Hellos and Goodbyes to
our REI Research Assistants!
Introducing Joey Allen
Joseph Allen is a Sophomore at Michigan State pursuing degrees in Urban & Regional Planning (BS) and Economic Geography (BS), along with a minor in Law, Justice, and Public Policy. He is a Student Research Assistant for both REI and CERI. Joseph is interested in sustainability and resiliency efforts for older communities, as well as public policy initiatives promoting new development. Additionally, Joseph is a Social Science Scholar, Vice President of the Urban and Regional Planning Student Association at MSU, and a member of the Mock Trial team.
Introducing Logan Eveland
Welcome to Logan Eveland, the CCED's new communication assistant. Logan is an Experience Architecture major with a preference for user research, design, and accessibility. His interests include improving sustainability within low-income communities and discovering solutions for the usability of digital spaces for these communities.
Wishing Kylie the Best in her New Endeavors
Farewell to Kylie White who graduated in December with a Bachelors Degree in Community Sustainability and now will go on to support Ottawa County as a Land Use Planner 1. From everyone at REI, we thank her and wish her the best in her future plans.