on this Project ,It's my prayer that we will be able to penetrate in every district and region including people who are in Government to appreciate the vision and hopefully they will join and support the project,

This coming Friday we have to travel Nthondo 100Km from Lilongwe to grace the launching of Joseph project in the area,

Pray for us it's long distance and mountainous Road we really need to service the car and have enough gasoline to be there ,

It's time of sowing and we will rejoice when reaping the fruits, Pray for the youth leadership and pray for me personally l need strength the demand is high almost every district they call us ,

May good Lord bless NDR  remember every district needs not less than $500 to launch the project we only started in Lilongwe East now we are going to Nthondo Ntchisi District 

Today l was in  area 24 with precious kids remember Jesus said let them come to me  in Lilongwe it was me with future generations and in Dowa was Winstead Chipangula with Men of God praying and planing for Joseph project in Dowa Leaders were encouraged to be real salt and Light of the world by showing the love of God to the needy hence putting the hands together for betterment of others.

May Good Lord continue his love to all of us we want to see Dowa and other districts catch the fire Lilongwe has started we need more believers who believe in Joseph project to support this project in every district 

What a great day For area 24 we are casting the Joseph project idea to children as well soon they will be bringing something little to catch the vision of Joseph project, Train them young future they will not depart from it our plans is to plant in them the spirit of giving removing the spirit of begging , Joseph project is taking the direction of changing the future through mindset change ,

John 15:16-17 He choose us to bear fruits which will remain

These precious souls will not be cheated by religions and traditions of men these kids will talk about life in Christ being reality in present world as we wait for coming of Jesus Christ while working until he comes 

Drying the maize ready to fill it in bags of 50kgs we have started well let's put hands together .

Nothing for us without us our mission is to obey what the master is saying , we need more support towards this project 

Leaders from Dowa have shown more interest to take part in this project and tomorrow they are meeting in Dowa town asking our team to shed more light to them , Since l am in Lilongwe East  we will send some members to go to Dowa  tomorrow morning we need some funds for transport to and from Dowa We are praying for it to be possible 

The project is most welcomed with all church leaders wherever we went The mission of mindset change to leaders is hot subject because it demands repentance , Changing of direction and religious patterns that control us to be where we are today, we are done with vision casting in Lilongwe East,

Below you bucket full of maize filling in 50kg bags of from bucket 🪣

We will see many youths in those areas and bringing bucket 🪣 of Maize and fill it in 50KG bags.

Thank you and the whole NDR family for supporting this project 

Now we need gasoline to go back home or we sleep and again accomodation


Adding to the Joseph Project is this beautiful prayer based on Isaiah 55:

Dear Pastor Joseph,

We are told to come to the Lord, you have. You listen carefully and pay attention and thanks to Jesus Christ, the covenant He made with Abraham is yours. The promises assured to David are yours. The Lord declares, “My thoughts are not your thoughts and your ways are not My ways.” But I believe through your repentance ministry, you are thinking His thoughts and walking in His ways. I pray Godly rains saturate, germinate and grow every seed planted to provide abundant food for the body and soul. “My word that comes from My mouth will not return to Me empty,

but it will accomplish what I please and will prosper in what I send it to do.”

Dear Lord and God Almighty, may the harvest be abundant from the Godly seeds that are sown through the Joseph Project. As You prosper this work, may it make a name for You, Yahweh, with an everlasting sign that will not be destroyed. I ask this for Pastor Joseph’s ministry, Pastor Jeff’s ministry and all the ministries devoted to Jesus Christ. Amen

Please join me in seeding into this "Joseph" project!


The purpose of National Day of Repentance is to Awaken the Body of Christ globally through His Gift and His Joy of repentance.

NDR counts on you to support us. We are two volunteers, forwarding funds you donate to NDR in turn to repentance-based ministries, now in 10 different nations. We are helping to increase the Flame of the Holy Spirit lit through His Gift of repentance, thereby bringing many into His Kingdom, and then advancing His Kingdom and Cleansing His Bride . In every case, food is an issue for these men and women of God and their families and neighbors. Thank you in advance for giving, in the sacrificial spirit of Luke 8:3, and 2 Corinthians chapters 8 and 9. As you give food to the hungry, you stand with the King as one of His sheep. (Matthew 25:35).

God bless you,

Pastor Jeff Daly

National Day of Repentance


The Lord makes it clear: Luke 13:1-5, repent or perish. Here's a NDR video on this key scripture:

and this video on ETERNITY, 7 pounds of dust:

Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

2 Corinthians 7:1

National Day of Repentance |