Reflections from Head of School Scott Montgomery
As a former History teacher, I love to look back on the circumstances, documents, and events that have shaped our world, country, communities, and people. History majors at Stanford University are provided an overview of their course of study when they enter the university. The document includes information that prospective students should know: why pursue this particular field of study, notable Stanford alumni, what a successful future looks like, etc. The cover of the document includes this quote from Steve Jobs (founder of Apple), “You cannot understand what is happening today without understanding what came before.” Most Historians tend to agree with Job’s premise about the need to learn from history – it is always good to know from whence you came.
This year, as I sat down to pen the Head of School message...
Help Is on the Way!
From the Board of Directors
As most of you are aware, the Theme for this year at Heritage is Thrive (rooted in Romans 15:13). But, if I am honest, there are many times that rather than thrive, I am simply just trying to “survive”. (My suspicion is that I am not the only one). We have all had a lot of challenges the last couple years: COVID pandemic, remote learning the last part of the 2019-2020 school year, the derecho, the continued challenges of the pandemic last school year, and now the concern of the Delta variant of COVID this school year. Those are just the ones we had in common!
I realize that many have also dealt with...
Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP)
2021 Testing Results
Each year, students at Heritage Christian School take standardized tests. This past March, our students took the Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress (ISASP) for the first time.
This test serves many purposes for our school and our students and measures student achievement and growth across different subjects. The results help parents and teachers identify a student’s academic strengths and monitor a student’s progress over time.
It also allows us to compare their academic performance to other students in the state allowing Heritage to formulate decisions on curriculum and instruction.
Outstanding results for Heritage students:
Heritage Happenings
Get a glimpse of day to day activities
Check out a few highlights from our year so far by clicking the links below:
We're Hiring
We're looking for a Before and After School Program Coordinator...know of someone who may be interested in a part-time job? Click here for a job description.
Welcome to our new staff members!
Annette Maier
2nd Grade Teacher
Annette grew up on their family farm in Alburnett, Iowa. She attended Mount Mercy University and graduated in 2006 with a degree in Elementary Education with an emphasis in early childhood, special education, and reading. She taught for 10 years (kindergarten, 1st grade, and reading/math intervention) in both eastern and western Iowa. While in western Iowa,...
Amanda Garrett
Middle School Literature & Language Teacher
Amanda grew up in Lawrenceville, GA and moved to Dubuque, IA, right before high school. She graduated from Emmaus Bible College in 2021 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education and Biblical Studies. She now lives in Coralville, IA and is teaching Middle School Language Arts and Literature at HCS.
"My goal is to communicate to my students that language is a gift that should be used for the glory of God, that we are to be stewards of that language by using it with fidelity, and that writing is a way we can clearly and effectively communicate."
Save the Date!
Educating for Eternity - March 5, 2022
Mark your calendars for an evening of fun, faith, and fellowship on Saturday, March 5, 2022, in the Heritage gym. Doors open at 5:30 pm for silent auction bidding. Educating for Eternity is Heritage Christian School’s largest fundraiser centered on highlighting the school while cultivating relationships within the community. Proceeds from the event offset the general school operating budget, keeping tuition affordable for any family wanting to enroll. Our emcee for the evening is Heritage alum, Keegan "Mr. T" Turnbough, news reporter/anchor for iHeart Radio affiliates AM 600 WMT and WHO Newsradio 1040. If you are interested in sponsoring or have questions about the event, contact Lisa Turnbough, EFE Chair at 319.626.4777 or Don't miss out on great evening!
Weekly Chapel
Elementary & Middle School
This year in our weekly chapels, we are again exploring the Throughline Chapel themes as we take part in the Teaching for Transformation model. In September we talked about what it means to be a Truth Finder and October focused on being an Image Reflector.
Our Condolences to the Kohli Family
It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Steve Kohli. Steve was tragically killed in an auto accident on October 22.
Steve Kohli was one of the two men that started Heritage Christian School almost 30 years ago and he and his family have continued to strongly support the school throughout those years. Please join us in lifting up his wife, Michael, their daughter, Ashlynd (a Heritage alumna) and her family in prayer.
Annual Fund
Interested in donating to our Annual Fund? Information will be mailed out next week but feel free to click below to see our website for details on our current Needs List for 2021.