2023 High Holiday Food Drive

As we get ready to celebrate the High Holidays, we also will continue our tradition of collecting food to help our neighbors who are struggling with food insecurity. Our help is needed to ensure there is ample food on the shelves of the Person to Person food pantry. Our previous efforts have made a difference in the lives of so many in our community and we are hoping to exceed past donations this year.


Distribution of Bags

Empty bags, with a list of requested foods, will be available to be picked up at the Temple as of Friday, 9/15 for those participating in the services virtually. The bags will also be handed out to each family at Temple on Rosh Hashana. Congregants can use their own bags, if preferred. Please fill the bags with food and return them to the truck parked at the Temple on Yom Kippur or any day until Wednesday, 9/27.

Items Most Needed - NO EXPIRED FOOD!

Please check dates on food items prior to adding them to your bag. Expired food cannot be used!

Kid Friendly Cold Cereal                                Snacks/Cookies

Oatmeal (variety packs)                                 Mac and Cheese

Nutrition/Breakfast Bars                                Canned Hearty Soup

Rice (1 lb. bag)                                               Healthy Beverages/Juice

Dry/Canned Black or Kidney Beans               Sugar/Salt/Cooking Oil

Pasta and Sauce                                            Toilet Paper

Peanut Butter and Jelly

Volunteers - Calling All Families

Many volunteers are needed to help unload the truck and sort the food! Since we can’t unload the truck on the Sunday following Yom Kippur as we have typically done (due to Sukkot) we will unload and sort at TBE on Wednesday 9/27 beginning at 3:00pmIf you are interested in volunteering, please sign up using the following link: https://bit.ly/hfd23

If you have questions, please contact Sharon Turshen at: sjturshen@aol.com or call at 203-921-8014.

Temple Beth El
350 Roxbury Road | Stamford, CT 06902
203-322-6901 | www.tbe.org
  An inclusive, spiritual community
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