Hillsdale Knights Bulletin ~
April 26, 2024
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What's Happening at Hillsdale | |
Knights Families,
Can we just say---WOW?!? We are truly in awe of the outpouring of support for Teacher Appreciation Week 2024. We can't begin to thank you enough!! We know that the teachers and staff are going to love all that we have planned. If you want to sign up to donate for the week -or- the May Hospitality, there's still time and some donation slots. Click here Teacher Appreciation/May Hospitality to check out what is still needed.
Last night, Knight Moves opened! Here is a sneak peek...KMXXVI Sneak Peek There are still some tickets available. Buy tickets here: KMXXVI Tickets/Donations. Can't make it? Use the ticket link to donate in support of our dance program.
Tonight and tomorrow night--we are doing VAPA double duty with Knight Moves AND One Acts from our drama students. You will surely be in awe of our talented students. Our advice, attend one performance tonight and the other tomorrow. But our best advice--arrive early for parking!!
This week, we had Democracy Day, hosted by our Senior Class. Seniors presented projects to the other classes. We heard it was quite successful! Thanks to all of the seniors and their advisors who made this day possible. Senior families--don't forget to check the Seniors' Corner for the latest information affecting your senior.
Did you notice we have added a "District Update" section to our bulletin?? SMUHSD sends us updates and information on happenings around the district.
We are just over two weeks away from our 16th Annual Golf Tournament!! If you haven't signed up to play -or- decided to join us for the auction/dinner portion, it's not too late!! Sign up today---http://tinyurl.com/29fr6jfs Can't wait for this fun afternoon and evening!!
Still interested in helping out next year, but not sure of how/when/which boosters? Reach out to us hhsknightsptsopresident@gmail.com and we can connect you to the booster group you are most interested in supporting. No experience necessary and no commitment required when we send you to booster groups. We would love having you!!
Have a great weekend. Next week's bulletin is our first for May...and then we are in the final weeks of the 2023-2024 schoolyear. Get ready, Senior families...
Jen and Holly
HHS PTSO Co-Presidents
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HHS Athletic Contests Calendar
Come Support our teams! GO FIGHTING KNIGHTS!
Home games are in BLUE
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HHS Sports Information Webinar
Dear HHS Community -
On Tuesday, April 30th we will hold a Sports Information Webinar from 6:30-7:30pm for the 24-25 athletics year. During this time we will provide information about the following:
- Programs offered
- Process for signing up
- Medical clearance expectations
- Eligibility requirements
- Athletic booster opportunities
- Coaching Contacts
The meeting information is below. We look forward to seeing you there.
Day: Tuesday, April 30, 2024
Time: 6:30-7:30pm
Meeting ID: 952 3064 7333
Zoom Link: https://smuhsd-org.zoom.us/j/95230647333
Go Knights!
James Madison
HHS Athletic Director
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For Families of Students Taking AP Exams
Please review the AP Testing Day of Logistics document found here on the Hillsdale website - https://www.smuhsd.org/Page/1896 for all information. It includes information about the date, time and location of the AP exams, what you can and cannot bring to your AP exams, etc.
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Knight Moves XXVI
We are incredibly excited back to the Hillsdale High School Auditorium, April 25-27, for our 26th production of Knight Moves! Tickets are now ON SALE!
Visit Hillsdale Dance (https://www.hillsdalehighschooldance.com/) for more information on tickets and ways to contribute to this amazing program! We hope to see you there!
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Hillsdale Drama presents: The One Acts
When: April 26 & April 27 at 7:00 pm
Where: Hillsdale High School Little Theater
Come enjoy 5 short one act plays directed and performed by Hillsdale High School advanced drama students. Admission is free for all and the plays are family friendly. Please come support and celebrate our students' efforts, especially our graduating seniors as they take our stage one last time.
A Dance with Death - Death - Owen Kalmbach, Olive - Annabella Lew, Directed by Zev Rodnitsky
Music Maybe - Mel - Samuel Kemp, Slug - Kamaria Williams, Heidi - Sophia Shelton, Bay - Nolan Sibley, Directed by Ashley Sibley
Insomniac - Jen - Grace McCollum, Doctor - Dylan Elliot, Officer - Aidan Sheridan, Rue - Karen Barrios Espinoza, Directed by Livia Teixeira Pereira
The Hauntings on Willow Street - Alice - Sydney Shell, Quinn - Andrew Altorfer, Robert - Nolan Sibley, Chris - Rhea Prakash, Daisy - Grace McCollum, Nancy - Max Nayak, Directed by Ava Rivera
The Dating Circus - P.T. Bailey - Jonah Immanuel, Veronica - Sarah Zancanella, Gary - Felix Cyr, Directed by Abby Bartfeld
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Hillsdale Community Closet - Summer in Style
Hello Hillsdale families! Join the Community Closet in supporting community members in need by donating to our final drive of the 2023-24 school year: Summer in Style. We are hoping to collect donations to stock the closet for Back to School shopping next school year.
Please consider donating tank tops, shorts, hoodies, jeans, HHS swag, and essential items. Donations can be placed in the donation boxes outside of the dance room, Del Monte stairs, or between the North and South gyms– or to the Alameda parking lot on Wednesdays from 2:45-4 pm or Fridays from 7:45-9 am.
Thank you for your continued support!
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Shield Yearbooks ~ Only 250 left!
Do not miss out! There are less than 250 copies left and we sold out last year. Please buy your copy by May 10, so we can organize the spreadsheets and be ready for distribution. The Shield 2024 has been submitted to the publisher, and all the fabulous hard work by the Yearbook Staff will be distributed starting May 17 at Senior Knight and all of the following week during lunch and after school.
Buy your copy here: https://ybstore.friesens.com/768274.
If you are not sure whether you bought a copy already, please email the yearbook adviser, Sally Rayn (srayn@smuhsd.org) and include the student's name.
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Finals Care Packages
by The Hillsdale Effect
The Hillsdale Effect's Finals care packages are now available for order - last day to order is May 10! Order here: bit.ly/carepack24
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HHS Annual Golf Tournament
Support Our Athletes! Please join in the fun and SWING AWAY at our annual Golf Tournament on Friday May 10th. See the flyer for all the details! GO FIGHTING KNIGHTS!
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Virtual Blood Drive
My Sophomore Passion Project is organizing a Virtual Blood Drive! What does that mean? You scan the QR code to sign up to donate blood on a date of your choice and a Red Cross donation location of your choice!! Be a hero and donate before May 1st! Thank you! Sophia Flores
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Peace Panty/Community Garden/Community Closet
Hillsdale Community Closet: If you would like to volunteer at our Community Closet (Alameda Parking Lot) in April, please email bstevenson@smuhsd.org for information.
Our new hours to volunteer or drop off clothes/essential items will be Wednesdays from 2:30pm-4:00pm.
*Please follow us on Instagram @hhs_community_closet
Hillsdale Community Peace Pantry: We need April volunteers to work the drive thru OR deliver groceries to 2-3 families who do not have transportation. If you would like to volunteer in April, please sign up here.
Hillsdale Community Garden: https://www.hhscommunitygarden.com/ Our Hillsdale Community Garden provides organic fruits and vegetables to Hillsdale families enrolled in our Peace Pantry. Primary volunteer opportunities are Thursday harvest support from 3:30pm-5:00pm. Please follow us on IG at @hhs_community_garden for updates.
-Weekly volunteer opportunities (1.5 hours a week). This is our core volunteer team in the garden and it is made up of parents, alumni parents, HHS staff, students and community members. This team meets every Thursday at 3:30pm in the garden. If you are interested, please sign up here for more information.
-Adopt a Raised Bed Program. Teachers or families can adopt a bed for our upcoming season. We will plant on April 20th and begin harvesting in late July through late October. If you are interested, please sign up here for more information.
If you are interested in volunteering, please email Brett Stevenson at bstevenson@smuhsd.org.
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April 29: Districtwide Financial Aid Workshop
All SMUHSD 12th graders and their families are invited to get in-person help with FAFSA or CADAA / Dream Act Applications on Monday, April 29.
Workshop details:
Monday, April 29, 6 - 8 p.m. at the San Mateo High School Library
Additional information:
- As a reminder, it is a graduation requirement that you have to file for financial aid:
- No RSVP required - just show up!
- Any student is welcome to attend any workshop, regardless of what school they attend.
- A Spanish-speaking staff member will be on hand to help with the application process.
- Please bring your school-issued Chromebook or a personal laptop
- Students might need the following to complete their applications: tax returns, net worth of investments / businesses and current balances of cash and bank accounts.
Questions? Contact your school site's College, Career and Financial Aid Advisor.
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Taller para llenar la Solicitud de Ayuda Financiera FAFSA of CADAA/Dream Act el 29 de abril
Este taller está abierto a todos los estudiantes del grado 12 y sus familias. Obtenga ayuda para llenar la Aplicacion FAFSA o la Aplicacion Dream Act el 29 de abril.
Fecha y lugar del taller:
Lunes, 29 de abril, 6 - 8 p.m., Biblioteca de San Mateo High School
Información adicional:
- Recuerde que, ¡ahora es un requisito de graduación que usted tenga que solicitar ayuda financiera!
- Usted puede asistir a cualquiera de estos talleres sin importar la escuela a la que asista su estudiante.
- No es necesario confirmar su asistencia, ¡simplemente preséntese al taller!
- Un miembro del personal bilingüe estará disponible para ayudar a las familias de habla hispana con el proceso de solicitud.
- Traiga su chromebook proporcionada por la escuela o una computadora portátil personal.
- Es posible que también deba traer su declaración de impuestos del último año. Su estudiante debe estar con usted durante este proceso de llenar la aplicación.
Si tiene preguntas, por favor contacte al Asesor del Centro de Colegios y Carreras de su escuela.
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April College & Career Newsletter
Dear 12th grade Families:
Greetings, and welcome back from Spring Break!
Here is the latest newsletter.
Highlights of this Senior Newsletter:
Community college updates: last Priority Enrollment Program/College Orientation for CSM on 4/23; Skyline and Cañada orientations
9 new scholarships, including one for people who are Swiss, one for students who are active in the Filipino community, those who have been involved with Drama at HHS, and more!
Money: FAFSA/CADAA deadlines and upcoming workshops; reading financial aid award letters.
- Trades & College program event upcoming on Tuesday, April 9 AT Hillsdale. Come talk with college, military and trades reps!
As always, drop by if I can be of service.
Ms. Burtness
Laura Burtness, LBurtness@smuhsd.org
Hillsdale's College, Career, and Financial Aid Advisor
650 558 2613 (direct line)
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Life After Hillsdale
If you missed the Hillsdale Counseling Department's annual "Life After Hillsdale" event and college, military and program fair - Here is the PowerPoint presentation,
if you'd like to review any of the information. Recorded workshops and ppts from the year can also be found here.
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Volunteer Opportunities for Teens!
The inclusion of an opportunity in this document is not an endorsement or recommendation by SMUHSD.
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Important District Updates | |
Updates from SMUHSD
For the latest updates, please click here.
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Fentanyl Awareness Day
The Hillsborough Youth Commission is hosting a Fentanyl Awareness Day event on April 27, from 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. at Crocker Middle School, aimed at raising awareness around opioid usage and preventing overdoses. Come for opportunities to connect with professionals in government and healthcare, learn about opioid abuse and epidemiology, and experience a raffle with chances to win free tickets to art museums and ballets.
Follow the Hillsborough Youth Commission on Instagram to stay up-to-date: @hillsboroughyouthcommission
Learn more about the Hillsborough Youth Commission, made up of youth, including students from Aragon, Burlingame, Hillsdale and San Mateo High Schools.
Speakers at the event include:
Senator Josh Becker, California Senate District 13
Elizabeth Walker, Colin Walker Memorial Foundation
- Supervising Inspector Christopher Smith, Hillsborough Police Department
- Superintendent Nancy Magee, San Mateo County Office of Education
- Representative from San Mateo County Behavioral Health
- Representative from Central County Fire Department
NO RSVP required.
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Ways to Support Hillsdale | |
Support Hillsdale by becoming a Basementeer!
Sports Basement is spinning the traditional “loyalty” program into a win-win for their loyal customers and our community. Basementeer’s receive 10% and give 10%:
- 10% off every item every day
- 10% of profits back to Hillsdale High School
Please watch this one minute video to get the idea
On your next visit to Sports Basement, register as a Basementeer and select Hillsdale High School as your beneficiary! Better yet, register online and the $25 fee is waived!
Please visit Sports Basement – they have stores throughout the Bay Area including Redwood City and San Francisco) or visit them online at https://shop.sportsbasement.com/
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