For the Week of April 11 - 18, 2024

Any red banner, text, or icon that is linked to more detailed information will turn into a "pointing glove" when you scroll over it. When the pointer appears, click to be taken to the link.

The Almighty has given us the title "Children of God." How should that title guide our behavior? ~ Rev. Alex


The Great 50 Days: “Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again!” Every time we celebrate Holy Communion, we remind ourselves of this good news. From now until

May 19 we will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. Easter Day was last Sunday but the season of Easter is actually 50 days long in the church! Jesus rose on Easter Sunday but he appeared to his disciples for 40 days and then ascended into heaven. Then ten days later he sent the Holy Spirit to anoint the disciples at Pentecost. Make time to celebrate the new life that we have through the resurrection of Jesus, not just on Easter Sunday, but every day!


The Color White during the season of Easter represents holiness and the glory of the resurrection.


The Pascal Candle is the large candle beside the baptismal font. Sometimes the Pascal Candle is also called the Easter Candle or the Christ Candle. It is lit during the 50 days of the Easter season. Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to his disciples for 40 days and then after his ascension the disciples waited 10 more days until the Holy Spirit came upon them at Pentecost. The flame of the Pascal Candle represents the living presence of the Risen Christ with his disciples between his resurrection and his ascension. It is also a reminder of the living presence of the Risen Christ with us.


We extend our sincere sympathies and prayers to the family and friends of Saint Mark disciple Marlene Edlund, who passed away Tuesday, April 9th at Cottingham Hospice House. Arrangements are pending. We will share details as they become available.

  • Golden Corner Food Pantry

Saint Mark Youth serve at Ann Hope Feeding Ministry on April 3rd. Photo by Cora Keese.


Saint Mark has participated in the feeding ministry at Ann Hope UMC since 2015. Currently we serve 120-150 people on the first Wednesday of each month, preparing and serving a meal for the impoverished community in Oconee County, specifically in the Utica Mill Hill area.

Several small groups at Saint Mark, such as Table Talk, Aldersgate, the Abigail Circle, and ACTS class, 'adopt' a month to serve or provide desserts. We also have a small group of individuals who volunteer throughout the year.

If you would like more information on this opportunity to serve, please contact Saint Mark disciple Cora Keese.



"Astronomers without Borders" will repurpose donated, undamaged eclipse glasses for distribution to school children in developing countries in the path of subsequent solar eclipses. There will be a collection box in the Ben Hilda side entrance to the Atrium, beginning Sunday, April 14th.

You can learn more about the program from the website for Eclipse Glasses USA.

CLICK HERE to email Pastor Alex with your prayer concerns.

On Wednesday, April 17, we will have our final Recharge meal and program for this season. "W-R-E-CH FM" - The Recharge Radio Station will need your help as we "broadcast" our comedy show with YOU as the live audience! Andy Campbell and Chris Keese will be our announcers with several special guests! Come and de-stress your life with a lot of huge belly laughs! Questions? Contact producer Donna Poston.

The menu that evening will be Baked Spaghetti, Salad, Rolls, and Ice Cream Bar. RSVP to Donna Jaynes for dinner.

Festival of God’s Creation 

The United Methodist Church designates the Sunday closest to Earth Day (April 22) as the Festival of God’s Creation.

In the beginning God created the earth and all that is in it and called it good. Then God planted a garden and placed the first human in it to care for and tend the garden. God has given us the beauty of creation. Through the Earth God provides all we need to live: air, water, food, clothing, shelter, medicines etc. God created it so that it would provide for us and all the other animals of the world in perpetuity. Humans have been given the unique responsibility to care for that creation.

On Sunday, April 21 we celebrate the gift of the earth and remember our responsibility to care for God’s creation.

This year's Rise Against Hunger event will be held on Saturday, April 27 beginning at 10:00 AM in the Saint Mark Center (Gym). There will be both standing and sitting jobs available. Bring the kids over age 5 -- they have the important job of being "runners" helping to deliver the filled bags to the sealer stations! Please use the QR code to sign up. If you are uncomfortable with QR codes, don't worry; come early, and we will help you with signup.


April's Hymn of the Month is All Things Bright and Beautiful. It brings to mind the verse from Romans 1:20: "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."


The words were written by Cecil F. Alexander, the wife of an Anglican bishop in Ireland. She wrote several hymn texts on articles of the Apostle's Creed, this one being in reference to the part of the creed that says "maker of heaven and earth."

There are several different tunes that go with this text, the most familiar being ROYAL OAK from England. Click the link below for a video of children singing this hymn:

The Environmental Stewardship Committee's focus for 2024 is CLIMATE, FOOD, CLEAN WATER & SUSTAINABILITY. These initiatives of the United Methodist Church can be found at GBCS Home under Climate.

Sign up for Saint Mark's EcoEarthlings and join the effort to preserve and prosper planet Earth.

Please look for Action Alerts and other programs each quarter in the Heart Beat and on OUR WEBPAGE.

CLICK HERE for more information.


Participating in a Rise Against Hunger food packaging event is an excellent way to support the Environmental Stewardship Second Quarter Focus on Food. Each year in the Saint Mark gym, we typically accomplish the amazing feat of packaging some 15,000 meals in about two hours! Those meals are then shipped to a destination desperately in need of nourishing food. In 2022, our meals made their way to Nicaragua, and last year they were sent to Madagascar. Please join us for a fun, industrious morning that makes a huge impact on people in need. To learn more about Rise Against Hunger, click on the VIDEO LINK below:

CLICK HERE to see all that's happening!

The Environmental Stewardship Committee, in partnership with the Family Ministry Team and CDC Steering Committee, are putting together an Earth Day Celebration for the Preschool and Aftercare Students of the CDC on April 16 & 18. These celebrations will highlight various aspects of how we can take care of the earth as well as praise our Creator and will lead into our Festival of God’s Creation Sunday on April 21. The project leaders are

Gary Gaulin, Cheryl Stevens, and Julie Spoelstra. CDC liaisons are Becky Hazelwood and Carolyn Harris. If you would like to volunteer or attend please contact Julie at

Lots of happenings with the Berries! The Berries primarily cater to those who are 50+ years of age, BUT we welcome anyone! Bring a friend or family member along. The More the Berrier!

We've added an April bonus event in a show of support for Saint Mark staff members Laura Ritter and Kristine Montgomery. Laura is Music Director for The Clemson Little Theatre's upcoming production of musical comedy Once Upon a Mattress, and Kristine is playing Queen Aggravain. We have 3 tickets left for the first Sunday matinee. We will most likely carpool as parking space is limited.

RSVP to DiAnne Crisp.

If you want to see the show but can't make it on the 21st with the Berries, please consider one of the five other dates! CLICK HERE for ticket information.

Join the Berries for a free tour of Clemson's Bob Campbell Geology Museum, home to rocks, minerals, fossils, skulls, skeletons, and faceted gemstones. Bring a sack lunch, and we will gather in the Botanical Garden to socialize after the tour. Contact Lavonne Sloop with questions or to RSVP.

For more info about the museum, click on the link below:

We have already filled our two boats, but we do have a waiting list. You can STILL plan to join us for the fish fry at Devils Fork Park, helmed by Paul Herren and Eddie Rembert. Time and details will be published in the future. For questions or to RSVP, contact Karen Suarez.

CLICK HERE for registration information.

  • April Birthdays
  • Pickle Ball Mondays
  • Drums Alive! Class
  • CPR Instructional Videos
  • Sanctuary Flower Calendar
Our current COVID safety policy while on campus.

Saint Mark UMC

616 Quincy Road

Seneca, SC 29678

Call us:

9 am - 5 pm (M-Th)

(864) 882-2603

 Click here to

send an email

Pastoral Care

Emergencies or after regular office hours call

(864) 882-2603

extension 104 

Have you moved, changed your phone number or email address?
Let us know!
Click on the icon above.

April 14, 2024

3rd Sunday of Easter

9:00 am

Celebrate! Contemporary Worship

@ Gym

10:15 am

Sunday School

(all ages)

11:15 am

Traditional Worship

@ Sanctuary

Worship services are

Live Streamed



Children meet at 10:15 am in Room A101 off the atrium. Youth meet in the Youth Center.

Youth Group meets at 5:30 pm in the Youth Center.

Have Information to Share with Your Church Family?

Click here to email Director of Media & Communications, Kristine Montgomery, or call her at (864) 882-2603 to have your info included in the next edition of the Heart Beat. The deadline is

3 pm Wednesday before the Heart Beat goes out Thursday

at 4 pm.


Link to The Advocate for free! Click the icon above.

The Disciples Directory is password protected due to personal information. You should have received an email containing the password.

If not, please CLICK HERE to request the password. Printed directories can be obtained

by contacting the church office.

If you would like to submit a photograph or update your contact information, please email Kristine Montgomery. Click on the icon above to access the full directory.

The Saint Mark 2024 Ministry Guidebook contains information about church structure, leadership and ministries. Click on the icon above to access the complete document.

Saint Mark United Methodist Church

616 Quincy Road

Seneca, South Carolina 29678-3820


Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors

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