Hillsdale Knights Bulletin ~
May 10, 2024
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What's Happening at Hillsdale | |
Hillsdale Families,
It's been such a great Teacher Appreciation Week, as we celebrate Education Appreciation Month!! With the support of our amazing HHS families, we were able to give our teachers and staff a week to remember. Every day this week, there were food treats and takeaways. Scroll down for pictures. A special thanks, also to our Leadership Students who helped make sure the week went off without a hitch!
We have one last hospitality event at the end of the month--our end of the year luncheon. If you are interested in donating items, click here. Thanks to all who have already signed up.
Monday, we have our final PTSO meeting of the year! It will be in person and via zoom, so we hope you can make it. We still have a small handful of open positions. Please let us know if you are interested.
- Parliamentarian
- Historian
- Parent Mixers**
- Career Days
- College Hospitality**
- Latino PA Liaison**
A little VAPA Update: Our Spring HIT performance will be in the Little Theater at 7:00pm. Next week, the Spring Concert Series will start with Choirs & Orchestra May 16th at 7:00pm in the Auditorium and Bands & Jazz Ensemble May 22nd at 7:00pm. Scroll down to see flyer for purchase information.
Tonight, is our long awaited Golf Tournament to help support our Athletics Program. We know that the Athletics Boosters and the fundraising team are ready for a fabulous event.
As we near the end of the school year (and end of high school for some) you may be doing some clothing purging. We would love it if you could bring those new/gently used clothing items to school for use at our community closet. The Peace Pantry and Community Closet appreciate your support.
Senior families, please check the Seniors' Corner for the latest senior information. All classes, don't forget to get your yearbook--by May 16th, or when they run out.
Last, but most certainly not least, we would like to bid farewell to our Foundation Director, Katherine Goodman. Although her time with Hillsdale was short, she has made a positive mark on our community that will last for years to come. Thanks, Katherine! The HHS students and community will miss you.
Only three more bulletins for this year...have a great week!
Jen and Holly
HHS PTSO Co-Presidents
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Teacher Appreciation Week Photos | |
For Families of Students Taking AP Exams
Please review the AP Testing Day of Logistics document found here on the Hillsdale website - https://www.smuhsd.org/Page/1896 for all information. It includes information about the date, time and location of the AP exams, what you can and cannot bring to your AP exams, etc.
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Finals Care Packages
by The Hillsdale Effect
TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO ORDER! The Hillsdale Effect's Finals care packages are now available for order. Order here: bit.ly/carepack24
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Shield Yearbooks ~ Only 200 left!
Order a Yearbook by May 16 to guarantee delivery. (Unless we sell out before then).
Do not miss out! There are only 200 copies left, and we sold out last year. The Shield 2024 has been submitted to the publisher, and all the fabulous hard work by the Yearbook Staff will be distributed starting May 17 at Senior Knight and all of the following week during lunch and after school.
Buy your copy here: https://ybstore.friesens.com/768274.
If you are not sure whether you bought a copy already, please email the yearbook adviser, Sally Rayn (srayn@smuhsd.org) and include the student's name.
Thank you for your support!
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Your copy should address 3 key questions: Who am I writing for (audience)? Why should they care (benefit)? What do I want them to do (call-to-action)?
Create a great offer by adding words like "free," "personalized," "complimentary," or "customized." A sense of urgency often helps readers take action, so consider inserting phrases like "for a limited time only" or "only 7 remaining!"
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Music Booster Meeting at Celia's Restaurant
We invite music families to join us to celebrate the end of the year. It will be meeting lite!
Wednesday May 15 @ 7pm
Celia’s Restaurant
Laurelwood Shopping Centre, 3190 Campus Drive
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Spring Concert Series
Join us for a thrilling night of music at the final concerts of the year!
Choirs & Orchestral: May 16th @ 7pm
HHS Auditorium
Bands & Jazz Ensemble: May 22nd @ 7pm
HHS Auditorium
Tickets available: www.hillsdalemusic.blogspot.com
Students are free. $10/Adults, $5/Seniors.
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Personalized Jackets - Hillsdale Athletic Boosters' Fundraiser
Hello HHS Families and Friends! Support the Hillsdale Athletic Boosters! Get ready to show off your school spirit in style with our personalized jackets! Whether you want your name, graduation year, or favorite club personalization, we've got you covered. Don't miss out—order yours by July 20th and stand out from the crowd!!
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Hillsdale Community Closet - Summer in Style
Hello Hillsdale families! Join the Community Closet in supporting community members in need by donating to our final drive of the 2023-24 school year: Summer in Style. We are hoping to collect donations to stock the closet for Back to School shopping next school year.
Please consider donating tank tops, shorts, hoodies, jeans, HHS swag, and essential items. Donations can be placed in the donation boxes outside of the dance room, Del Monte stairs, or between the North and South gyms– or to the Alameda parking lot on Wednesdays from 2:45pm-4:00pm or Fridays from 7:45am-9:00am.
Thank you for your continued support!
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Peace Panty ~ Community Garden ~ Community Closet
Hillsdale Community,
May is a month of gratitude for our dedicated volunteer team at the Peace Pantry. On May 29th at 5:30pm we will host a dinner in our Community Garden to celebrate the four year anniversary of our Peace Pantry. In addition, we will recognize our dedicated volunteer team who show up on Friday mornings to load boxes of food into cars or who deliver weekly groceries to families. Our collective actions as a community who gives their time to volunteer and financial support to address food insecurity is what makes the Hillsdale Community special. If you would like to volunteer in May, please sign up here.
We are grateful for our Community Garden Team and all of the volunteers who helped prepare our summer garden. Primary volunteer opportunities are Thursday harvest support from 3:30pm-5:00pm. If you are interested in volunteering, please email Brett Stevenson at bstevenson@smuhsd.org.
*Please follow us on Instagram, @hhs_community_garden, for updates.
Gratitude and appreciation for our dedicated student and adult volunteer team at the Community Closet who work tirelessly in support of families and students. If you would like to volunteer at our Community Closet, please email bstevenson@smuhsd.org for information.
*Please follow us on Instagram @hhs_community_closet
Finally, we are excited to launch our Summer/Back to School Clothing Drive at our Community Closet. We are hoping to collect donations to stock the closet for Back to School shopping next school year. Please consider donating tank tops, shorts, hoodies, jeans, HHS swag, and essential items. Donations can be placed in the donation boxes outside of the dance room, Main Office, Del Monte stairs, or between the North and South gyms– or to the Alameda parking lot on Wednesdays from 2:45-4 pm or Fridays from 7:45-9 am.
Hillsdale Stands Together!
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Important Graduation Information for Students and Families
12th grade students and families!
Graduation is May 30th! Please review the documents linked below for important information for students and families about graduation day:
Graduation Day Information for Students
Graduation Day Information for Families/Guests
Congratulations to the Class of 2024!
List of Upcoming Senior Events:
Friday May 17: Commit to Your Future Event in Advisory
Friday May 17: Senior Knight @ 7:30pm-11:30pm
Monday May 20: Senior Day @ 8:00am-4pm
Tuesday May 21: Senior Awards Night @ 6:30 PM
Thursday May 30: Graduation Rehearsal @ 8am-12:50pm
Thursday May 30: Graduation Ceremony @ 4:30pm-7pm
Thursday May 30: Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk @ 8pm-3:15am
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May College & Career Newsletter
Latest (and last!) 12th grade newsletter
Greetings 12th grade families!
Here is the latest (and last!) 12th grade newsletter.
Highlights of this newsletter:
- Community college enrollment information
- How to organize student classes for a community college.
- Support for FAFSA/DREAM (not too late! Community college-bound students have until Sept 2)
Awards Night is May 21.
- All students need to fill out the Naviance End of Year survey
- What should your student be doing in May?
- More scholarships!
It's going to be a celebratory month! I look forward to seeing your students at the Commit to Your Future event on May 17, Senior Awards night on May 21 and of course, I'll see everyone at graduation.
As always, contact me with questions or concerns.
Ms. Burtness
Laura Burtness, LBurtness@smuhsd.org
Hillsdale's College, Career, and Financial Aid Advisor
650 558 2613 (direct line)
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Life After Hillsdale
If you missed the Hillsdale Counseling Department's annual "Life After Hillsdale" event and college, military and program fair - Here is the PowerPoint presentation,
if you'd like to review any of the information. Recorded workshops and ppts from the year can also be found here.
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Volunteer Opportunities for Teens!
The inclusion of an opportunity in this document is not an endorsement or recommendation by SMUHSD.
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Important District Updates | |
Updates from SMUHSD
For the latest updates, please click here.
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Peace in Schools: Why Mindfulness Education Matters
Friday, May 10, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Janice Martellucci, Executive Director, Peace in Schools
Register: https://peaceinschools2024parentventure.eventbrite.com
Simultaneous Spanish interpretation will be available.
Join Janice Martellucci, Executive Director of the non-profit Peace in Schools, to learn more about their groundbreaking programs and why mindfulness is a highly effective antidote to teen suffering and isolation.
This free presentation is sponsored by Sequoia Union High School District, Sequoia Healthcare District, and Peninsula Health Care District, in partnership with The Parent Venture.
Questions? Contact Charlene Margot, MA, Co-Founder and CEO, The Parent Venture (The Parent Education Series), at cmargot@parentventure.org.
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Paz en las escuelas: por qué es importante la educación en mindfulness
Viernes, 10 de mayo de 2024, 12:00pm –1:00pm (hora del Pacífico), evento virtual (en vivo)
Janice Martellucci, directora ejecutiva, Paz en las escuelas
Registro: https://peaceinschools2024parentventure.eventbrite.com
Habrá interpretación simultánea en español disponible.
Unirse Janice Martellucci, Director Ejecutivo de la organización sin fines de lucro Paz en las escuelas, para obtener más información sobre sus programas innovadores y por qué la atención plena es un antídoto muy eficaz contra el sufrimiento y el aislamiento de los adolescentes.
Entrada gratis. Esta presentación está patrocinada por el Distrito escolar secundario de Sequoia Union, Distrito sanitario de Sequoia y Peninsula Health Care District, en asociación con The Parent Venture.
¿Preguntas? Comuníquese con Charlene Margot, MA, cofundadora y directora ejecutiva,The Parent Venture (Serie de educación para padres), en cmargot@parentventure.org.
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How to Navigate Difficult Conversations with Your Kids
Wednesday, May 15, 2024, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Donald E. Grant, Jr., PsyD, Founder, Mindful Training Solutions, LLC
Register: https://drdonaldgrant2024suhsd.eventbrite.com
Simultaneous Spanish interpretation will be available.
In this session, Dr. Donald E. Grant, Jr., PsyD, development expert, will guide parents through navigating difficult conversations with their children and teens, and provide practical tools to foster open communication and understanding within the family dynamic.
This free presentation is sponsored by Sequoia Union High School District, Sequoia Healthcare District, and Peninsula Health Care District, in partnership with The Parent Venture.
Questions? Contact Charlene Margot, MA, Co-Founder and CEO, The Parent Venture (The Parent Education Series), at cmargot@parentventure.org.
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May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Mental health is essential to our overall well-being, yet schools across San Mateo County are reporting increasing numbers of students are experiencing mental health challenges.
School-based mental health services help address barriers to learning and provide appropriate student and family support. As we enter Mental Health Awareness Month, we encourage all educators, students, and families to prioritize their mental health and support others in receiving the help they need.
Learn more about mental health and wellness resources offered in SMUHSD schools: www.smuhsd.org/wellness
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Mayo es el Mes de la Concientización sobre la Salud Mental
La salud mental es esencial para nuestro bienestar general, sin embargo, las escuelas de todo el Condado de San Mateo informan que un número cada vez mayor de estudiantes experimentan problemas de salud mental.
Los servicios de salud mental en las escuelas ayudan a abordar las barreras al aprendizaje y brindan apoyo adecuado a los estudiantes y sus familias. Al empezar el Mes de la Concientización sobre la Salud Mental, alentamos a todos los educadores, estudiantes y familias a priorizar su salud mental y apoyar a otros para que reciban la ayuda que necesitan.
Obtenga más información sobre los recursos de bienestar y salud mental que se ofrecen en las escuelas de SMUHSD: www.smuhsd.org/wellness
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May is Jewish American Heritage Month
Jewish American Heritage Month provides an opportunity for all to celebrate and draw inspiration from Jewish Americans’ many contributions to our nation’s history and culture.
Jewish Americans have faced discrimination and adversity, with many continuing to be impacted by antisemitism. This year, we recognize May as Jewish American Heritage Month and encourage all to celebrate Jewish Americans and work to erase antisemitism in our communities and nation.
At the April 25 board meeting, Burlingame High 12th Grader Leah Chili, read the Jewish American Heritage Month Proclamation, which was approved by the board: www.smuhsd.org/proclamations.
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Mayo es el Mes de la Herencia Judía Americana
El Mes de la Herencia Judía Americana brinda una oportunidad para que todos celebren y se inspiren en las numerosas contribuciones de los judios americanos a la historia y la cultura de nuestra nación.
Los judios americanos se han enfrentado a la discriminacion y la adversidad, y muchos siguen viendose afectados por el antisemitismo. Este ano, reconocemos el mes de mayo como el Mes de la Herencia Judía Americana y alentamos a todos a celebrar a los judios americanos y trabajar para borrar el antisemitismo en nuestras comunidades y en nuestra nacion.
En la reunión de la junta directiva del 25 de abril, Leah Chili, estudiante del 12º grado de Burlingame High School, leyó la Proclamación del Mes de la Herencia Judía Americana, que fue aprobada por la Junta Directiva: www.smuhsd.org/proclamations.
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May is Educator Appreciation Month
May is Educator Appreciation Month - and we recognize regardless of a person’s title or role in the San Mateo Union High School District, that all of our employees are educators charged with the awesome responsibility and privilege to inspire, nurture and teach our students so that they may achieve their best possible personal outcomes. Our employees are all educators by virtue of their choice to work in our District and work with our students!
Watch student board representatives (https://www.youtube.com/live/6k8-Af_3IPQ?si=5Xq2EW0vddS5etf9&t=1399) Kaya Jimenez (San Mateo) and Shreya Gupta (Aragon) read the proclamation that was presented at the April 25 Board meeting.
You can find all of our proclamations on our website: www.smuhsd.org/proclamations
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Mayo es el Mes de Agradecimiento a los Educadores
Mayo es el Mes de Agradecimiento a los Educadores, y reconocemos que independientemente del título o función de una persona en San Mateo Union High School District, que todos nuestros empleados son educadores encargados de la increíble responsabilidad y el privilegio de inspirar, nutrir y enseñar a nuestros estudiantes para que puedan lograr los mejores resultados personales posibles. ¡Todos nuestros empleados son educadores en virtud de su elección de trabajar en nuestro Distrito y trabajar con nuestros estudiantes!
Vea a las estudiantes representantes de la Junta Directiva Estudiantil Kaya Jimenez (San Mateo) y Shreya Gupta (Aragon) leer la proclamación que fue presentada en la reunión de la Junta Directiva del 25 de abril (https://www.youtube.com/live/6k8-Af_3IPQ?si=5Xq2EW0vddS5etf9&t=1399)
Puede encontrar todas nuestras proclamaciones en nuestro sitio web: www.smuhsd.org/proclamations
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May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Month
Every May, we celebrate the historical and cultural contributions of Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) – a group that includes more than 24 million Americans across the country, with 6.7 million in California alone.
The AAPI community has made lasting contributions to our nation’s economic prosperity, technological advancements, and social/political change while navigating significant cultural and systemic barriers. Learn more through the National Endowment for the Humanities, which provides resources centering around the experiences, achievements, and perspectives of the AAPI community.
At the April 25 Board Meeting, student board council members read the Asian American and Pacific Islander Month Proclamation, which was approved by the board: www.smuhsd.org/proclamations
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Mayo es el Mes de la Herencia Asiática-Americana y de las Islas del Pacífico
Cada mes de mayo, celebramos las contribuciones históricas y culturales de los Asiático-Americanos y de las islas del pacífico (AAPI), un grupo que incluye a más de 24 millones de estadounidenses en todo el país, con 6.7 millones solo en California.
La comunidad AAPI ha hecho contribuciones duraderas a la prosperidad económica de nuestra nación, a los avances tecnológicos y al cambio social y político, sorteando importantes barreras culturales y sistemáticas. Obtenga más información a través de la Fundación Nacional para las Humanidades, que proporciona recursos centrados en las experiencias, logros y perspectivas de la comunidad AAPI.
En la reunión de la Junta Directiva del 25 de abril, los miembros del consejo estudiantil leyeron la Proclamación de los Asiático-Americanos y de las Islas del Pacifico, que fue aprobada por la Junta Directiva: www.smuhsd.org/proclamations.
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Ways to Support Hillsdale | |
Support Hillsdale by becoming a Basementeer!
Sports Basement is spinning the traditional “loyalty” program into a win-win for their loyal customers and our community. Basementeer’s receive 10% and give 10%:
- 10% off every item every day
- 10% of profits back to Hillsdale High School
Please watch this one minute video to get the idea
On your next visit to Sports Basement, register as a Basementeer and select Hillsdale High School as your beneficiary! Better yet, register online and the $25 fee is waived!
Please visit Sports Basement – they have stores throughout the Bay Area including Redwood City and San Francisco) or visit them online at https://shop.sportsbasement.com/
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