Trinity Church News
May 8, 2024
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In this issue:
Click "view entire message" at bottom of email
to view the full newsletter.
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- Help Needed in the Memorial Garden to Prepare for the Dayton Lane Promenade
- Lay Eucharistic Visitors Training Completed
- Congratulations Confirmands: Jennae and Gayle!
- Mother Suzanne on Sabbatical May 23rd - Sept 10th
- Invitation to a Wedding at Trinity on Sept 14th
- Computer Needed
- Several Events Happening on Sunday, May 19th!
- Financial Offering Pledge Campaign - Return Pledge Cards; Online Pledge Card Available
- Dayton Lane Promenade Volunteer Sign Up
- Sign Up to Volunteer at Hamilton PRIDE
- Looking for Help with Online Compline and A Word and A Prayer
- Trinity Financial Snapshot
- Spencer Pugh Death and Funeral Arrangements
- Nominees for 28th Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church
Altar Flowers Sign Ups
- Clothes Closet Donations
- Volunteer/Attend - General Convention in Louisville
- Full Worship Schedule - In-Person and Online
- Sunday Scripture Readings
- This Week at Trinity
- May Birthdays & Anniversaries
- Prayer Requests
- Online Giving Link
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Trinity Episcopal Church, P.O. Box 851, Hamilton, OH 45012
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Help Needed in the Memorial Garden
to prepare for the Dayton Lane Promenade
We would like to have the Memorial Garden weeded and
tidied up before the Dayton Lane Promenade on May 19th.
Are you able to help in the garden?
Do you have friends/family members who enjoy working in flower beds and would want to help with this?
Even just pulling a few weeds
after a Sunday morning service is a big help!
Please contact Mother Suzanne or the parish office if you are available to help, or just go into the garden and pull some weeds when you are able!
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Lay Eucharistic Visitor (LEV)
Training Completed
Lay Eucharistic Visitors are parishioners who are trained to bring Eucharist to those who cannot attend worship services. Trinity now has five Lay Eucharistic Visitors who will begin taking Eucharistic to parishioners this coming Sunday. Those newly trained are Bridget Cornell, Jennifer Gattermeyer, Jackie Parrish, Sue Samoviski, and Gayle Sisson. Two others, Kim Jewett and Ginny Woods will be trained in the next several weeks.
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Congratulations Confirmands!
This Saturday, May 11th, two of Trinity's parishioners, Jennae Thompson and Gayle Sisson, will be confirmed as Episcopalians at the diocese regional confirmation at the Procter Center.
Congratulations to Jennae and Gayle!
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Mother Suzanne will be on Sabbatical
May 23rd - September 10th
It is time for Mother Suzanne to take a sabbatical this year.
She is also taking two weeks of vacation and two weeks of education with the sabbatical and will be gone a total of 16 weeks. Her last day at work will be Wednesday, May 22nd and her first day back will be September 10th.
Diocese guidelines provide for a sabbatical every five to six for priests, and it is also included in Mother Suzanne's contract with Trinity as Rector. She was actually supposed to take the sabbatical last summer, but pushed it off until 2024 due to Trinity's 200th anniversary year events.
While Mother Suzanne is gone, we will have some very familiar faces worshipping with us as the Rev. Kip Colegrove will be our primary supply priest, serving for 10 of the Sundays,
with the Rev. Pam Gaylor serving 3 Sundays,
the Rev. Canon Bill Scrivener serving 2 Sundays,
and the Rev. Canon Michael Spencer serving 1 Sunday.
The Rev. Pam Gaylor and the Rev. Kip Colegrove will handle most of the pastoral care during this time.
Here, in her own words, is what
Mother Suzanne will be doing during her sabbatical:
Even before my illness I was aware that I was burning the candle at both ends. I had put off my sabbatical for a year due to Trinity's 200th anniversary, and so was especially looking forward to to a sabbatical in 2024. The original plan was for lots and lots of travel, interspersed with short times at home to get caught up with small and large home tasks I had put off - a sabbatical of travel and tasking. My long stint with pneumonia changed that! Now the plan is lots and lots of rest at home interspersed with some travel.
My stamina is not quite fully back, so I am looking forward to lots and lots of lazy days at home, and much less travel.
The travel that did not get cancelled is my trip to Europe to take an Anabaptist history tour. This is something I have been looking forward to for years and had already made a deposit on before my illness. As some of you know my heritage is Lancaster County Pennsylvania Dutch and I trace my genealogy back to the European Anabaptist martyrs during the time of the Reformation (1517-1648). One of my tenth grandfathers, Hans Landis, was the last Anabaptist martyr (1614), and we will be visiting the site of his death and his home. The Anabaptists, who became today's Mennonites, Amish, and Brethren took their reforms of faith much further than Martin Luther, believing in adult "believer's" baptism (re-baptizing), strict pacifism, no service in the military or government, and serious adherence to Jesus' commands of the Sermon on the Mount in the Gospel of Matthew. So, their movement became known as the Radical Reformation. Their beliefs were considered heretical and a threat to stability and so they were ostracized, imprisoned, and killed for their their faith by the Lutheran and Reformed churches and other state churches. They began taking refuge in Pennsylvania in the early 1700's, taking advantage of William Penn's "Holy Experiment" of supporting freedom of religion, with no imposition of religious standards or requirements by the government. Besides learning more about my 10th grandfather, Hans Landis, who gave his life for his faith, I am looking forward to praying in the very caves where my ancestors peacefully gathered for worship while hiding from their pursuers. When I return from my sabbatical, I will have lots to share with you from this religious pilgrimage to the Netherlands, Germany, and Switzerland!
Later in the summer, I hope to travel to Dallas, Texas, to visit my 88 year-old sister, to share about my travels to our mother- and fatherlands. And sometime I hope to travel to Owego, New York, to see my 97 year-old first mother-in-law, and to New York City, to see my son, Jesse. This may still seem like a lot of travel, but believe me, I had a lot more planned!
And of course! I will be spending lots of time with Tortellini, my naked cat!
Both Bishop Smith and Bishop Uffelman White were very pleased when I told them about my sabbatical plans and the amount of rest-time I included. I look forward to coming back rested and refreshed with lots of new energy and insights for our ministry together.
~~ Mother Suzanne
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You're Invited:
Wedding at Trinity on September 14th
Pam Bates and Jennifer Torres
are getting married!
So save the date!
Saturday, September 14th, 2:00 PM
The Whole Parish is Invited!
See the invitation below
RSVPs are required by August 18th.
A sign-up sheet will be at the church.
You may also text Pam at 513-208-9650.
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Computer Needed
A parishioner needs a computer for a job opportunity.
Does anyone have one they could lend until
she can afford to purchase one?
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Several Events Happening at Trinity on
Sunday, May 19th!
There are several events happening on Sunday, May 19th! Mark your calendars and plan to attend:
- May 19th is Pentecost, so we will celebrate that special day during the Sunday worship service at 9:30 AM, including a baptism and special music/choir.
- ECW will have their May meeting and brunch at 10:30 a.m. All are welcome to attend (not just the women!). This is the last ECW meeting until Fall.
- The Dayton Lane Promenade takes place from 1-5 PM on this day. Trinity will again be participating in this event by having our church open for tours and offering light refreshments in the Memorial Room.
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Financial Offering Pledge Campaign
Building a House for God at Trinity
We are still expecting to receive
about 9 more pledge cards.
If you haven't returned a pledge card,
please do so as soon as possible.
And if you didn't receive one, let us know.
See the new ONLINE fillable Pledge Card Below
Letters and pledge cards for the 2024 Financial Offering Pledge Campaign were recently mailed to all parishioners.
If somehow we missed you, there are copies of the letter and pledge cards on the table in the Memorial Room.
You can also see a copy of the Letter here
and see/download a pledge card here.
Click here to complete an online pledge card
(information goes directly to the church office).
Please read the letter and return your pledge cards as soon as you are able. This helps us to properly budget for the year.
O Lord our God, all this abundance
that we have provided for building you a house
for your holy name
comes from your hand and is all your own.
1 Chronicles 29:17
Thank you for building God's house at Trinity
with your financial offerings, prayers, ministries,
hospitality, and fellowship.
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Sign Up to Volunteer for Trinity's Open House During the Dayton Lane Promenade
The Dayton Lane Promenade will be held from 1-5 PM on Sunday, May 19th. Trinity will have an "open house" during this time, as we have done in years past.
We need volunteers to join in this wonderful opportunity
to introduce Trinity to the wider community.
Help is needed with providing light refreshments, and serving as "tour guides" for the Sanctuary, Memorial Room, and Memorial Garden. We will provide historic information to visitors about
the building, stained glass windows, lychgate, and gardens.
The last time Trinity was a part of this, we had
over 100 people visit our church!
Here is information from the Dayton Lane Historic Area, Inc.
about the overall event:
Experience a breathtaking journey back in time to the early 1900s and relive the opulent lifestyle of Hamilton's industrial barons at the Dayton Lane May Promenade. Immerse yourself in the magnificent charm of more than 10 historic homes on Dayton Street and Campbell Avenue, adorned with exquisite architecture and timeless beauty. Be transported to a bygone era with the sound of live music, gentlemen dressed in dapper attire, riding old-fashioned bicycles, and the sight of horse-drawn carriages adding to the grandeur of the surroundings. It's an unforgettable experience that will leave you with a newfound appreciation for the rich history and culture of Hamilton.
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Sign Up to Volunteer at Hamilton PRIDE
This year's Hamilton PRIDE event will take place on Saturday, June 1st, in Marcum Park.
Once again there will be a booth representing the Episcopal Church. This booth will be shared by Trinity Hamilton, St. Anne West Chester, Holy Trinity Oxford, and Holy Spirit Forest Park.
As the Episcopal Church in Hamilton,
we hope to have parishioners from Trinity
at the booth for the entire day,
from setup to teardown.
If you will be helping at the booth,
please sign up for time slots on the signup sheet in the Memorial Room
or contact Mother Suzanne.
We also expect there to be protesters present
as they were last year.
This year there will be counter-protester training provided by the Affirming Churches Group.
If you would like to be involved in that training,
please let Mother Suzanne know by May 13th
or sign up for this training also in the Memorial Room.
This training will take place on
Tuesday, May 28th, at 7:00 PM, at Marcum Park.
You must sign up for this training by May 13th.
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Looking For Help with
Online Compline and A Word and A Prayer
Trinity has a robust online presence
with twice daily worship on Facebook Live
led by parishioners
As the summer approaches and lives change,
we are looking for new lay leadership to help with this ministry.
What is involved?
For Compline: Lead the Order for Compline on page 127 of the Book of Common Prayer on Facebook Live at 8:30 PM, on one, two, or three nights a week. We are especially looking for new leaders for Friday and Saturday evenings at 8:30 PM, but other nights may also be available. The Order for Compline is a simple short set of prayers and Scripture reading before bedtime lasting about 10 minutes. Everything you need to do is easily laid out in the Prayer Book, and Mother Suzanne will provide some training.
For a Word and a Prayer: A Word and a Prayer was started during the Covid pandemic as a way to keep us connected and address what was going on. It has continued as a daily 9:30 AM reflection given by several parishioners and Mother Suzanne. The reflection does not need to be complicated. It can be as simple as sharing a psalm, canticle, hymn, or piece of Scripture, reflecting a bit on what it means to you, and then ending with a prayer -- the Lord's Prayer, one from the Prayer Book, or one you compose. The whole thing can be as short or long as you make it. We are especially looking for new leaders for Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, but other mornings may also be available. Mother Suzanne can talk to you further about what is involved.
Note: The leaders step in for one another
when we have a scheduling conflict.
This ministry of worship continues
to be an important means of building fellowship between parishioners and evangelism to the wider community.
Not sure about a long-term commitment?
Think about trying it out for the summer.
Contact Mother Suzanne if you have questions or are interested
at 513-869-8694 or
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Financial Snapshot
We will again begin sharing monthly details about Trinity's finances. We hope to keep you informed on a more regular basis on where we stand with meeting our financial obligations and managing our current deficit.
Financial Report Ending March 31, 2024:
Income March Actual: $ 9,284
Income Budgeted Monthly: $ 13,621
Income Year to Date: $ 65,561
Income Budgeted YTD: $ 74,347
Deficit for 2024: $ 10,000
Deficit for 2022/2023: $ 35,000
The Financial Committee and the Vestry are examining ways to address our deficit and will be making some decisions at the May Vestry Meeting on Tuesday, May 21. We will keep you informed about those decisions and how they affect our financial picture. Remember that figures reported above are from the end of March.
Please add this prayer
for the financial health of Trinity,
to your daily devotions:
Gracious God and Father of all, we know that all comes from you and that you call us to build communities of faith and love in your name. At Trinity, you have given us beautiful facilities for worship and ministry, and have raised up ministries that build up our faith and serve the wider community. We pray that you will make clear to us ways to stabilize our parish finances so that we may continue the good work you have begun in us. We ask this in the name of Christ, the one who gives us abundant life. Amen.
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Spencer Pugh Death and
Funeral Arrangements
*We wanted to share this sad news from the diocese with everyone at Trinity as many of you may remember Spencer. He had preached several times at Trinity as a licensed lay preacher, and also helped to lead some of our stewardship planning and campaigns. He will be greatly missed. Please keep his family in your prayers.
From the Diocese of Southern Ohio
April 17, 2024
In sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life, we write to share the sad news that Spencer Pugh, a faithful leader in both our diocese and the wider Episcopal Church, died suddenly on Wednesday while on pilgrimage in Spain.
"Spencer was devoted to the Diocese of Southern Ohio and the Episcopal Church, and his loss will be felt deeply across the entire church. He served faithfully in many ways for many years, particularly as the chair of our Commission on Ministry, as a licensed lay preacher, and as a Stephen Ministry Leader," Bishop White said. "Please pray for his wife, Bev, and their children and grandchildren; for the entire Pugh family; and for all who were touched by Spencer's ministry."
Click Here to read Spencer's obituary.
Funeral arrangements are as follows:
Visiting hours will be on Friday, May 24 from 5 to 7 p.m. at St. Anne Episcopal Church, 6461 Tylersville Rd, West Chester, OH 45069. A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, May 25, also at St. Anne. The Rt. Rev. Kristin Uffelman White, Bishop of the Diocese of Southern Ohio, will preside and the Rev. Phil Hooper, Rector of St. Anne, will preach. The service will be streamed via a link on the church's website: Interment will take place at a later date.
Into your hands, O merciful Savior, we commend your servant Spencer. Acknowledge, we humbly beseech you, a sheep of your own fold, a lamb of your own flock, a sinner of your own redeeming. Receive him into the arms of your mercy, into the blessed rest of everlasting peace, and into the glorious company of the saints in light. Amen. (Book of Common Prayer, pg. 465)
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Sign Up to Donate Altar Flowers
If you would like to provide the altar flowers for a Sunday service, please contact Sue Samoviski at 513-478-8918 or to reserve a date(s).
You may choose to call a florist to order the flowers, or you can purchase the flowers at the grocery store and make two arrangements for the altar. Or, you could provide flowers from your garden or potted plants.
Clear plastic vases are available at church if you need them or you can arrange them directly into the altar vases.
Another option is to send a monetary donation to Trinity in lieu of flowers and in memory of or in honor of your loved ones.
If you do that, please be sure to let Sue know the
dedication of your donation.
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Trinity's Clothes Closet Donations
We are again accepting clothing and personal hygiene donations. The close is also in need of hangers, especially pant hangers.
Other special current needs include:
- Deodorant, disposable shavers, lotion, soap and shampoo
- Shoes
- Sheets / Pillow Cases / Blankets
Reminder: Please contact Mother Suzanne or the parish office prior to dropping off clothing items! (Donations of personal hygiene products can be brought to the office without prior notice).
Thank you for all who have brought in
"Kroger" plastic bags.
Thank You for your Support of this Ministry!
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Nominees for the 28th Presiding Bishop
of The Episcopal Church
The Episcopal Church’s next presiding bishop will be chosen in June from a slate of five nominees
Click the link below to read more about each candidate and to view short videos each candidate was asked to create discussing a biblical image or metaphor that resonates with this moment in the life of the church and the role of the presiding bishop.
View each nominee’s videos on the General Convention Office website.
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The Rt. Rev J. Scott Barker, 60, has led the Omaha-based Diocese of Nebraska since 2011. The diocese’s 53 worshipping communities span the full state, where Barker was born and raised. A graduate of Berkeley Divinity School at Yale, Barker was ordained to the priesthood in 1992 and served for 10 years in Omaha and 10 more years in the Diocese of New York before returning to Nebraska as bishop.
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The Rt. Rev. Daniel G.P Gutiérrez, 59, has led the Philadelphia-based Diocese of Pennsylvania since 2016. It is one of five dioceses in the state. A native of New Mexico, Gutiérrez earned a diocesan certificate in Anglican Studies through the Trinity School for Ministry and has a master’s degree in theological studies from St. Norbert College. He was ordained to the priesthood in 2008 in the Albuquerque-based Diocese of the Rio Grande and served there as canon to the ordinary, chief operating officer and chief of staff before he was elected bishop of Pennsylvania.
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The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe, 49, has led the Erie-based Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania since 2007, and he also serves as bishop provisional of the Diocese of Western New York through a partnership the dioceses established in 2019. He previously served as bishop provisional of the Diocese of Bethlehem from 2014 to 2018. Originally from western Pennsylvania, Rowe is a Virginia Theological Seminary graduate and was ordained to the priesthood in 2000 in Northwestern Pennsylvania, where he served in congregational ministry until his election as bishop. He currently serves as parliamentarian of the House of Bishops and Executive Council.
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The Rt. Rev. Robert Wright, 60, has led the Diocese of Atlanta since 2012. The diocese, based in Georgia’s capital city, has 120 worshipping communities across the northern half of the state. A Navy veteran and graduate of Virginia Theological Seminary, Wright was ordained to the priesthood in 1999 in the Diocese of New York. At the time of his election as bishop, he had served the previous 10 years as rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Atlanta. Since 2020, he also has hosted the popular podcast “For People” on faith and life.
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The Rt. Rev. Dr. DeDe Duncan-Probe, 61, has led the Syracuse-based Diocese of Central New York since 2016. The nearly 80 congregations in the diocese span from the Canadian border to the Pennsylvania state line. After a career in education and business, Duncan-Probe earned a Master of Divinity degree from The General Theological Seminary in New York and was ordained to the priesthood in 2004 in the Diocese of El Camino Real in central California. She also holds a doctorate in theology from the Graduate Theological Foundation, completed at Oxford University, and served as an adjunct faculty member at Virginia Theological Seminary before her consecration as bishop.
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These candidates will be presented for election at the 81st General Convention, which convenes June 23-28 in Louisville, Kentucky. The nominees’ names will be formally submitted June 25 during a joint session of the House of Bishops and House of Deputies. On June 26, the bishops will elect, and deputies will be asked to confirm, the church’s 28th presiding bishop, who will succeed Presiding Bishop Michael Curry beginning Nov. 1.
General Convention, the triennial churchwide gathering, splits its authority between the House of Bishops and House of Deputies, and each house has a distinct role in the selection of a new presiding bishop. In Louisville, the House of Bishops will gather in a closed session June 26 at Christ Church Cathedral for the election and then ask the House of Deputies to vote to confirm the result.
The 28th presiding bishop is scheduled to take office on Nov. 1, and an installation is scheduled for Nov. 2 at Washington National Cathedral, the traditional seat of the presiding bishop. When the nominating committee released its presiding bishop profile in March 2023, it identified via survey several qualities needed in “a presiding bishop for our time.” Among the most important characteristics are strong leadership, a love of communicating and faithfulness.
The committee also cited faithfulness as a quality frequently identified by survey respondents and interviewees as essential in a presiding bishop. “The next presiding bishop should be one who is deeply grounded in their faith and hope in Christ and steadfastly committed to the living tradition of The Episcopal Church. They should be fully authentic and a person of palpable integrity, always ready to offer ‘an accounting for the hope that is in [them]’” the committee said, quoting 1 Peter.
A history and timeline of Episcopal Church presiding bishops
Curry was elected in 2015 as the church’s first Black presiding bishop. Before him, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, elected in 2006, was the church’s first female presiding bishop. Her predecessor, Presiding Bishop Frank Griswold, was the first to serve a nine-year term, after the church shortened the presiding bishop’s term from 12 years.
The presiding bishop has a range of responsibilities, as outlined by The Episcopal Church Constitution and Canons. Those include presiding over the House of Bishops, chairing Executive Council, visiting every Episcopal diocese, participating in the ordination and consecration of bishops, receiving and responding to disciplinary complaints against bishops, making appointments to the church’s interim bodies, and “developing policies and strategies for the church and speaking for the church on the policies, strategies and programs of General Convention.”
There are few canonical requirements for presiding bishop candidates. They must be members of the House of Bishops and cannot yet have reached the church’s mandatory retirement age of 72. Nothing prohibits the election of a presiding bishop who would turn 72 during the nine-year term, though historically nominees have been able to complete the full nine years.
“We felt the Holy Spirit’s presence during this process and are prayerfully thankful for the guidance we received,” the Rev. Maureen-Elizabeth Hagan, a deacon on the committee who chairs its nominations subcommittee, said in the April 2 news release.
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Volunteer for or Attend
the General Convention
of the Episcopal Church
in Louisville, Kentucky
June 23-28
What is General Convention?
General Convention is a tri-annual meeting of all the Bishops of the Episcopal Church and representative laity and clergy from every diocese of the Episcopal Church. They meet to do the business of the National Church (although we do have diocese in Europe, South and Central America, and the Pacific, and they of course attend too.) It's not often that the General Convention meets so geographically close to us. So, hopefully some of you will take advantage of attending, at least for a day, to see how the governance of the Episcopal Church works at this high level. What is interesting is how the two Houses of Convention, the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies (laity and clergy) function much like the House of Representatives and Senate of the US Government. For any resolutions to pass they must be passed by both Houses.
This year's General Convention will be especially exciting because the Convention will be electing a new Presiding Bishop, who will replace the current Presiding Bishop, The Right Reverend Michael Curry, and serve for nine years.
The Episcopal Church is looking for volunteers to help with the 81st General Convention from June 23 to 28 in Louisville, Kentucky. There are opportunities available for individuals of all abilities. Volunteer positions generally fall into one of three categories: Clerical, Logistics, or Hospitality.
Click here to learn more about the opportunities available. If you would like to volunteer, please click here to fill out the online form.
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Worship In-Person at
Trinity Episcopal Church
115 North 6th Street
Hamilton, OH
Sunday, May 12th
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Holy Eucharist, Rite II - Music
in the Sanctuary
9:30 AM
Worship Online
Click Below to Join
on Facebook
Click here for Facebook Live
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Sunday, May 12th
Morning Prayer – 9:30 AM
Mondays Thru Saturdays
A Word and A Prayer – 9:30 AM
Every Evening
Compline – 8:30 PM
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Collect: O God, the King of glory, you have exalted your only Son Jesus Christ with great triumph to your kingdom in heaven: Do not leave us comfortless, but send us your Holy Spirit to strengthen us, and exalt us to that place where our Savior Christ has gone before; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen. | |
This Week at Trinity
Wednesday, May 8
Parish Office Open -- 9:00 AM - Noon
Clothes Closet Open -- 10:00 AM - Noon – Basement
NA Meeting Wednesday -- 7:00 PM – Fellowship Hall
Thursday, May 9
NA Women’s Group -- 7:00 PM – Fellowship Hall
Friday, May 10
AA Meeting Friday -- 8:30 PM – Fellowship Hall
Saturday, May 11
Regional Confirmations - 2:00 PM - Procter Camp & Conference Center
Sunday, May 12 - Seventh Sunday of Easter
Holy Eucharist Rite II - Music -- 9:30 AM – Sanctuary
Monday, May 13
Parish Office Open -- 9:00 AM - Noon
Clothes Closet Open -- 10:00 AM - Noon – Basement
Greater Power Discussion Meeting -- 7:00 PM – Fellowship Hall
Wednesday, May 15
Parish Office Open -- 9:00 AM - Noon
Clothes Closet Open -- 10:00 AM - Noon – Basement
NA Meeting Wednesday -- 7:00 PM – Fellowship Hall
Thursday, May 16
NA Women’s Group -- 7:00 PM – Fellowship Hall
Friday, May 17
AA Meeting Friday -- 8:30 PM – Fellowship Hall
Sunday, May 19 - Day of Pentecost | Whitsunday
Holy Eucharist Rite II - Music -- 9:30 AM – Sanctuary
ECW Meeting and Brunch -- 10:30 AM – Fellowship Hall
Dayton Lane Promenade Open House -- 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
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We encourage you to remember these people
on their special days!
If we don't have your birth or marriage dates,
please contact the office.
Ronald Jordan - 5/3
Sue Lawrence - 5/8
Alayla Vanoss - 5/8
Joy Murphy - 5/10
Heather Komnenovich - 5/12
Tom King - 5/21
Barbara Waddell - 5/30
Jim and Karen Schwartz - 5/3/87
Mark and Kelley Hancock - 5/10/08
Carl and Mary Bishop - 5/25/63
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Prayer List
If there is someone you would like
to include on or remove from the list,
please email the Parish Office at
Prayer requests for:
- Michael Dohn's recovery from recent surgery
- Kim Jewett
- David, Gayle Sisson's Brother
- Andrew and Maria Cole
- For Spencer Pugh, who has died, and for his wife, Beverly, and his family and friends in their grief.
- For Chris Russo and her recovery from back surgery
- For Beth Blaylock and her upcoming surgery
- Michelle Berning, friend of Anne Cole
- Candy, sister of Teresa Durbin
- Amanda, Mike and Penelope - friends of Linda Griffin
- Dave Belew
- For Alan
- For peace in the Middle East
- For Ginny Woods' continued recovery from recent successful surgery
- For Wade Hensley, whose mother has died
- Richard Elberfeld, brother of Anne Cole
- Donnie Eschenbrenner, recovering from a broken hip
- Tina Chandler
- Herm Lorance
- For Tina Wilder, niece of Mary Jo (a customer in the Clothes Closet), who was diagnosed with stage-4 cancer.
- Leslie and Warren Grossklaus
- Sarah Ruston and her son, Tom
- The Vanoss Family
- Dave Bahlmann, brother of Mike Bahlmann
- Bill Thaman
- Caitlin Bomar - wife of the Priest-in-Charge at Diane Line's church
- Dennis Jerdey - cousin of Ginny Woods
- Mary Kay Kroner, friend of Jennifer Elliott
- Nancy Compton, friend of Kathy Smith
- Candra
- Peggy Ziegler
- For Jeff, Brother of Kim Jewett
- Ryan Moore, Terri Comer's son
- Ken Huelsman
- Susan Tarbuck
- Nella Hurst, friend of Mike and Sue Samoviski
- Carol and family, Stephanie Nowak's best friend and her family
- Casey Graff
- Goldie, mother of Pat Combs
- Steven Palmer
- Barbara and Michael Clifton
- Rita Stanton
- Carl and Mary Bishop
- Beth and Chuck Blaylock
- Joan King
- Tom King
- Tom Snow, brother of Linda Griffin
- Haley, Anne Elberfeld’s daughter
- Our Nation
- Wesley and Mary Kay
- Bruce, nephew of Pam Bates
- Doug Ottke, friend of Ginny and Tom Woods
- Carol Paschal and her family
- Lee and Debbie Schutte, friends of Ginny and Tom Woods
- Bill, Amy, William and Jordan
- The sister of Heather Komnenovich
- Anne Cole
- Russ Thompson
- Tom Wilson
- Georgia Adams
- Richard Issacs
- Heather Komnenovich
- Stephanie Woods
- James Noble
- For Ukraine
- For Peace
- Sue and Ken Lawrence
- Jackie Huelsman
- Mac
- For Jan and Bridgid Cornell
- Bob Ross
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Give your offering with Trinity's secure credit card/check draft link
You may use the button below or access the giving link via the website.
Click Online Giving in the menu and fill out the form.
You can donate one time or set up recurring credit card or checking account gifts. The site will generate a receipt after every gift. You have the option to cover the credit card processing fees (usually 2.5% of the transaction amount) or leave that check box blank. We also can take automatic withdrawals from your checking account.
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Post Office returns mail sent to 115 N. Sixth St.
We use the post office box because it is a reliable and safe way to receive our mail since the parish office is not open every day. The forwarding time has ended so please use the P.O. box address.
Trinity Episcopal Church
P.O. Box 851
Hamilton, OH 45012
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Parish Office Hours
Mondays and Wednesdays - 9:oo a.m. to Noon
Messages checked weekdays.
Email checked daily.
On weekends, please call Mother Suzanne.
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Parish Leadership
The Rev. Suzanne LeVesconte, Rector Jennifer Elliott, Senior Warden
Pam Bates, Sexton ......... Tom Woods, General Treasurer
.Jennifer Elliott, Music Director.............................................Jan Cornell, Investment Treasurer
Kim Jewett, Vestry Clerk
Pam Bates, Pat Combs, Bridgid Cornell, Jan Cornell, Jennifer Gattermeyer,
Linda Griffin, Kim Jewett, Kathleen Smith, Ginny Woods
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