Reflections from Interim Head of School Greg Gilbaugh

As the Interim Head of School this year, I want to thank you for the opportunity to partner with you in the education and preparation of your children to be able to think, act, speak, and live not only now, but in the many years to come. As many of you have become aware, my background of dentistry, business, and ministry is not the usual resume for a Head of School. However, with eight of my nine children having attended Heritage, my experience with the school has depth. As a parent, I developed an appreciation for what Heritage was doing year after year. Now, being on the inside and seeing the daily workings of the school, I want to share with you some of my observations.

The school is better than you realize...

The teachers work harder than you realize...

As the Head of School, I need to do more than I realize...

And finally, although Heritage is really good, realize that the best is yet to come...

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All Hands on Deck!

From the Board of Directors

Heritage Families and Friends,

We are so grateful that God has answered our prayers by providing Dr. Greg Gilbaugh to serve as our interim Head of School at Heritage for the 2022-23 school year. The feedback that we have consistently received is that Dr. Gilbaugh is exactly who we needed to lead the school this year.

As the school year progresses, know that the Board along with teachers, staff, and a few parent volunteers, have been working diligently in the background. Some of the top priorities and needs are:


HOS Search for the 2023-24 school year and beyond...



EFE Banquet...


Board Members...

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Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP)

2022 Testing Results

Each year, students at Heritage Christian School take standardized tests. This past April our students took the Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP).

This test serves many purposes for our school and our students and measures student achievement and growth across different subjects. The results help parents and teachers identify a student’s academic strengths and monitor a student’s progress over time.

It also allows us to compare their academic performance to other students in the state allowing Heritage to formulate decisions on curriculum and instruction.

Outstanding results for Heritage students:


Theme Verse

Our theme for the school year is Faith[full] based on 

1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 "Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it."

In our elementary chapel, we've been following God's act of creation and seeing how God's faithfulness is evident from the very beginning in his care and promises fulfilled.

Middle School chapel is working through I Thess. 5 where Paul is encouraging believers to grow in their Christ-likeness and then culminates in our theme verse reminding us that he who calls us to these Godly characteristics is faithful. 

Please pray with us that throughout the year our students would be full of faith...seeing God's faithfulness in their own lives and families and also learning to trust that God will be faithful in the future.

Teaching for Transformation

Early Adoption

This year Heritage continues the process of implementing Teaching for Transformation (TfT). In early October all of our full time teaching staff had the opportunity to spend the day at either Pella Christian, Oskaloosa Christian, or Timothy Christian School. This was an opportunity to see how these schools, who have been using this model for several years, are implementing TfT and to gain wisdom and ideas as we continue to implement the model here at Heritage.

While the entire staff continues to be introduced to TfT, four teachers, the Early Adopters, are also receiving additional training and putting...

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Heritage Happenings
Get a glimpse of day to day activities

Check out a few highlights from our year so far by clicking the links below:

PreK Fall Activities

Kindergarten Wilson's Apple Orchard Field Trip

2nd Grade Niabi Zoo Field Trip

Third Grade Children's Museum Field Trip

See You at the Pole

Donuts with Dads

Annual Fund

Interested in donating to our Annual Fund? Information will be mailed out next week but feel free to click below to see our website for details on our current Needs List for 2022.

Annual Fund

Heritage Christian School exists to serve Christ by partnering with parents to provide biblically faithful, academically excellent education. The vision of Heritage Christian School is to be a leader in developing passionate life long learners committed to Christ.

Heritage Christian School


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