Join us for breakfast every
Sunday from 9:00 AM to 9:45 AM
Online Worship

Young at Heart

July 21 // CAC Dining Room // following worship

Senior adults! Join us following worship in the CAC Dining Room for a time fellowship with a yummy lunch by Ann Edgecombe and a program, "God and Country," by Ken Perry. Reservations are helpful but not required.

Ruth Bailey //

Preschool Drive

July 21-August 4

The school year is quickly approaching! We'll be having a preschool drive to benefit Lakewood Preschool! This is just one way that Lakewood is able to support this ministry. Our teachers have compiled a list of wants and needs for the upcoming school year that you can find below! You can also find some items on the apple tree in the back of sanctuary. Your support is much appreciated!

Amazon Wish List


If you know of anyone at home or in the hospital that would like to be visited or needs visiting, please let our Minister of Visitation, Bill Shuck, know. He is more than happy to visit anyone homebound or sick. Feel free to reach via text or email.

Bill Shuck //


this week

Lakewood's Youth Group meets on Sunday nights from 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM.

Join us for dinner, games, worship, small groups, and more!

Aglow Youth Choir meets on Sundays as well at 5:00 PM 

Youth Week

If you haven't already, be sure to sign up for Youth Week activities! You don't want to miss it!


stay in the loop


Join us on Thursdays at 6:30 for 21 STRONG. Ages 18-98 are welcome to attend. Bring water and a mat or towel and meet in the fellowship hall. We'll start with word and prayer, move into stretching and warm-up, then review and perform your individual workout with the group while inspired by song. The weekly 21 STRONG sessions are geared toward building your physical strength in order to better serve others.

All are welcome!

Office Hours:

9:00 am - 4:00 pm (Mon-Thurs)

9:00 am - Noon (Fri)


(904) 733-8477

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