Help us get Congress to rescind the CDC Guidelines!!
October 2021

An extremely important article was published on September 17, 2021.We at The Doctor Patient Forum/Don't Punish Pain have been researching the CDC Guidelines and how they were written. We have specifically focused on one of the main authors, Dr. Roger Chou. We at The Doctor Patient Forum had the privilege of collaborating with a palliative care doctor who is also on the AMA Opioid Task Force, Dr. Chad Kollas. Dr. Kollas along with a few other chronic pain patients and advocates worked together to put out this phenomenal article showing in detail the unacceptable conflicts of interests Roger Chou has, and explains why we need a congressional investigation into how the guidelines were written.

We all know the damage the Guidelines have done. The goals are listed at the end of the article, the most important one being convincing Congress to investigate how the Guidelines were written and rescind them.

****** We Need Your Help!******

1) Read the article and familiarize yourself with the content.

2) Contact Congress and your legislators. The Congressional Committee over the CDC is Oversight and Investigations (117th Congress) Energy and Commerce Committee. Please look up the
e-mail addresses to the members listed and send a letter.You can use this letter we created or can write your own. If you write your own, please also include the actual article for them to read. If you'd prefer to send a written letter along with a printed copy of the article (which we've heard may be more effective than e-mail) their physical address is:

Committee of Energy and Commerce
Oversight and Investigations
2125 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Your donations allow us to advocate, educate, and legislate on behalf of the millions of pain patients and prescribers. So, if you can donate, even one dollar, please do so!! Lobbyists are costly but necessary in this process.


Reply to this e-mail with any questions or comments.
Keep Fighting,

Claudia A. Merandi Founder/CEO
Bev Schechtman Vice President
The Doctor Patient Forum
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