Monthly Milestones | NOVEMBER 2023

Autistics Speaking Day is a day to celebrate autistic voices and the many ways they communicate and express themselves.

In celebration of autistic voices, we are honoring this day by sharing blog posts, videos, and articles by autistic authors and creators on our social media channels throughout the day.

To start, here is an article from the Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network on the history of this day and its meaning.

To see the full collection of articles and videos, visit us on:

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Need a specific resource? Want to learn more about our services? Contact the Milestones free Helpdesk today.

Spanish Helpdesk

Milestones está ofreciendo a la comunidad de habla hispana recursos a través de su mesa de ayuda en español. Para mas información, llama nuestra línea en español al 216-464-7600 Ext.123. 


The MAP tool is your online guide, step by step from early childhood through adulthood. Visit the MAP for practical tips, goals and information.


Living On The Spectrum

Milestones is proud to have collaborated with ideastream public media in its series

Sound of Us: Living on the Spectrum.

Every Tuesday through the month of September, the show featured autistic individuals in Northeast Ohio, telling their own stories in their own words.

Listen now

Episode 1: Elizabeth Stiles

Episode 2: Shaiden Pinkney

Episode 3: Carly Millis Jalowiec

Episode 4: Nikki Montgomery

Episode 5: Leon Bote

Sound of Ideas Series Wrap Up

Click here to read the full article and for links to social stories and trauma-informed articles.

Addressing the Attacks in Israel and Gaza

The October 7th attacks on Israeli civilians were horrifying. The ensuing war and impact on innocent civilians in Israel and Gaza is tragically unfolding, with images continuing to be shared on television and social media. Many of us are struggling to process what has transpired and are feeling a variety of emotions – sadness, pain, anger, trauma, powerlessness, hopelessness. So how do we begin to responsibly discuss such horror with our autistic children and loved ones?

Milestones Director of Education, Bradley Wyner, NADD-DDS, shares some tips on how to prepare and handle this important conversation with an emphasis on trauma-informed care.

Milestones Director of Education Bradley Wyner trains CMA staff on the unique sensory needs of autistic individuals.

Guests on the autism spectrum, people experiencing dementia, and those of all ages who have intellectual or developmental disabilities are invited to participate in a calming museum experience with less stimulation in a section of the museum’s galleries before they open to the public—reducing crowds, noise, and distractions.

Click here for more information on Sensory-Friendly Saturdays at CMA.

Sensory-Friendly Saturdays at CMA

Milestones is proud to collaborate with the Cleveland Museum of Art for its launch of Sensory-Friendly Saturdays.

Milestones Director of Education, Bradley Wyner, and Training Coordinator, Christa Mullis, worked closely with CMA's protective services and visitor services staff over three days to create a model for the launch.

"It comes back to universal design," Wyner explains. "The things that we do to create a sensory-friendly environment can benefit anyone, whether or not they are concerned about sensory integration."

Through this consultation the staff learned about safe transitions, creating a welcoming environment, and the creation of a "calming corner" with necessary supplies.

"We're excited that CMA reached out to go the extra mile to make sure that they are welcoming the full diversity of the Cleveland community. Their willingness to meet neurodivergent people where they are shows that they are walking the walk when it comes to diversity and inclusion," Wyner says.

"Milestones has helped me become a more confident autism mom. I leave feeling motivated to try new things and the support of others is appreciated. It's truly a joy to be part of such a great organization.”

~ Joseline Menjivar,


Together We Can continue to support families like Joseline's on this journey. Please consider giving to the Milestones 2023 Annual Fund on Impact Day, Nov. 16th, and your donation will be doubled! Let our families know that they don't have to walk this journey alone.


The Milestones Autism Resources Celebration is springing forward! Mark your calendars for this beloved annual event as we honor several cherished community members. More details to come!

We are hard at work planning the 2024 Milestones National Autism Conference with the same level of expertise, autistic perspectives, professional networking, vendors, and CEUs that you have come to know and love from MNAC! Stay tuned for some exciting announcements on the conference in the weeks to come!

Sleep Struggles

November signals it's time to set the clocks back, and with the time change often comes dreaded struggles with sleep. The Physical & Mental Health section of the Milestones Autism Planning (MAP) Tool features easy to navigate articles and resources to help with setting a sleep routine, calming practices, and troubleshooting common sleep problems for all ages. Check out one of our favorite articles and a helpful toolkit:

Milestones is always here to give guidance for yourself or a loved one. Contact our free Helpdesk team by filling out an intake form.

Milestones seeks to create a diverse work culture that closely matches the diversity of our client base. We value a culture of collaboration and professional and personal growth for our diverse staff, and we offer a flexible work environment with some in-office time required.

To learn more about our open positions, please visit our website.

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