Spring has Sprung and We Have Lots to Share

At the March Board Meeting, Later Start Motion Defeated … for now.

During the March Public Meeting of the Board of Education, trustees considered a motion to shift all of the bell times in the Qualicum School District ten minutes later for the 2024-25 school year. This proposed shift was a compromise put forward by Superintendent Peter Jory when it became clear that the Transportation Department would be unable to redo bus routes across the district in a way that would allow the district to provide relief at the earlier starting schools, without pushing the later starting schools to times that may create more difficulties for families.

While this motion did not pass, the Board did express its collective interest in supporting the upcoming Transportation Review, with the hope that more equitable start times could be in place for the 2025-26 school year. The Board would like to thank the nearly 2000 respondents for their feedback in the recent survey, which gave them great insight into the needs of families, students, and staff across the district.

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You can find the Later Start Conversation starts at 53 minutes

Three schools (AES, EOES, and BSS) will be going forward with the 5 minute adjustment to their bells starting in April. This item is explained starting at 28:40. 

Qualicum School District

Equity Scan, March 14,2024

Superintendent Peter Jory opened the session with a welcome to participants, a land acknowledgement, an introduction of Ministry guest Joe Heslip, and a quick review of Indigenous student achievement and some of the structures that support improvement. Principal of Indigenous Education, Katie Marren, then led several members of the Indigenous Student Voice through their presentation.

The Indigenous Youth, comprising of students from Ballenas Secondary, Kwalikum Secondary, and Bowser Elementary, presented challenges faced within the school system, as revealed by a recent survey conducted among Indigenous students. Each representative took turns sharing insights gleaned from the survey findings, providing valuable perspectives on the experiences and obstacles encountered by Indigenous youth in our schools.

Each student then engaged in an interactive activity alongside the audience, seated at tables to collaboratively align student needs with the District's strategic plans. This format facilitated meaningful one-on-one discussions with teachers, administrators, support staff, and Trustees, fostering valuable dialogue and exchange of ideas.

Quote of the Day

"Frankly, this work is at the top of the list or it isn't ...

If it is, you will make progress.

If it is not, things won't change."

~ P. Jory


On March 13th, Qualicum Beach Elementary was buzzing with excitement as they hosted a vibrant "Celebration of Arts" event in the school's foyer and multi-purpose room! It was an incredible opportunity to showcase the diverse talents of the students and share their creativity with everyone.

From thrilling musical theatre performances to electrifying rock and pop band sessions, there was something for everyone to enjoy. Additionally, the foyer was transformed into a gallery, featuring an exquisite display of artworks created by the talented students.

QBES welcomed students, staff, parents/caregivers, and members of the community to join them for this unforgettable celebration of creativity and talent. It was a joyous occasion that truly highlighted the importance of arts education in our school community.

We were excited to share that this week SES and EOES hosted the district grade 6/7's volleyball tournament. The gym at Springwood Elementary was buzzing with excitement! The air was electric with cheers, high fives, and an undeniable sense of anticipation.

With every game came victories for some and heartfelt goodbyes for others, as teams left the court with heads held high, ready to return stronger next year.

Springwood Elementary/Ecole Oceanside Elementary

We want to extend a huge thank you to everyone who came out to support our young athletes at this District Wide Elementary Volleyball Tournament. Your enthusiasm and encouragement made the event truly unforgettable. Here's to celebrating the spirit of sportsmanship and teamwork!

In the Community

Pacific Herring Spawning

The spawn observations have been reported all across our territories.

This photo was taken above the Whaling Station on Hornby Island by Loic D'allaire.

Have a safe & relaxing Spring Break!