Weekly update from High School Principal Donna Hutcheson and Assistant Principal Bonnie Atkins and Director of HS Judaic Studies Sara Block
September 17, 2023 / 2 Tishrei 5784
HS Newsletter
Our High School students are immersed in leadership roles that prove AYA is where Jewish leaders are made! Just some of the activities that show our students in action:
SWU taps 3 AYA Seniors
Seniors Natalie Emmett, Daniella Gorny, and Danielle Levkovich have been named by StandWithUs as participants in the 2023-24 Kenneth Leventhal High School Internship program.
On Tuesday, our student-led Rosh Hashanah Buddy Program united Middle School and High School students to foster new friendships and a shared sense of belonging in our school community. Together, our students baked carrot muffins, crafted heartfelt Shana Tova messages, and hand-delivered these baked goods to Jewish seniors at The Reserve and The Legacy.
Basketball Buddies
Seniors Dalia Lampert and Daniella Gorny, along with Friendship Circle of Dallas, hosted a Basketball Buddies program Sunday in the Schultz Family Gymnasium. More than 50 children and volunteers showed up to ensure inclusivity and sportsmanship for all!
Musical Selichot
On Motzei Shabbat, AYA students, parents, and community members came together for a moving musical Selichot led by Rav P'daya. Throughout the week, we continued to prepare our hearts and minds for Rosh Hashanah with lively, spirited Selichot each morning.
College Counseling
Our Class of 2024 continues to apply for colleges and seniors and juniors are attending information sessions from visiting universities. Some of the schools that have visited our campus are: Tulane, The University of Texas, Purdue, Michigan, and the University of Miami, among others.
TOMORROW! (Mon, Sept 18) — During Hebrew Classes
Legacy Studios will be taking student ID and yearbook photos. Please note that Class of 2024 cap and gown photos will be taken Tue, Oct 31.
2:25 pm Mon, Sept 18: Early Dismissal — Tzom Gedalia
Mon, Sept 25:No School — Yom Kippur
9 am Tue, Sept 26:Delayed Start (Doors open 8:40 am)
Noon Fri, Sept 29:Early Dismissal — Sukkot
Challah may be ordered directly from Ron the Baker (email). Orders will be delivered to your child in their classroom on Friday morning to bring home.