CFNS News & Updates
Q1 Spring 2023
CEO Message
Happy Spring!
Spring brings longer, warmer days and all the hope, renewal and inspiration that comes with this time of year. Daily, we notice buds growing in anticipation of bloom, while the gardeners among us have been busy tending to seedlings for weeks now in getting a jumpstart on outdoor planting. 

Since our founding, we have cared for all kinds of seedlings, both for short-term benefit and long-term cultivation, with funds focused on a variety of interests, from the arts and food security to veterans and youth. Some funds have had immediate impact, while others will be felt over time, but one thing common to all: people care about giving back to their community.

As 2023 progresses, may you do your bit of good, either with us or with some seeds in a garden of your own. 

What's New
Positive Impact through Social Enterprise

As we look towards pandemic recovery, social finance can play a role in how we build more resilient and inclusive communities. In recognition of this, the Investment Readiness Program (IRP), funded by the Government of Canada, is helping organizations develop or expand their positive impact through social enterprise - the selling of goods or services to earn revenue.

From scaling-up local craft supply chains to support economic viability, expanding community gardens to enhance food security to cafes providing youth with hands‐on training and work experience, meet the Nova Scotia recipients of the Investment Readiness Program who are showing how business can be done differently.

Working with our partners Ulnooweg Indigenous Communities Foundation and Rural Communities Foundation of Nova Scotia, we were proud to administer the program in Nova Scotia. 
Donor-Advised Funds: Helping create the community impact you wish to see

Read Daniel's article in APEX: East Coast Business Magazine explaining what these funds are and their benefits.
Communities for Gender Equality

To help advance gender equality and systemic change in Canada, we took part in Communities for Gender Equality, a funding initiative for organizations supporting women, girls, two-spirit and gender-diverse individuals.

A total of $320,000 was awarded to 12 community-based organizations to provide programs and services, including mental health, wellbeing, social and justice supports, with a gender-equality lens while helping build resilience and sustain capacity. Learn more.  
Communities Services Recovery Fund Update
Our thanks to everyone who applied to the Communities Services Recovery Fund, the $400 million investment from the Government of Canada to support charities, non-profits and Indigenous governing bodies as they adapt to the long-term impacts of the pandemic.

Applications are under review, with results expected to be available early summer.
Reciprocity Health Fund Now Open
We're happy to connect. Contact us at or call 902-490-9916.

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