The High Holy Days are a sacred time on the Jewish calendar for intense personal reflection and spiritual growth. Where are you? This year we must ask ourselves this question as we prepare ourselves both physically and mentally for the High Holy Days. To guide you, Hineni: Here I am, a weekly email series is designed to help make this time personally meaningful. Look for an email from Temple Sinai every Friday through October 9 with a video teaching from our clergy, a personal reflection from a Temple Sinai member, liturgical music, and High Holiday programming details. May this be a season of growth, renewal, and reflection for you. Shana Tovah!
Hineni: Rosh Chodesh Elul -
August 20-21, 2020
Rabbi Sam Hollander:
Ayeka "Where are you?"
We have so much on our minds at this moment. This High Holy Day season is so different anything we have experienced before. We might ask that question, "Where am I?"... To answer this question, we say "Hineni: Here I am."

Listen to learn what it really means to say "Hineni."

Cantor Saralee Shrell-Fox:
Psalm 27 - אחת שאלתי
(Paul Schoenfeld)
During the month of Elul we sound the shofar and we recite Psalm 27. To prepare ourselves for the season, listen to the sound of the shofar and words from Psalm 27 Achat Sha'alti, "the one question I ask of God is how to get closer to God's house."

אלול Elul: To Love Others Begins With You
I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine (Song of Songs 6:3)
אֲנִי לְדוֹדִי וְדוֹדִי לִי
The first letters of the verse "I am my beloveds, and my beloved is mine" spells out the Hebrew month Elul אלול. On Tu B'Av, the Jewish Day of Love, Rabbi Hollander, Sydnie Ciment, and Dara Rahill discussed the significance of Tu B'Av and modern matchmaking. Before making a match, it is first important for a person to self-reflect. Similarly, in this month of Elul leading up to Rosh Hashanah, we are to take part in Cheshbon Hanefesh "accounting of the soul." As we prepare ourselves for the new year and Teshuva, repentance, let take some time this month to reflect on ourselves so that we may enter into stronger and healthier relationships in 5781.

To learn more about Tu B'Av and the connection to Yom Kippur, click here to watch "Baking and Matchmaking" on the Temple Sinai Facebook page.