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It's About The Relationship!

This week's message:

"Let’s Open Presents”

See Previously Recorded Messages

Happy Thursday Church! (3 days until Christmas Eve)

It is simply so challenging to fully realize that we have made a complete trip around the sun, as we celebrate the Christmas Holiday Season. This Advent has been very special. I hope that you have taken time to soak it in. The promises of Advent really do outline for us what we are to be about the rest of the year. We exist to give people HOPE. We work for and pray for a Christ PEACE in our lives and the world. We model what real JOY is in the life of a Jesus follower and of course, we realize that it all began and continues to be about God’s LOVE for us.

I must say thank you again to our staff and ministry volunteers for helping Freddie and I get through last week. Freddie is feeling much better but laying low until after Christmas. He has every intention of being with us on Christmas Eve, so your continued prayers are much appreciated.

I hope and pray that you and your families will be in worship on Christmas Eve. It, of course, is a blessed night for us as a church AND a blessed opportunity for us to show our guests what we are all about. I also want to encourage you to be open to meeting those first time or yearly guests. Even if they do not know it … there attendance with us is a sign that God is still working. Let’s make the most of it!

Until Sunday, Christmas Eve, I encourage us all to read through Luke’s Gospel, chapter 2 every day. Approach it with wonder and awe and be surprised. It is a story that is so full … its contents can keep our minds and hearts engaged. Ask questions of the text and then Google some answers. Let the story draw you in like never before.

I say every week, “I love being your pastor.” Your hearts and active participation in the life of our church is such an inspiration. As you navigate this week before Christmas, be safe, be loving, give people the benefit of a doubt and offer second, third, fourth etc. chances when you perceive someone has forgotten or failed you. That is the spirit of Christmas!

Holding you close and lifting you high!

Pastor Greg

A Message from Pastor Debbie

Merry Christmas!

I want to thank everyone for your kind words last Sunday. It was a special service for me, especially to have my kids reading the Advent Candle.

I look forward to the next few months of relaxing and listening to God.

The office has been busy training Vicki Holland.


It will be open on Wednesday.


Pastor Debbie

Music Ministry

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The Longest Night

Today is the winter solstice or “the longest night of the year.” In San Diego, our night on December 21 is 14 hours and 11 seconds long, but in many parts of the world the night is much longer. The Christian church intentionally put Christmas right after the winter solstice to remind us that God comes into our darkest moments. In those times of our lives there is still always light and hope. The sun will rise again, the day will get longer and Christ is at the center of this new dawn.

I encourage you to do something to reflect on this longest night. Light a candle. Bang a drum. Go outside and look at the stars. Sing a song. Here is a song you could sing. I’m playing it at a little winter solstice gathering we’re hosting in our neighborhood. It’s called “The Longest Night” by Peter Mayer. He has a whole album called “Midwinter” that is a good listen.


Nations at War, Ukraine, Israel, and Palestine

For the lonely and those bereaving

Alf Clementson, recovering from surgery.

Sharon, mother of Ryan

Linda Hansen, sister of Colleen Clementson

David, friend of Rosemary

Freddie, recovering from surgery.

Oscar, brother in law of Butch Young

Larell, friend of Rosemary

Ivana, daughter of Anne Wallace

Dianne Florio

Joanne Jonas

Nina Melad

Our Church Leadership


This Sunday!


This Sunday, Christmas Eve morning, we will offer a very “unplugged,” intimate, worship time with Communion. This morning gathering will last only about 30 minutes.

Then, at 6:00 p.m. we will gather in the sanctuary for a Christmas Eve Worship Celebration. Christmas Eve and Easter are two days when we put many of our eggs in one beautiful basket. We always have visitors who want to worship in a church on Christmas Eve, as well as your extended families. Make plans now to be here, family in tow, and invite someone you know who needs what we have in this beloved community.



Sunday, Dec. 31st, Following Worship

Every year on the Sunday following Christmas we throw a birthday bash for the baby King Jesus. This year is no different. The Board of Trustees cordially invite everyone to Jesus’ birthday party, to be held on December 31st, following the Sunday morning worship services. There will be cake and party games, a fun time for all. This party is also a great opportunity for our members and friends to make sure they are all caught up on their yearly budget pledge for 2023. God has blessed us in amazing ways. Let us remain faithful to God, to Christ and to our dear Church.

The Outreach Ministry!

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When we see little Jesus in a manger instead of a bed, we may be reminded of babies today who are also in a state of need. We can help them by giving a gift more practical than frankincense or myrrh: diapers! In the narthex, we are collecting Gifts to the Manger through January 7th - any baby items are welcome, but diapers are especially appreciated. These will go to Escondido Interfaith to help families feel loved this holiday season. Thank you for your generous gifts.


Greetings from the Outreach Ministry


As this year comes to an end, all of us in the outreach ministry would like to thank you, our church family and friends, from the bottom of our hearts, for all the gifts you shared throughout the year.

Thank you for sharing God‘s love with so many people in our communities and beyond. Your kindness and generosity has touched others all around our world.

We send you blessings and love for the new year. May God continue to surround you and your families with love through the coming year.

With more gratitude than we can express, THANK YOU!!!!!

The Outreach Ministry

P.S. make sure you take a look at the end of the year annual report when it comes out. You will read just how much you were God’s hand and feet, and God’s face to others🙏🏼🥰

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The JOY of FOOD!

Each week there will be a “Recipe of the Week” for the Buzz!

There will be a red basket in the Narthex where you can drop off your favorite recipes or please email them to It can be any recipe from family favorites to ones recently discovered! We will be encouraging you to share your thoughts after you made the dish too. 

This weeks recipe is an Easy Vegetable Bake recipe.

Sent in by Candi L. Thank you Candi for sharing this big hit recipe from Sunday!

Click Here for an Easy Vegetable Bake Recipe!


Who's got an upcoming BIRTHDAY?  

The Community Church of Poway wishes the following members a Happy Birthday. We hope you have a blessed day celebrating YOU! 

Check back next week!


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Adult Scripture Review:

Sunday’s following worship in the fireside room!

Email Susan Gurriell


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Books & More

On Dec. 5 Books & More will begin our discussion of The Engineer's Wife by Tracey Enerson Wood. She built the Brooklyn Bridge, so why don't you know her name? Emily Roebling built a monument for all time. Then she was lost in its shadow. Discover the fascinating woman who helped design and construct the Brooklyn Bridge.

Please note that we will not meet on December 26 or January 2.

Books & More meets on Tuesdays at 10:30 am in the Fireside Room.

All are welcome to join us.  

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Centering Prayer:

Tuesdays at 6:30pm

Contact Colleen Clementson at or on

her cell at 858-663-6584, for the ZOOM invite

Your Favorite Weekly Joke 

Thank you for checking out our BUZZ! Here is what you were waiting for! If you have a favorite joke or any tips to make the BUZZ even better, please send emails to :)

This weeks joke is sent in by John and Mina F. Thank you, John and Mina!

Joke of the Week:

What do a tick and the Eiffel Tower have in Common??

They're both "Paris-sites"

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