Happy Thursday Dear Church
I don’t know about you, but I was blown away by Rev. Brandon’s sermon on Sunday. His words and ideas challenged me in new ways, especially as it was centered around the three wise people/men/kings etc. Thank you, Brandon, for sharing your heart with us. We are blessed to have you and your family as part of this community of faith. I wonder how you are pursuing God’s promises this week. For me, I have pursued God’s promises by returning to a discipline of reading. I like to read, especially works that are geared toward pastors. It is always enlightening to me see the many ways the Bible can be understood. The three books I am now reading:
• “Thou, Dear God … Prayers that Open Hearts and Spirits” a collection of prayers from The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
• “The Secret Message of Jesus” by Brian McLaren
• “Friends, Lovers and the Big Terrible Thing: A Memoir ” by Matthew Perry
Obviously, the first two are ministry focused. The third is for enjoyment as you know what a fan of Perry’s I am. I am sure you will hear some about these works in the coming weeks as I often draw on novels for examples and inspiration.
This weekend, we will be celebrating the life, legacy, and teachings of The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., observing the MLK Holiday. As I have done many times before, I read and re-read some of Dr. King’s works in preparation for a message. This year, however, I am looking specifically at the prayers of Dr. King as opposed to his sermons and speeches. I hope you will be with us on Sunday to remember who we claim to be, often from the words and ideas of Dr. King, so that we may live more fully into the liberating message of Jesus.
The second party of our celebration will be honoring the work of both Assistant Pastor, Debbie Hallmark and Office Administrator, Pat Peterson, who are both are retiring. Congratulations ladies. After worship we will enjoy a Mexican potluck lunch. (Just to clarify, that means we are ALL bringing food to share.) If you have not been with us in person for a while, this would be a great Sunday to get out of the house and come to worship. FYI … in accordance with the traditions of the United Church of Christ, Pastor Debbie will be gone from us for at least 6 months, and you do not want to miss hugging her neck.
Until Sunday, continue to pursue the promises of God. As we pursue God … God draws near to us. That is a reason to celebrate. I love being your pastor.
Holding you close and lifting you high!
Pastor Greg