
2023 Holiday Card

In case you missed it, here’s the beautiful 2023 Civil Air Patrol holiday greeting card. While previous cards have been aviation-centric, this year’s edition offers a more human touch featuring a mission pilot from the North Pole Composite Squadron. Cards, and a collectible tree ornament with the same art, are now available at Vanguard while supplies last.


Photography Contest

The first Capture CAP photo/video contest is in the books. See the top submissions for each category at this link. We’d like to thank everyone who took the time to submit entries. If you missed the opportunity to participate in the contest this year, start shooting pictures and video now so you’ll have plenty of potential entries to choose from for the 2024 contest. 

Squadron Posters

Civil Air Patrol recently signed a licensing agreement with Squadron Posters to begin producing CAP-related art. MAC has a number of projects in the works with Squadron Posters, including a unique poster for each wing, and more. And if you’ve been longing for your own piece of CAP art based on the vintage aircraft seen in the Timeline Flight poster from the 80th anniversary, the Silvered Wings series, or one of the CAP Ninety-Nines pieces like the Ryan ST-A flown by CAP pioneer Willa Brown, here’s your chance.



CAP's PROPS newsletter just celebrated its fourth year of publication as the organization’s primary semi-monthly news digest, available to members and family, alumni, educators, legislators, and more. The content is meant to be shared, so please feel free to forward and encourage people in your sphere of influence to subscribe. Those interested can simply click the button below and type the words “PROPS subscription” in the subject line to be added to the distribution list. 

Subscribe to 'PROPS'

Impact Features

The MAC team is always looking for individuals and units to highlight in the monthly CAP Impact features published in and highlighted in PROPS and our national social media channels. These articles feature:

  • An individual (member, staff, or cadet) who has done or is doing something that’s making a difference in their community, in school, and/or in CAP.
  • A CAP program or unit making a difference in their community, with CAP cadets, or in another way.
  • An event that illustrates how a CAP program or unit is making an impact.
Submit an Impact Feature
BRAND MANAGEMENT                                                                                         

Wing Website Unification

Congrats to the early adopters who have already started the process of updating their wing websites. The Oklahoma Wing model site is now live and is an example of using the latest content from the Resource Library, while other wing sites are in the review process. As a reminder, you can start updating your wing’s website any time, even before your wing’s assigned date.


Information about the Wing Website Unification Project can be found on the CAP Websites page on This page includes links to the directions to make updates to your website in SiteViz, several tutorials, recordings from the various strategy and training meetings, and also FAQs for the project. Once the website unification project is complete, all 52 wings will have the most up-to-date and accurate information about CAP programs and activities and will be ready to accept automatic updates as needed without lifting a finger.


There’s always something new to discover on the Brand Portal. MAC recently added two sticker designs similar to the ones often given away at air shows and events. They’re great for windows, bumpers, laptops, even a sleigh.

Brand Compliance

The Brand Management team meets biweekly to assist members and staff with brand compliance. If you have a brand-related question, can’t find what you need on the Brand Portal, have a request for something new, or need a review of an item you created, simply email the brand team.

Contact the Brand Team

December 2023     |     Vol. 1     |     No. 5

CAP Marketing & Strategic Communications

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