The Olga Lengyel Institute (TOLI) is pleased to share our Spring 2018 Newsletter TOLI provides professional development seminars for educators in the US and abroad that link the lessons of the Holocaust and other genocides to current world events, thereby working with teachers to promote a human rights and social justice agenda in their classrooms. For further information, please visit .
The Olga Lengyel Institute for Holocaust Studies and Human Rights
Quarterly Newsletter | Spring 2018
Transnational Seminar in Austria
In March, 12 American teachers traveled to Innsbruck, Austria for the second transnational seminar with Austrian counterparts. There, they engaged in workshops on anti-Semitism, comparative narratives of WWII and the Holocaust, and other subjects.
At TOLI, Rep. Maloney Presents Bill to Fund Holocaust Education
On April 10, Holocaust Remembrance Day, Rep. Carolyn Maloney presented at TOLI the Never Again Education Act, which she introduced to the US Congress. The bill would enable funding for Holocaust education programs around the country.
OP-ED. As Holocaust Denial Becomes More Mainstream, ‘Never Again’ Must Begin in the Classroom
The Jewish Week of New York published an op-ed by TOLI leaders David Field and Mark Berez, warning about the legitimization of Holocaust denial.
Donna Amelkin, TOLI Alumna and Parkland, FL. Teacher: Coping With Tragedy and Facing New Challenges After School Shooting
TOLI to Hold 12 Satellite Seminars in 2018
TOLI will run 12 seminars in communities across the country, the largest number in its history. The summer 2018 schedule, which will include a new seminar in Mississippi, reflects TOLI’s ongoing effort to expand its nationwide network of Holocaust and social justice educators. Applications are still being accepted on a rolling basis.
New Seminars in Poland and Portugal Added to European Programs
TOLI will convene Holocaust education seminars in Poland and Portugal this year, along with annual seminars in Romania, Bulgaria and Greece. The seminar in Poland, to be held in early July at POLIN, The Museum of Polish Jewish History in Warsaw, will take place after assurances from Polish officials Jewish and academic leaders, that the new law concerning Holocaust in Poland will not influence the seminar. The Portuguese seminar, scheduled for October in Lisbon, will feature the rescue of thousands of Jews who escaped the Nazi genocide with safe passage through Lisbon to the West. 
25 Educators From Around US Selected for Summer Seminar in NYC
The 2018 summer seminar promises one of the strongest cohorts in 20 years, bringing 25 educators from across the US to spend 12 days in a professional development seminar drawing upon the history and lessons of the Holocaust to address contemporary issues. As a group, their teaching spans middle school through university, and represents a range of disciplines.
The mission of TOLI is to educate students in the United States, Europe and other parts of the world about human rights and social justice through the lens of the Holocaust and other genocides so that such atrocities may never again take place.