September 2018
Healthy Vitals Bulletin: Addressing Chronic Illness
Mobile Cardiac Health

This Fall, Cornerstone Collaborative Florida, Inc. will launch a mobile health (mHealth) initiative targeting cardiac disease by engaging individuals and healthcare providers in health screening and dialogue to address chronic illness in Florida communities.

Cornerstone and its Collaborative partners will deliver the Protein Unstable Lesion Signature (PULS) Cardiac Test ( ) to lower incidents of cardiac disease, the leading cause of mortality in the United States.
September is National Sickle Cell Awareness Month
Cornerstone Collaborative Florida, Inc. is committed to providing health access and eliminating health disparity in underserved communities as part of our mission to end poverty.

Operating at the intersection of philanthropy, healthcare providers, government services, and other community advocacy groups, Cornerstone solicits private and public resources through donations and grants for programs and services that help those who are vulnerable or in need.
Cornerstone Collaborative Florida, Inc. | 561-413-3389|