March 5, 2020
Changes to Hearing and Bencher Meeting Locations in 2021
The Law Society of Alberta is centralizing all hearings and Bencher meetings in Calgary beginning in 2021.

In 2019, we completed a cost-benefit analysis of holding hearings and Bencher meetings in two locations: Edmonton and Calgary. Our findings show it is not financially sustainable to continue this practice when all other Law Society operations are based in Calgary.

“We are accountable to more than 10,000 lawyers in Alberta to ensure that we are operating efficiently and in a fiscally responsible manner,” says Kent Teskey, President of the Law Society of Alberta. “By eliminating the extra costs of holding hearings and Bencher meetings outside of Calgary, resources can be redirected towards achieving our strategic goals.”

Hearings Costs over five years

The cost-benefit analysis looked at hearing costs over a five-year period. We can estimate a per day cost for a hearing, in both Edmonton and Calgary, by looking at hard costs. This includes travel costs and expenses for adjudicators, counsel, external counsel, Tribunal Office and administrative support staff.

For example, in 2019, there were 23 hearing days in each city. By comparing the per day costs, we learned that it cost 10 times more to hold a hearing in Edmonton ($9,269 / day) than in Calgary ($850 / day).

To learn more about our findings, read our FAQs and infographic detailing this decision on the Law Society Website.
International Women's Day 2020
Over the past century, women have made great strides in society to move towards greater gender equality. In recognition of this and to celebrate the incredible achievements that women have made around the world, we honour International Women’s Day annually on March 8. While much progress has been made, there is still a long way to go to reach true gender parity, and this day marks a reminder for that as well.

The 2020 campaign theme for International Women’s Day is #EachforEqual, highlighting the need for each person to make the choice for equality in all senses of the word. As the official International Women’s Day website says, “An equal world is an enabled world.”

To read more about how our Bencher Table and Leadership is honouring this important day, visit our website.
New Callback Feature Now Available 
As a part of our ongoing commitment to improving customer service for both lawyers and the public, the Law Society has a new callback feature on our general line (1.800.661.9003) to help callers who may not wish to remain on hold to wait for their call to be answered. 

If you choose to use the callback feature, you will not lose your place in the queue, and a Law Society representative will call you back as soon as they are able. If you are placed on hold and wish to use the call-back feature, press 1 on your phone.