Your Monthly News & Updates
HeartMind e-News: Teach, Learn, Lead
A monthly publication dedicated to trauma-informed, compassionate school practices that help educators, students, and families move toward a sense of wholeness and well-being
Astronomy for Everyone
Friends look up at the starry night sky.
As we start to feel the beginnings of summer approach and Covid restrictions ease, now is the perfect time to take a deep breath and look up at the sky.
Astronomy is one of the oldest natural sciences, and one that lends itself to bountiful opportunities for hands-on learning activities. Beyond providing deep, hands-on opportunities for improving scientific literacy, studying astronomy also benefits our health and psyche. When we view something beautiful, our brains relax, and feeling a sense of awe, we become “happier, healthier, more humble, and more connected to the people around [us]” (Allen, 2018).
This month, we explore the awe-inspiring glory of the universe and night sky. Astronomer, lecturer, and founder of Look Up to the Stars, Kevin Manning joins us, sharing tips for teaching astronomy and improving scientific literacy in fun and engaging ways for all ages.
Our HeartMind e-News connects the relationship of heart centered learning and mindfulness to current research and circumstances. Our goal is to provide our readers with concrete opportunities to further implementation of heart centered practices in their schools and districts. These opportunities will include suggestions for reflection, journaling, dialoguing, and compassionate classroom activities. These exercises often start with adults, working on our own knowledge and skills, before we turn to students.
Astronomy for Everyone: The Story of Look Up to the Stars
Kevin Manning, Astronomer and Lecturer
The beauty and majesty of a starry sky is awe-inspiring to the beholder; one must simply look up to see and wonder at its splendor. The universe, with its untold mysteries in the depths of space, has always been my laboratory. The jewels of the night sky march across this panorama with smooth and gracious transitions as the earth spins without compromise. The mystery and beauty of the universe creates an ideal topic to spark students’ interest. To capture their attention, I use an array of photos as we tour these galaxies, learn of their origins, and contemplate what scientists are on the verge of discovering.
To help build awe-inspiring astronomy education, I founded Look Up to the Stars in 2004. Our mission is to generate interest and foster scientific literacy nationwide through the delivery of educational and entertaining astronomy programs. Since 2009, the International Year of Astronomy (IYA), I have offered our Star Tour Across America to individuals, families, schools, libraries, civic organizations, retirement communities, corporations, and churches. In 2009, IYA celebrated the 400th anniversary of Galileo Galilei and the first telescope with 100 nations around the world. Since then, I have traveled to visit every corner of 49 of these United States.
Learning from Astronomy
As CEI Executive Director Christine Mason indicated in a recent blog for CEI (Mason, 2021), I follow a few basic principles when teaching children and adults. Whether your students participate in one of my programs, you work with local astronomers, or you teach your students astronomy or other subjects, you can incorporate these strategies into your teaching: Read more.
Upcoming Events and Announcements
Practical tips to guide your school/district through trauma and stress as they seek to advance equity and justice.
Join our research-based webinars to learn about experiencing joy and healing through mindful self-care.
Our Vision
We envision a world that leans in with heart and compassion for self, others, and our environment, where people and institutions are dedicated to expanding conscious acts of caring, building resiliency, and advancing learning, equity, and justice.
We envision safe and equitable schools with education that serves as the foundation for our humanity; it is flexible and empowering. There is room for adventure, students drive their own learning, learning and self-understanding are celebrated, and communities support their individual and collective self-care, and well-being.
Visioning Onward: A Guide for All Schools
Use our step-by-step guide to define your vision—and make it reality—as a part of your school's reopening plan
Schools right now have the opportunity to undertake significant steps to improve education and the lives of all students and faculty. Such changes will take some thought, research, and determination. Visioning Onward will provide a template to help you use American Rescue funds wisely.
Let this inspirational resource be your guide. By following its one-of-a-kind iterative visioning process, you’ll sharpen your vision into a road map for transformative change—tailored to the needs of your learning community, alleviating trauma, and strengthening resiliency and academic learning.
Turn vision into reality, possibilities into plans, and create an environment that strengthens engagement, provides safe and nurturing learning opportunities, and produces students with the skills, knowledge, and disposition to be successful in life.