December 2022

A Time to Appreciate Our Community's Good Fortune

On behalf of the TEAM board of directors, loyal sponsors, and hard working volunteers, we wish you peace and happiness this holiday season. We have many things planned for the New Year. This is an exciting and transformative time in our city, which has yet again risen to the challenge of another hurricane. You expected TEAM volunteers to be at the heart of the cleanup and we were. And we are always looking for volunteers! The storm has provided us with an opportunity to remember what this community is all about…neighbor helping neighbor. 

See you at the Punta Gorda Burg'r Bar February 16th

Enjoy the companionship of TEAM officers, friends and volunteers. All are welcome from 5:30 - 7:00 PM in the courtyard for light refreshments, cash bar and prizes. Bring your friends and associates! Learn what TEAM is all about! We turn 20 in '24.

New Community Garden Organized on Virginia Street

TEAM Punta Gorda recently organized a challenging garden clean-up on Virginia Avenue, the site of a previously abandoned community garden near the Blanchard House Museum. It is a collaboration between TEAM, the City of Punta Gorda, and a recently formed neighborhood group called Happy Hour Marketplace, organized by local community leaders James Abraham and Charles Edwards. Workers included volunteers from TEAM’s History Park Community Garden, the Happy Hour group, and the Charlotte High School Junior Navy ROTC. Look for the in-depth story in our January issue.

Pictured right, a work in progress on Virginia Avenue.

TEAM Actively Recruiting Volunteers for the New Year

Share your passion and as little or as much time as you wish working with TEAM. Our community is full of talented, motivated people who share our vision for the greater community. We welcome your participation.

Learn more.

Parting Holiday Shot

TEAM's engaging Outreach Committee participates in the lighting of Fisherman's Village. From left to right: Lisa Colgan, Jan Koenings, Janet Jarr, Ruth Dibene and Chair Gina Silvidi-Cairns.

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TEAM Punta Gorda is a volunteer-driven organization committed to making Punta Gorda a wonderful place to live, work, and play. We invite your time, talent, and treasure to champion TEAM. Contact us at  If you or your business would like the special recognition received by Platinum Sponsors, please give us a call at 941-637-8326.