
Reports state that 80% of Afghan refugees are women and children! You cannot imagine the living conditions that they are in with limited food and clothing. They need your help. The women and children fled Afghanistan with practically nothing. We are working directly with a channel in Eastern Europe who can supply the much-needed physical items for the women and children. In addition, we want to meet the spiritual needs, by sending gospel materials, in the Afghan languages, to the women and children in the refugee camps. Time is short. To be able to deliver food, clothing and bring the gospel, we need your help while the window is still open by the powers that govern the area. This opportunity could be closed at any time.

How You Can Help

First, Please Pray, please pray as these women and children are subject to all kinds of atrocities in the refugee camps. Pray that God in His mercy moves upon their hearts to see Christ as Savior and receive God’s divine protection. Pray for the women and girls for protection from the men who are abusing them and doing other evil acts in the camps.

 Second, we need your help financially to provide these needed basics.

• Clothes to be purchased for women and children
• Hygiene Packages
• Medical Supplies
• Medical Assistance for pregnant women 
• Printing & translations cost for gospel printed materials
• Counselors to provide post-traumatic counseling

"My heart breaks for these Afghan women and children who are facing unbelievable hardships. God has placed a tremendous burden on my heart to help them in any way we can through Heart of Mercy Mission. I don’t believe we can stand by and not assist women and children in their time of need. I hope you will consider donating to Heart of Mercy Mission. The proceeds will be utilized for the efforts already underway to help these refugees.”
said Suellen Roberts, Founder

Thank you for helping the Afghan women and children who are in need.

Founder & President

The Heart of Mercy Mission (HMM) since 2019, is an outreach of Christian Women in Media Association (CWIMA). The mission of the Heart of Mercy Mission is to rescue, redeem and restore women through the power of Christ and a tangible humanitarian effort. God’s heart is for the those who are oppressed, disadvantaged, and abused. May we reflect God’s heart by showing love and mercy the abused women globally.              
We desperately need your financial help to allow us to continue the work for the women and children.
Christian Women in Media |