Newsletter For What Happened in May 2024

As Ness students loaded into one of the vans and headed towards the Community Center, there was laughing and joking as usual. But one student wasn't having it! Orion quickly turned around and said "How on earth are you smiling and laughing right now? Don't you know this is the last week of STAR Club for the year!??!"

This was the feeling all week from the students as the week before Memorial Day was our final week of STAR Club until our summer programs kick off the first Monday after school gets out. Peyton, our STAR Club Coordinator did a phenomenal job all year, but she really knocked it out of the park for our final STAR Club days. We had a Bouncy House, crafts, games, pizza, and she made graduation certificates & goody bags for the 5th graders. She ended the time by having staff and volunteers share words of encouragement to them before the evening was done.

This years after-school programs went super well, and we are all excited for what our summer program brings starting June 17th.

Girl Scouts

For the second year in a row, Girl Scout Troop 2241 showed up at STAR Club to give boxes of cookies to our students. This year it happened to be on our final STAR Club day which was a perfect extra treat!

Thank you so much Troop 2241! 


The last Thursday of the month is when we usually do our monthly Millwood Meal, but for May, it happened to be on the same day as the West Valley Block Party! If you aren't familiar with the block party, it is an amazing community event where thousands of people show up at West Valley High School for a meal, community connections, fun kids games, resources, and more. We weren't going to compete with that, nor would we want to. It was so fun having our staff there seeing many families and people in the community.

This month we have our Millwood Meal on June 27th at 6pm. City on a Hill Church is hosting and making another amazing meal like they did last time! I hope you can make it. Register here:

Upcoming Events & News:

  • Summer Programs for STAR Club begin June 17th, if you or someone you know is interested in volunteering next year, this is a great time to come check out some things we are doing. Feel free to email us. (

STAR Club Sponsor

Join us in igniting curiosity, fostering growth, and building connections for students in a safe and secure environment. 

Your generous financial support enables us to continue our mission of creating a lasting impact and addressing unmet essential needs.

Monthly Sponsor $100

Full Year Sponsor $1,200

STAR Club Sponsor


Join our impact team of volunteers creating an intentional space for students to grow and cultivate relationships. Click this link to learn what role fits you best and be a part of the amazing stories unfolding here at Millwood Impact.


Snack Drive

Want to make an impact? Our Snack Drive is an easy opportunity to provide snacks to youth in the Millwood and West Valley community and fill an unmet essential need. Click Here to view all pre-approved snacks and click the green button to view which local drop-off location is near you. 

Drop-Off Location

Financial Impact

Invest in the youth and families in the Millwood and West Valley community! Your contribution will help us continue living out our mission of addressing unmet essential needs.

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Millwood Impact is a 501(c)3 non religious non-profit organization. We serve the greater Millwood and West Valley Community by addressing unmet essential needs. Our vision is that the Millwood community would have healthy confident kids, resilient self-reliant families, and engaged supportive community members. Join our team!