Sense of belonging in school key to children’s positive mental health
Anti-bullying measures alone are not enough to encourage positive mental health for children in schools, suggests a new study from the University of British Columbia.
Simple initiatives like a gratitude board where students can pin up messages thanking others in the school community could help foster a supportive, inclusive atmosphere in your school.
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October 10
2018 is World Mental Health Day
Adolescence and the early years of adulthood are a time of life when many changes occur, for example changing schools, leaving home, and starting university. For many, these are exciting times. They can also be times of stress and apprehension. There is a growing recognition of the importance of helping young people build mental resilience, from the earliest ages, in order to cope with the challenges of today’s world.
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October 11
2018 is Day of the Girl
This year’s theme is With Her: A skilled GirlForce. Today’s generation of girls are preparing to enter a world of work that is being transformed by innovation and automation. This year’s Day of the Girl will mark the beginning of a year-long effort to bring together partners and stakeholders to draw attention and invest in opportunities for girls to attain skills for their future employability.
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October is Farm to School Month
Farm to School BC (F2SBC) programs bring healthy, local and sustainable food into schools and provide students with hands-on learning opportunities that foster food literacy, all while strengthening the local food system and enhancing school and community connectedness. Are you interested in starting a F2SBC program at your school? Check out our website to learn more about our F2SBC provincial grant opportunity and our F2SBC photo contest running this October in celebration of Farm to School Month!
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How Flexible Seating Created a Positive, Communal Learning Environment
A teacher from Twain Sullivan Elementary School (SD 54) shared with us how the Healthy Schools Network Grant allowed her to transform her traditional classroom into one that promoted an inclusive learning community built on trust and positive relationships.
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Mind Fit
The YMCA, in partnership with organizations across BC, has developed Mind Fit a physical and mental wellness program for teens aged 13-19 experiencing mild to moderate symptoms of depression and/ or anxiety in BC. The program is designed to support teens in learning how to incorporate physical activity into their mental wellness plan.
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Healthy Eating at School
Healthy Schools BC Regional Grants Are Now Available!
Healthy Schools BC Regional Grants support education and health-sector partners to work together on initiatives that support healthy schools, with a focus on promoting mental health and well-being and Indigenous ways of wellness. These grants are available to School Districts, Regional Groups of Public, First Nations or Independent Schools. Application deadline is October 31st, 2018.
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Healthy Schools BC First Nation School Grants Are Now Available!
Healthy Schools BC First Nations School Grants are intended to support First Nations schools in implementing Indigenous ways of wellness across a whole-school environment. These grants are available to BC First Nations Schools. Public schools are not eligible for this grant. Application deadline is November 9
, 2018.
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Walk & Wheel to School Week (iWalk)
Did your school participate in this year’s Walk and Wheel to School Week (October 1
)? We’d love to hear from you. Share your iWalk stories and photos to