The premier international newsletter designed for and by performance & capacity professionals

by Chris Greco

We all know how capacity planning is important in computer and network operations, but seldom do we consider how capacity can impact even the simplest decisions.  When I was just starting in IT, my father bought a computer and had no idea how to use the computer with long term implications.  For instance, at one point he asked me about putting information on the “floppy” disk, wanting to know if he could place the entire contents of the computer into the floppy drive and then just update the floppy… [ continue reading]
by Dr. Abhijit S. Ranjekar

The Bodhi (Tech) Tree… Presented here is the study on variety of New Age tools operating in the space of performance of IT platforms… Adopting a symbolic representation in the form of the Bodhi Tree… with different branches corresponding to different areas in Performance Evaluation and the different tools as leaves of the tree. Each leaf has its own shade – brightness and combination of colors to bring out the strength of the tool with assessment done on variety of aspects as illustrated... [continue reading]

We are still accepting abstract and paper submissions for imPACt 2017.  If you want to share and present your knowledge, tool, or research please don't delay any longer.  All draft papers/presentation will be due no later than  July 10, 2017, so be sure to get your abstract submitted.  You can make an imPACt in 2017 by submitting a paper to be considered for presentation at this year's conference.  Be sure to submit your abstract, here in EDAS. Click here to learn more.  

Please send questions to the Program Chair, Elisabeth Stahl at .
REGISTRATION FOR imPACt 2017 - Early Bird Pricing valid through August 31
  For questions or inquiries, please contact HQ at
ANNOUNCEMENT - Call for Webinars

Want to present a 1 hour Webinar and get your training information out there? Or do want to sponsor the next Webinar to get exposure to our 10,000+ audience? Or how about learning our webinar packages for the whole year? If yes to any of them, please contact David Troxel below.

David Troxel , Program & Events Manager, at