Sensory-Friendly Saturdays at CMA
Milestones is proud to collaborate with the Cleveland Museum of Art for its launch of Sensory-Friendly Saturdays.
Milestones Director of Education, Bradley Wyner, and Training Coordinator, Christa Mullis, worked closely with CMA's protective services and visitor services staff over three days to create a model for the launch.
"It comes back to universal design," Wyner explains. "The things that we do to create a sensory-friendly environment can benefit anyone, whether or not they are concerned about sensory integration."
Through this consultation the staff learned about safe transitions, creating a welcoming environment, and the creation of a "calming corner" with necessary supplies.
"We're excited that CMA reached out to go the extra mile to make sure that they are welcoming the full diversity of the Cleveland community. Their willingness to meet neurodivergent people where they are shows that they are walking the walk when it comes to diversity and inclusion," Wyner says.