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The Shepherd's Center of Topeka is an interfaith-based volunteer-run organization that provides opportunities for adults 55 and older to participate in educational, physical, spiritual, and social activities and events.

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Monday News and Updates

April 29, 2024

Good Monday Afternoon!

Last Friday was our last Adventures in Learning until August. What great presentations from the Topeka Literacy Council, Don Chubbs on the Forgotten Stories that Form Topeka's Heritage, News and Views with Kevin McFarland, and Adventures in Music with our local celebrity Rand Wills of the Exceptions band and recording studio!

Thank you to Adrianne from Midland Care for sponsoring our refreshments last Friday. Adrianne shared about Midland's many programs, including the PACE program, and discussed the opportunity for volunteers in various areas at Midland. To learn more about Midland Care, click on the logo above.

At Adventures in Learning, on April 19, Paul Post gave a wonderful presentation, "The Red Brick Buildings on SBA Hill: A Retrospective. Many who attended Paul's session wanted a copy of his presentation, which I've included here. The Red Brick Buildings

Thank you to Judy Owens and the Shepherd's Center for providing cake for my last day as director for Adventures in Learning! Kathy reported on the search for our next director and indicated that the ad has been placed in the CJOnline. If you know someone interested in the director's position, please have them contact Kathy at The ad and job description are listed below.

Volunteers Need for Thursday, May 2, for the TACC Spring Resource Fair Fairlawn Plaza

We still need volunteers for the following spots at our table. You will talk to visitors about the Shepherd's Center.

10:00 - 11:15 - 1 Volunteer

11:15 - 12:15 - 1 Volunteer

12:15 - 1:30 - 2 Volunteers

If you can volunteer, please contact board member Marilyn Buzzell at I will

Thank you, Donna Clark, for your time and talent in interviewing and writing our featured member articles. We love learning more about each other, and we appreciate you.

Have a blessed week!

Karen Willard

SCT Director


Featured Member - Pat Simpson

It’s official! Pat Simpson is a lady, and she has the backing of the Kansas Land Improvement Association’s 2000 Lady of the Year award to prove it!

Anyone who sits down and talks with Pat about her memories and experiences will tell you that Pat is a complex woman. She grew up in the Kansas towns of Barnard (Now the Post Rock Capital of Kansas!) and Beloit. She has been a military wife, a single mom and a stepmom.

To continue reading click on the link: Pat Simpson

Shepherd's Center is seeking its next Director!

Job Ad

Job Description

Volunteers Needed

Join the Planning Committee for Adventures in Learning! We are looking for two enthusiastic volunteers to help us find engaging speakers for our events. The committee meets approximately four times a year to plan for our February, April, August, and October sessions. Most of the work is done through email and phone calls, where you will have the opportunity to reach out to 2 or 3 speakers per session. Be a part of shaping unforgettable experiences for our attendees!

Join our team of hospitality volunteers for Adventures in Learning! Help us create a warm and welcoming environment by serving coffee or greeting participants on Friday mornings. Commit to as many or as few Fridays as you'd like during the program months. Contact Judy Owens at to get involved today!

March/April Newsletter

Calendar with Activity Groups for March and April Calendar

2024 Annual Membership Dues

and Member Profile Form

2024 Membership Dues

Join Shepherd's Center now and gain access to our online membership directory. While you can join any time, joining at the beginning of the year provides the most benefits, as your $30 membership dues are paid per calendar year. As a member, you'll enjoy discounts on "Adventures in Learning" and access to our online membership directory, as well as a printed directory, if desired. Your membership also supports our mission.

Print Membership Form to Mail

If you are a new member, click the link to print the member profile form and return it to the office. If you don't have a printer, let me know, and I'll mail the form to you. Print Member Profile Form

SCT Activity Groups

Physical Well-Being, Spiritual Growth,

Socializing and Education


Mexican Train Dominoes

Hand and Foot Canasta


Line Dancing with Karen Botkin

Let's Keep Moving!

Pickleball - Monday and Wednesday from 1 – 3:00 at First Baptist, 3033 SW MacVicar Ave, Topeka. One of the four courts is designated as a training court on Wednesday. If you are interested in playing recreational pickleball, please email Dave Mathias at or Betsy Thompson at Please note that Pickleball will not meet on Monday, May 27.

Line Dancing - Meeting from 1:30 - 3:30 on the 2nd and 4th Thursday and from 1:30 - 2:30 on the 1st and 3rd Thursday for beginners at First Baptist Church, 3033 SW MacVicar Ave, Topeka. For more information, contact Karen Botkin at 785-945-6785 or Jim Bauer at 785-256-2432 at Please note: Jim Bauer is teaching the beginner's class on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month.

SMS - Strength, Mobility, Stability Exercise Group

Monday, 9:30-10:00, Arbor Valley Senior Homes Clubhouse, 1414 SW Arbor Valley Dr, Topeka

Tuesday and Thursday, 9 - 9:30, Rosehill Place, 3600 SW Gage Blvd # 97, Topeka Tuesday and Thursday, 10 - 10:45, Grace UMC, 2627 SW Western Ave, Topeka. For more information, please call Anne Crawford at 785-273- 4527 or email


Tai Chi 123 - Meets Tuesday 9:30 - 10:30 at Lowman United Methodist Church and Thursday 9:30 - 10:30 at the Zoo at Camp Cowabunga or Kay's Japanese Garden, depending on the weather and availability. No training is needed; watch and follow. Contact Madon Dailey, Certified Tai Chi Instructor, at 785-845-4478, Join Madon from Home via Zoom on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. Click on this link Zoom Tai Chi Use Meeting ID: 825 2355 0912 Passcode: TopekaTC4V

Please consult your physician before starting a new exercise program.

Let's Stay Connected!


Bridge Group - Meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at Our Savior Lutheran Church, 2021 SW 29th St, Topeka, from 1:00 - 3:30 pm. Arrangements to play must be made by Monday at 5:00 by calling Joan Arterburn's cell at 785-213-1812 or home at 785-408-5174 regarding attendance.

Hand and Foot Canasta - Meeting on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday from 2:00 - 4:00 pm at St. David's Episcopal Church, 3916 SW 17th St, Topeka. Please do not enter the building before 1:45 pm. If you have questions, please email Caroline Huff at

Mexican Train Dominoes - Meeting on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday from 2:00 - 4:00 pm, St. David's Episcopal Church, 3916 SW 17th St, Topeka. Please do not enter the building before 1:45 pm. For more information, please email the co-coordinator, Ottie Reed, at or Mary Adkins at

Shepherd's Center Book Club - Meeting on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month from 2:00 - 4:00 pm at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1275 SW Boswell Ave, Topeka. For more information, contact Pat Kirkman at

MAP Group (Memoirs, Ancestry, Photos). Meeting via Zoom only on the 4th Wednesday of the Month, 10 - 11:30 am. Contact Rich McReynolds at or our office if you want to join this group. We will send you a Zoom link.

Family History Writing Group, Meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, 10:00 – 11:30 am Lowman United Methodist Church, room 12. For more information, contact the office at 785-249-3258.

Widowed Support Group, meetings on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month from 3:30 - 5:00 pm, Arbor Court, 4200 SW Drury Lane, Topeka (Enter off of 15th Street) Please park in Lowman's parking lot. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me. Jerel Wright, Bev Munoz, and Sandy McManus are co-coordinators.

Travel Opportunities

Loading Up

If you want to volunteer on the Travel Committee, please contact Rich McReynolds at

To register for the following trips, contact Oneta at or

call 785-633-8761. The coach picks up at Fairlawn Plaza.

"Elvis, Aloha From Vega" New Theatre Overland Park (Lunch Provided), Wednesday, March 6, Cost $78

Step Back in Time, Jamesport, Missouri, Wednesday, May 8, 7:30 am – 6:00 pm. $89. Jamesport is home to the largest Old Order Amish Colony west of the Mississippi River and the oldest and Only Amish Colony in MO that permits tours of the Colony. 


Disney's Newsies, New Theatre Overland Park, Lunch Provided. Wednesday, July 31, 9:45 am – 5 pm. $80 NEWSIES spins the inspirational tale of Jack Kelly - a charismatic newsboy who dreams of a better life.


Royals vs. Giants Baseball with Fireworks

Friday, September 20, 5:00 pm - midnight. $89

Resurrection Church, December - date and cost to be announced. 


For our members and friends interested in other travel opportunities, check Great Adventures Tours at Contact Oneta by emailing her at or calling 785-633-8761 with questions, enrollment, or cancellations. Mail checks to P. O. Box 4126, Topeka, KS 66604.

Credit cards are not accepted.

Prayer Requests

If you have a particular need or prayer request, please email Charlotte Milroy, our SCT Chaplain, at If you would like your prayer requests mentioned in our Monday email, please copy Karen at

You are especially important to us, and we are here for you in your time of need. Please call or email me if you know of an SCT member who needs prayers or encouragement. If a member has passed, please let Charlotte know so she can send a card on behalf of Shepherd's Center. Click here to email Charlotte Milroy.

Topeka, Shawnee County, and Kansas Updates

The City of Topeka and Shawnee County

If you're wondering what to do in Topeka, like trying new places to eat, entertainment, or events, click on the following link for more information: Visit Topeka

"The City of Topeka is dedicated to promoting access to government data and encouraging the development of creative tools to engage and serve Topeka's diverse community." This website includes the city budget, open projects, and homelessness information. Click on the following link for more information: Open Data Portal.

Kansas Department of Health and Environment

Shepherd's Center of Topeka | Website