Develop Specialized Referral Pathways
Help Me Grow Washington Childcare Referral Pathway: Building off of what was shared in the June newsletter, the Ages & Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) Pilot ran for six weeks with nine early care and education (ECE) providers. Pilot sites had good representation of counties across western, central, and eastern Washington, and a mix of center-based, home-based, and Play and Learn groups.
Key learnings include:
- In just six weeks, the participating ECE providers entered 138 screenings.
- All providers intend to continue using ASQ Online and were enthusiastic about the efficiencies it adds for staff and families.
- Providers made recommendations including streamlining the software setup and allowing for more practice time.
Planning has already kicked off for the 2025 pilot with an expanded focus to inform process and strategy for scaling statewide.
Help Me Grow Washington and Child Welfare: On July 30, the White House hosted a convening on Child Welfare Transformation. The Biden administration invited a broad coalition of key stakeholders and policymakers, including Lark Kesterke, WithinReach employee and Director of the Help Me Grow Washington Network, to discuss and offer wisdom at the event.