His Wisdom Made Known
"His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms"
Ephesians 3:10
Greetings Ministry Partners,
Nowadays, this world is being affected greatly in all areas of society, politics and the economy. But thank God, this true God never changes. His deep will, plans and His great love are enduring. The Word of God always remains faithful and true.
Our primary mission of CCI is to challenge churches to dedicate their lives to obedience to the Word of God. And this is a month of rejoicing to see God's workers, both full-time and part-time, becoming more confident in doing their ministry.

The CCI Thailand staff has been trained in the bible and apply the knowledge of the Truth from the Word of God as they work and in personal life. This is the reason why these people perform their ministry efficiently and effectively.
Our main mission, apart from teaching the Bible, also emphasizes the philosophy of the relationship between learners and teachers.
This month, I had the opportunity to go on a field trip with our CCI coordinator Pastor Jimmy to visit and follow up with teachers and students in the wilderness. We had a good opportunity to meet and talk to each other. We find that these students, even though they are in difficult areas, are waiting for the time to learn the Word of God. They are focused on being well-trained in the scriptures. We believe that good learning must be done by doing and doing it together by helping each other, which is an expression of love and conveys life; for life is the heart of making disciples. Besides these people being trained, all of them are farmers, but they seek time to speak about Jesus Christ to bring salvation to others.

So I'm glad and praise God for the CCI ministry, which God has given me to take care of in Thailand. And I believe that I am not alone in ministry, but that you are always praying and remembering us here.
With love and sincerity,

Kittikun Meetang
CCI Thailand National Director
Testimony from a Student
"My name is Sara. First of all, praise God for the CCI training, the instructors, and everyone involved. Learning from CCI is like receiving divine revelation through it. Before, I had no real understanding, but now my eyes are enlightened and I understand deeply. Both the Old Testament and the New Testament have very strong faith and many blessings through faith. And most importantly, I learned that God's words are raising lambs from the church, making us stronger in spirit. And when we are strong, we have the power to evangelize and take care of each other in the church, for both new believers and church members. This includes being an example according to the teachings of God, without living according to the flesh. Spending time with the Bible, living the Bible, and sharing it with others is the goal of the CCI training. And I'm trying hard. It is a very good study and course for me. It made me have many changes and opened my eyes. Thank you very much. May God bless you."
Sara Jamaru
Please consider supporting one of these Coordinators below. Click on a name to learn more and to donate:
Prayer Requests & Praises
  • Pray for our Coordinator planning for a Teacher Training Workshop (TTW).

  • Pray for Crown Ministry training with a team from Thailand.

  • Please pray for spiritual harvest arising from doing missions during this past Christmas. There were many people who believed in Jesus Christ. We look forward to seeing new churches emerge from the ministry of teachers and students.

  • The staff of CCI Thailand is looking forward to the Global Conference to be held here in Thailand in November. Many would like to go, but do not have the money to travel to Chiang Mai. Please pray for God’s provision for this. If you feel led to help, please click HERE.
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