March 2022
Hello March...and Hello Spring!
Spring officially arrives for those of us in the northern hemisphere on March 20th. While we patiently wait for warmer and longer days, we are busy preparing for another great season at PLN.

We are lining up annual events and will have some 'save the dates' ready for you this month on the website. It is projected to be another busy year with everyone continuing to enhance their homes and landscapes so plan to come in early and often to get what you need for yours.

We are currently open Monday through Saturday and will be open Sundays too toward the end of the month.
Current Hours:
Monday-Friday 9-4 Saturday 10-4
What's happening this month at PLN?
Air purifiers, stress busters, mood enhancers...’s easy to see why HOUSEPLANTS are having something of a revival. Greening up your home and improving your health go hand in hand when you add some indoor-friendly plants to your abode. In fact, homeowners have used houseplants to benefit their health since before the term “homeowner” was even a word. We are proud to carry the utmost in quality houseplants and we welcome you to browse our full collection currently thriving in the gift shop.

Full bios and pictures are available on our website to help you get to know the dedicated team that works hard all year to ensure that you have the best garden and landscaping season ever. WE ARE HIRING too so check the website for specific positions.
The Greenhouses Are Alive!
What makes our plantings special? For starters, the planting mix is a high porosity, free draining peat based and/or a coconut coir blend. We are shifting more towards the coconut coir because of sustainability issues. These types of planting mixes are nutrient neutral so we fertilize regularly during the growing process and encourage our customers to do the same. Our hanging baskets are made of a thick wood pulp product that protects and insulates the roots.

What makes our plantings unique? We are an independently owed nursery and we exercise that independence by mixing plants from different growers. Independence allows us to try some different plantings such as our mixed succulent containers and our lush hanging baskets. All of this together gives our plantings a little different look that has created an amazing following over the years.

We don't dismiss the tried and true either. We planted about 2000 geraniums in the last 2 weeks. Most of our zonal Geraniums are from the Rocky Mountain series which is a proven performer along the Front Range and we planted 6 different colors this year. We also grow a variety of novelty geraniums with variegated foliage and regular foliaged zonal with red and white bicolor blooms.

If you need a break from winter or if you have serious spring fever, we are open now and you can visit the baby plants in our nursery. Back by popular demand, we will be hosting Greenhouse Tours soon - watch the website and follow us on our socials for the date!

Garden Thymes with Jackie
"March is a tomboy with tousled hair, a mischievous smile, mud on her shoes and a laugh in her voice."
-Hal Borland
General Landscaping
  • Continue to Winter Water!!!! Some trees, specifically maples, start moving sap in early spring and without adequate water they can suffer from tip dieback.
  • If we have heavy snows make sure to gently knock off snow from below to prevent branch breakage.
  • Fertilization of lawns (March-June) is a highly recommended.
  • If you've had fire blight issues on your trees, now is the time to spray copper fungicide before the trees bloom.
Shrubs, Perennials & Bulbs
  • Cut back perennials and continue flowerbed cleanup.
  • Spring-flowering bulbs will be popping up soon. Enjoy the show!
Veggies & Herbs
  • It's not too late to Test for Success. Come into the nursery and pick up a CSU Soil Testing kit.
  • Late March is the time to start cool season veggies outdoors. (Examples: Peas, Broccoli, Radishes, Beets, Kohlrabi, etc...).
  • Top dress your beds with compost/organic matter and lightly turn the soil. 
“There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments.” – Janet Kilburn Phillips
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