Safe Holidays for Animals

Holidays are just around the corner. We know you’re busy, and disaster prep might not be on your mind right now. To help you be prepared for whatever, back by request, with some updates, here’s our handy HOLIDAY HAZARDS checklist for your pets, equines, and backyard farm animals, and your guests! It’ll help keep the critters happy and give you greater peace of mind.

As always, we’ve included good resources, too. So, without further ado, read on! And please, clip, download, and share with neighbors, friends, family, colleagues, everyone. Help us help keep animals and their people safe, well, and together.

Big or Small -- Safety for All

How to keep animals and visitors happy.

It might seem obvious, but your animals, small or large, might not be up for an onslaught of petting, “pony rides”, or games. It’s always a good idea to spend some time explaining proper animal etiquette to visitors, especially kids and teens. Plan time to accompany them and supervise interactions between visitors and your pets, equines, and family farm animals.
Avoid a trip to the ER!
  • Insist that guests wear sturdy, closed-toe shoes, or boots around your hoofed animals.
  • You provide the treats, limit the quantity, and demonstrate the safe way to offer them.
  • Set ground rules at the start of guest stays that will keep people and animals safe.
  • Check gates and latches frequently if guests are meandering around Animal areas.

Safety at Home or Away

Whether you’re an animal owner whose pets, equines or other companion animals are traveling with you, or staying home with a caregiver, an Emergency / Disaster Action Plan is essential.

If you own or manage a Pet-Friendly vacation rental, Inn, guest ranch or resort, you can help your guests and your community be being prepared for animals—as well as people — who might have to shelter for an extended period at your property. Here’s a useful guide for all!

You can download our “Animal Emergency Prep Guide for Animal Sitters” here and review all your animals’ needs with the person(s) caring for them. This document has lots of info for travelers and Airbnb hosts, too.

From our HALTER Project family to yours, wishes for safe holidays filled with love, beauty, and companionship. 

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