WASH Away Polio
WASH-RAG News – October 2021

Visit us at: WASH-RAG.org 
Follow us on Facebook at: WASH Rotary Action Group
Today is World Polio Day
Save the Date
Friday June 3, 2022
Registration details for the Houston USA Summit will be available soon.
Did you know that polio is just one of many diseases transmitted through contaminated water, poor sanitation, or inadequate hygiene?

This year's WASH-RAG Summit will be a virtual and in-person event. We will explore the relationship between WASH, polio and other serious diseases. You will hear from Rotary leaders on our progress eradicating polio and how you can help
improve health and well-being through WASH programs.
Exciting FREE Virtual Webinar Nov 4 and 5th
The upcoming webinar on Tools & Resources
for Rotary WASH in Healthcare facilities
will feature two icons of the WASH world!

Arabella Hayter, WHO, will join us Thurs. Nov. 4 from Malaysia,

Arabella has been a member of the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene unit at the World Health Organization since 2015. She works on WASH in health care facilities with a particular focus on country capacity building, training and support and has provided training on WASH FIT in nearly 20 countries. Her background is in public health, nutrition and anthropology.
Maggie Montgomery, PhD, WHO, will join us Friday Nov. 5 from Geneva.

Maggie is an environmental engineer with experience in research, public health, and fixing pipes. For the past 10 years she has worked in the Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Health team at the World Health Organization, working to improve access to water and sanitation, particularly in healthcare facilities.
Both our guests will share the WHO's Facility Improvement Tool (WASH FIT) and other valuable WHO resources, for assessment, tracking improvement, training etc.
"People of WASH-RAG Story"
This month listen to a very special WASH-RAG Story. The choir from Kenya sings their thanks! Click the video below to hear their thanks in their own words.
What are our WASH WARRIORS doing?
"Dive in, get inspired, learn from each other, dig deeper."
WASH Warrior Steve Werner invited us to join him at the Posner Center Symposium 2021

The Symposium is bringing together diverse points of view from around the world to focus on shifting power, diversity, and decolonization in social impact and global development work. Our speakers are joining from 15 countries and 10 different states to share their experiences, ideas and lead a rich collage of discussions.
October Solar Safe Water Update
ESRAG and WASH-RAG challenged the entire Rotary family to ​help provide​ ​water to the province of Kenya and Tharaka. 
Do you like Facebook & Instagram?

Do you like hearing about Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene? Then please like us on Facebook & Instagram!

You can learn about upcoming events, interact with other WASH-RAG members, and watch exclusive videos like our own video, "John's WASH-RAG Story."

Join the People of WASH!


How do you Serve to Change Lives?
The WASH Rotary Action Group thanks its devoted Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Advocates!

YOU make a difference for people all over the world.

Is your club or organization doing something we should know about?

Email us details of your project at info@wasrag.org
Calendar of Events
24 Oct 2021 - WORLD POLIO DAY
19 Nov 2021 - WORLD TOILET DAY

22 Mar 2022 - WORLD WATER DAY
Submit your stories, videos, and pictures for upcoming Newsletters to us at info@wasrag.org.
The WASH Rotary Action Group is pleased to consider partnerships with any corporate supporter. Due to the unique attributes of water sources and water provision, acceptance of corporate support does not imply an endorsement of any particular water technology. Rotarians, Rotary Clubs, and Rotary partners must evaluate any technology to determine if it is the best solution for the conditions where the program will be implemented. The WASH Rotary Action Group can provide guidance about where different technologies work best, but Rotarians and Rotary clubs must make the final decision about how to implement their programs. Email us about your ongoing or finished project at info@wasrag.org.

This Rotary Action Group is RI-recognized and operates in accordance with Rotary International policy, but is not an agency of, or controlled by, Rotary International. To learn more please contact the WASH Rotary Action Group by email at infor@wasrag.org Thank you.