Hello All. 

I send Best Wishes to you and hopes that 2023

will be a Happy and Successful year.

Would you have any hockey skates and other hockey equipment, sticks, tape, helmets etc., which can be sent to our friends in Red Sucker Lake?

It would be great if you could help out. 

Details re: where to drop off and times equipment can be accepted are below. 

May you all live long and happy lives. 

The Rotary Club of Winnipeg

is accepting donations of

Hockey Equipment, Ice Skates, Sticks and Pucks for the

Red Sucker Lake community.

Donations are being accepted between January 4 - 27, 2023

Donations may be dropped off

between the hours of...

8:30am - 4:30pm

Monday to Friday

at the Rene Deleurme Centre,

511 St. Anne's Road. 

*Please ask for Melissa Brown.

Click here for Google Maps

We greatly appreciate your help!

My Vision

My vision is to have all

people RISE ABOVE things

they didn't know they

could RISE ABOVE from.

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