Heartbeat Bill Signed!
International Focus on Louisiana
Gov. Edwards signed the Heartbeat bill yesterday! Louisiana continues to lead on defending the lives of unborn babies!

The House passed the Heartbeat bill on Wednesday after intense debate and many amendments. Thankfully, no amendments allowing exceptions were added to the bill. This is a testament to our pro-life House members. Rep. Pat Moore's pro-life testimony (below) of being considered for abortion after her mother was a victim of abuse stole the show! Rep. Valarie Hodges' leadership on the House floor also made a big difference.
Want to know how your representative voted? Click on the links below to see how your representative voted on three key votes:

You can also visit our dynamic Scorecard page to search for your legislator and see all their votes.

As I am sure you have seen, the international focus on abortion has turned toward Louisiana, as media outlets from HBO, Norway, London, Israel, and elsewhere have either been here or are headed here to cover our efforts to protect unborn babies.

Momentum for life is palpable in our nation. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr once said, "Justice delayed is justice denied." The rights of unborn children have been denied long enough in our nation. It's time our nation brought an end to the injustice of abortion.

For a Pro-Life Louisiana,
Benjamin Clapper

P.S. On another note, read this great article focusing on our courageous youth leaders , including our newest intern, Taylor Gautreaux from Hammond!
Governor Signs Heartbeat Bill One Day
After It Was Approved on House Floor
Executive Director Benjamin Clapper and other LARTL team members have been interviewed by a variety of news organizations recently on pro-life legislation in Louisiana.
Gov. John Bel Edwards wasted no time signing SB 184, the Fetal Heartbeat bill, into law. He signed the bill on Thursday, one day after it received final approval on the House floor. ( Read his statement here ) This law would prohibit abortion of an unborn human being with a detectable heartbeat, It will go into effect only when the courts uphold a similar Mississippi law. During Wednesday's debate on the House floor after an amendment related to rape and incest was introduced, Rep. Pat Moore of Monroe told her colleagues she could not support the amendment because her mother, who was raped at 14, chose not to have an abortion and "She brought me into this world."

Love Life Amendment Now in Conference
Committee Following Senate's Approval
The Senate approved HB 425, the Love Life Amendment to the Louisiana Constitution, on May 21 by a 31-4 margin, more than the 2/3 margin needed in order to put the measure on the ballot. But because amendments were added it headed back to the House for concurrence, and currently the bill is in conference committee. Once approved, Louisiana’s voters will have the chance to ensure that there is no right to abortion or to taxpayer funding of abortion in Louisiana’s constitution. Stay tuned for updates!
Louisiana Right to Life hosted a Pro-Life, Pro-Woman Press Conference recently at the State Capitol featuring courageous pro-life women leaders. Multiple TV and media outlets covered the event.
The Christian Science Monitor recently published an article about abortion restrictions in Louisiana and featured Taylor Gautreaux, a Southeastern student who is interning with LARTL this summer.
The 2020 Right to Life calendar is in production, and we are accepting baby photos for possible inclusion through the end of June. Can you help? Are you willing to share a baby picture of your child or grandchild? It would be great if you also could provide the baby’s ultrasound photo!
Registration is open for the 2019 PULSE Leadership Institute, set for July 8-12 at the Timothy Retreat Center in Baker. PLI is an exciting week for high school and college students to delve into the pro-life cause, with speakers and testimonies, hands-on pro-life activism, and more!
Start making plans now to attend the second Northwest Louisiana Pro-Life Prayer Breakfast. The breakfast is Aug. 22 at First United Methodist Church in Shreveport. Tickets are now available.
The annual Pro-Life Women's Conference is coming to Louisiana this month. The conference, "When Women Lead," will be held June 21-23 at the Pontchartrain Civic and Convention Center in Kenner.
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