🏃Making Strides Against Lung Cancer in New Brunswick:

Join Angela's Allies🫁

In our ongoing efforts to combat lung cancer in New Brunswick, NB Lung has been tirelessly working alongside our partners to raise awareness about the dangers of radon gas. Recently, our team had the privilege of visiting the town of Havelock after being moved by the story of Angela Stief Lea, a local resident who is bravely battling radon-induced lung cancer. Angela's journey inspired us to take immediate action, leading to the organization of a community-wide radon testing drive in Havelock.

Radon gas, a silent but deadly threat, is the leading cause of lung cancer in Canada after smoking. Unfortunately, New Brunswick faces particularly high levels of radon, putting our community at greater risk. However, with your support, we can change this narrative.

With Angela’s blessing, NB Lung is proud to have launched the "Angela's Allies" community fund, established in her honour to help address the financial barriers to radon testing. This fund is supporting our ongoing efforts to conduct community testing drives, raise awareness through educational campaigns, and provide resources to those in need. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the fight against radon-induced lung cancer.

“I just want people to donate to NB Lung. Not just on the radon front, but all fronts. Anybody with lung disease – they’re always advocates, and I think that is so important. When you can breathe, you’ve got a real right in life. So, support them if you can.”

Already, the Angela’s Allies fund has helped us test the town of Saint Andrews, after concerned citizens reached out to us to help organize a radon testing drive in their community. More than 500 test kits were distributed by NB Lung, Health Canada, and our friends at RPC Labs.

The Angela’s Allies fund also helps support our new radon monitor lending program, available in libraries, MLA offices, and community health centers across New Brunswick. This initiative aims to empower individuals to take proactive steps in testing their homes for radon, ultimately safeguarding their health and well-being, and preventing lung cancer.

Your contribution to "Angela's Allies" will directly impact our ability to continue these vital programs and initiatives. Every donation, no matter the size, makes a difference in our collective efforts to prevent lung cancer in our province.

To learn more about Angela's story and how you can support our cause, please visit NB Lung's website or contact us directly. Learn more about radon on our website.

Thank you for standing with us as we strive to create a healthier, safer future for all New Brunswickers.

Donate to NB Lung

132 Main Street (lower level), Fredericton, NB E3A 1C7

(506) 455-8961


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