2022 is off to a great start for the nursery and planting season is right around the corner. In a few short weeks we will begin planting thousands of plugs (baby plants) that will become our beautiful hanging baskets, patio pots, annuals and perennials inside the greenhouses. If you haven't already experienced our unique and locally famous hanging baskets, plan to do so this early this spring.
February is the perfect month to start preparing for your healthy vegetable garden. This year we are carrying many different seed brands including Hudson Valley & Renee's Garden. Consider starting your seeds indoors late this month or early in March if you want to get a jump start on Colorado's short growing season. We have Jiffy starter kits, biodegradable pots, root boosting products, as well as potting soils to get you going. Also remember that as soon as the ground starts to loosen up you can start amending your garden soil to replace all the nutrients that last year's crop used up.
February Hours
Monday-Friday 9-4 / Saturday 10-4 / Sunday CLOSED