August 1, 2019 | JNCL Newsroom (blog)
Section 1557 of Affordable Care Act currently requires language assistance services to be available in healthcare institutions. Now, with new plans to rollback these protections, limited English proficiency (LEP) patients and their quality of care are likely to suffer.

Surrounding the talk of losing health protections with proposed changes to Section 1557 are the fears of real people.

In Beatriz Navarro's case, she felt an immediate sense of worry when she immigrated to the U.S. and stepped into a healthcare facility. Being in a new country and learning a new language is challenging enough without the added barrier of navigating critical health care moments sans translation and interpretation assistance.

July 29, 2019 | Gothamist
Immigration court can be overwhelming for a first-time visitor, even with an attorney. A judge will hear 60-100 cases in a single morning, each for about five minutes. It’s just enough time for a lawyer to help a client plead to the government’s charges, explain the next steps and set future hearings, including the trial.

But there’s no right-to-counsel in immigration court, meaning those who can’t afford an attorney aren’t appointed one by the government. For immigrants who come to court without a lawyer, judges have traditionally asked which languages they speak and then found them interpreters to explain how the court system works . They’re then given a list of low-cost legal service providers and some court documents, which are provided in various languages.

July 30, 2019 | CNN
Airplanes are often as multicultural as the destinations they're flying to. And now Delta Air Lines has announced that in addition to spoken languages such as Spanish and Russian, in-flight crew members' uniforms will now also indicate whether they know a signed language .

"Our mission is to connect the world, which starts with making travel easier for all people," Bastian wrote in the post, adding: "It's a small step on our journey, but a powerful change as we seek to make the world a smaller, more inclusive place."

According to the World Health Organization, about 466 million people worldwide have a "disabling" level of hearing loss, which comes to about 5% of the global population.

July 29, 2019 | Forbes
“I believe so much in immigrant entrepreneurship,” says Millie Chu.

These words not only ring true for those she’s helped during her career as a guide and mentor for aspiring immigrant business owners—but also for herself and her family. 

After all, Millie’s an immigrant too. Born in China, Millie Chu and her family emigrated to the U.S. when she was young. While growing up, she not only witnessed the struggles her family faced firsthand—but also the triumphs achieved through determination, grit and a little bit of luck. 

She also uncovered how entrepreneurialism was often the key to a newcomer’s success . This realization ignited Millie’s passion to guide those with dreams for a better life here in America.


The National Council for Languages and International Studies is asking all concerned language advocates to urge their House Representative to become a cosponsor to the Esther Martinez Native American Languages Programs Reauthorization Act.

The Senate has already acted without dissent. Now, we need your help to get Esther's legacy across the finish-line in the House of Representatives. Urge your member of Congress to sign on to H.R. 912 today !

Deadline: August 13th
Your comments do matter! The Administration must consider all comments before finalizing its proposed changes . Further, if there is litigation challenging the changes, all comments submitted are considered by the court as part of the “administrative record” to determine if the Administration’s changes are legal. All comments are important and we need your help to demonstrate the widespread opposition to these changes.

On this episode of All My Relations , Matika and Adrienne tackle a huge topic: the importance and power of our Indigenous languages , and the work that's being done to revitalize and promote Native languages.  


Proposal Deadline: August 1st
UNC Charlotte City Center
March 5-7, 2020
UNC Charlotte’s Department of Languages and Culture Studies is hosting the 5th International Symposium on Language for Specific Purposes (ISLSP) and Centers for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) Language Conference at  UNC Charlotte’s Center City. 
The deadline for proposal submission is August 1, 2019.  Please click here to access the CFP which includes the online submission link:  Call for Proposals  

Deadline: August 1st
The Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language, and Literacy ( CERCLL ) at the University of Arizona is inviting  K-16 world language teachers  to apply to take part in one of its 2019-2020  Professional Online Learning Network Spaces (PLONS) .
PLONS are online learning spaces designed to create a ripple effect, fostering linkages between language teaching, research and practice, and shared ideas and resources between educators. CERCLL is excited to announce that applications are now being accepted for its first PLONS, entitled  “Foreign Languages, Multiliteracies, and the Literary.”

Registration Deadline: September 26th
Hilton Irvine/Orange County Airport
18800 Macarthur Blvd., Irvine, CA 92612
September 27-28, 2019

The Orange County Department of Education (OCDE) Educational Services Division is hosting the 3rd Annual Interpreting and Translators Conference 2019.   The 3rd Annual Interpreters and Translators Conference will focus on offering our participants the opportunity to engage more in depth with nationally and internationally recognized experts in the field and explore techniques to enhance interpretation and translation skills . This annual conference is a major educational event for bilingual staff, educators, and community stakeholders committed to ensure proper language use in school settings and the community we serve.

Deadline: September 12
Bemidji, MN
October 10-13, 2019 | March 26-29, 2020
Concordia Language Villages invites you to join us for 'Intercultural Communicative Competence: Linking Language and Culture,' a professional-development series for K-16 instructors of Arabic language and culture.

Thanks to a generous grant from Qatar Foundation International, tuition and program fees are free for participants. In addition, participants will be reimbursed for qualifying travel expenses of up to $400 (travel to MSP) or $500 (travel to BJI) per workshop.

Solicitation Number: 36C10E19Q0219
Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs
Office: VBA Office of Acquisition
Location: Department of Veterans Affairs Washington Regional Office
Response Date: August 2

Solicitation Number: 36C24419Q0968
Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs
Office: Network Contracting Office 4
Location: Veterans Integrated Service Network 4 Facilities
Response Date: August 12

Solicitation Number: ID06190003
Agency: General Services Administration
Office: Federal Acquisition Service (FAS)
Location: IFMPS
Award Date: Mid-Aug
THURSDAY, August 1, 2019 ISSUE
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