April 2021
Healthy Soil Solutions Monthly
Strawberries Gone Wild with New 3rd Party Trial Data Using Flagship Product Full Spectrum C+P!
Good Morning All! 

Welcome to the March edition of Healthy Soil Solutions Monthly. We’d like to begin this month’s newsletter by sharing some very exciting news from our research partner, David Holden, of Holden Research and Consulting on our flagship product Full Spectrum C+P. We recently engaged Holden to conduct a series of replicated research trials with Full Spectrum on a number of different crops, the first of which to be completed was on strawberries in Ventura, CA.  

Long story short, Full Spectrum treated acres generated an average increase of 280 more trays per acre (a 23% increase) over the grower standard fertility program, which, based upon the current market at the time of completion generated an additional $3,779.00 net returns per acre! Not to mention, only half of our standard application rate was used in this trial, which represented a total of $48 in additional input cost per acre. All else being equal, Full Spectrum represented a 78x multiple return on investment (ROI) in this trial! We had to pinch ourselves when we saw these results come in, but we went into it with the utmost confidence that our product would perform, and perform it did.  

Those interested in reviewing the full trial literature generated by Holden may do so in the Trials and Research section of our website. High heat and high winds significantly contributed to plant stress levels during this trial, which led David to conclude that Full Spectrum served as an abiotic stress mitigator. This resonated well with our understanding of its mode of action: one of the key benefits of Full Spectrum is its unrivaled ability to reduce soil compaction and increase infiltration/delivery of both water and nutrients to the plant. These benefits are compounding in that they also lead to better root growth, which further facilitates increased uptake of both water and nutrients. In a nutshell, Full Spectrum creates an environment in which the plant is able to fortify itself. What we like most about this mode of action is that it is what we’ve started referring to as “crop agnostic”, since our direct target is actually the soil, we’re not reliant upon a particular plant physiology for it to work.  

As the namesake of this newsletter reflects, we’re on a mission to generate healthier soil because we believe that it is the most simple and economical way to increase farmer profitability no matter where they are or what they’re growing. Unfortunately, conventional agronomic “best practices” don’t seem to respect the critical interplay between a plant and its supporting environment, but we’ve been encouraged by the increasing momentum behind the regenerative agriculture movement, which aims to restore that respect through an emphasis on soil health and biology. That said, as we discussed in our September Newsletter, the solutions being proposed by this movement can be both intimidating and invite a great deal of skepticism. It’s for this reason that we’ve emphasized the development of products that can be easily integrated into a large-scale conventional farmer’s standard operational procedures, yet still achieve the outcomes desired by proponents of regenerative agricultural practices (do you really want to start grazing sheep on your orchards any time soon?)  

Please stay tuned as more of our third party-validated trial results continue to come in. While we have been humbled by the positive responses we’ve received from our growing customer base and generated no shortage of testimonials, we felt it necessary to validate our claims by inviting an accredited third party to oversee the deployment of our product and the analysis of its results. We will continue to work with best-in-class third parties to review our products, and will never stop working to optimize their formulations and our recommendations as to how to stack them to achieve the best results. If these results came just by way of one of our products, imagine what we can accomplish with the full program!  

-The Team at Penny Newman Farm Products Division
Introducing Aqua-Yield NanoCS

Product Launch Webinar
NanoCS™ is a new crop starter enhancer by Aqua-Yield®:
a robust combination of NanoShield® Technology,
balanced NPK, zinc, and biostimulant. Learn More

From our friends at Aqua-Yield, proprietors of their NanoShield technology, brought to you exclusively by Penny Newman Farm Products
Aqua-Yield Dealer Spotlight
Penny Newman has been an authorized Aqua-Yield dealer for only a few years, but they have instantly seen the many benefits nanoliquids offer to both the grower, their crops, and soil health. Finn Telles, Sales and Marketing of Penny Newman Farm Products, is excited by the crop response his growers are seeing. He states, “With nanoliquid fertility, growers are seeing a difference in growth of their crops in just a 1-2 week time difference, both soil and foliar applied.” READ ARTICLE
Penny Newman Case Study with CERES Imaging
Contact Penny Newman for your Commercial Fertilizer Needs
Try our flagship product!
First applications for the season are going out. We recommend applying 5 gallons/acre on the first application in the early spring and 3 gallons/acre in the early summer. Set your trees up for success this season and apply Full Spectrum C+P!
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