Monthly Milestones | DECEMBER 2023 | |
Milestones Director of Education, Bradley Wyner, NADD-DDS, shares some information on autism and takes questions from attendees at a November CIT training.
Click Here for more information on professional training.
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Milestones Conducts Crisis Intervention Training
Through our partnership with the ADAMHS Board of Cuyahoga County, Milestones is proud to hold regular Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training for first responders and other social service professionals.
These training workshops give professionals the opportunity to understand the scope of autism in the community, and ways that professionals can interact with autistic individuals to provide a safer, more accommodating environment.
Our most recent CIT training attendees included police officers, sheriff's deputies, and EMTs, as well as librarians, RTA drivers, Cleveland Metroparks staff, and various community case workers.
This effort is supported by The Begun Foundation, The Cleveland Foundation, and The Mt. Sinai Health Care Foundation.
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Milestones team members gather after a successful morning on the phone bank. | |
Together We Can Make A Difference!
Thanks to YOUR support, Milestones is ecstatic to have raised over $50,000 on Impact Day, November 16th!
This money will help to fund more free autism Helpdesk calls, more conference scholarships, and provide more vital autism resources for our clients and families.
A tremendous thank you to our staff, volunteers, and board members for their incredible work on the phones and in person to make this goal a reality!
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The Milestones Autism Resources Celebration is springing forward! Mark your calendars for this beloved annual event as we honor several cherished community members. More details to come! | |
Milestones would like to congratulate the following team members on their recent director promotions! | |
Nathan Morgan, Director of Autistic Supports
Nathan is a licensed social worker with a professional background in childhood development, early intervention, and childhood mental health. Nathan is also an autistic self-advocate who uses their own lived experiences to support causes important to the autistic community.
In this role, Nathan will provide guidance and opportunities to ensure that autistic individuals are supported and engaged.
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Vanetta Perry, Director of Development
Vanetta is a seasoned development professional with more than 20 years of experience. As a certified event planner, she brings expertise in planning and executing corporate, community, and major fundraising events. In her new role she will head the development team, strengthening donor relations and community partnerships to increase funding for the many Milestones services.
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Estee Ezinski, Helpdesk Director
Estee has a professional background in pediatric patient care and has completed COPAA training. As an autism parent, she has a strong interest in special education advocacy.
In this role, Estee will lead her team, including early intervention, post secondary, and hispanic supports, to ensure clients receive the care and connection they are accustomed to from the Milestones free autism Helpdesk.
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Milestones would like to wish you and yours a very safe, happy, and healthy holiday season! We look forward to seeing you in the new year! | | | | |