July 2023

In this issue:

  • Mission and Vision
  • Vaccine Community Outreach Updates
  • Digital Health Literacy
  • Organizational Health Literacy Assessments

Mission and Vision

WHL is pleased to share new mission and vision statements, which were adopted to better align with the activities and goals of the division:

Mission: Advance health equity through health literacy in organizations and communities.

Vision: All people have the skills and a fair opportunity to be healthy.

Vaccine Community Outreach Updates

View our COVID-19 Vaccine Community Outreach webpage for the list of 31 community organizations that WHL has partnered with to provide vaccine education and outreach. WHL provides resources and training as well as builds capacity for organizations to support their work in the community. Read this vaccine outreach story, which is one example of the valuable work that has happened as a result of these partnerships.

Vaccine Outreach Summit: Risk Communication, Digital Resilience, and Community Strategies in a New Era

On June 8th, WHL hosted a free virtual Summit that addressed COVID-19 vaccine community outreach in a post-emergency era. The Summit explored the current factors that affect the public’s behavior and assessment of risk.


The conference featured public health and community leaders sharing their insights and best practices. Recordings of each session and slides are available here.

A total of 149 professionals attended the Summit live, representing community-based organizations and public health practitioners. In the post-conference evaluation, 90% of respondents stated the Summit provided tools and resources that will help their agency.

Digital Health Literacy

Earlier this year, WHL worked with the Wisconsin Primary Health Care Association to develop an organizational digital health literacy assessment. This assessment tool will help community health clinics identify ways to support patients with different digital literacy skills and improve adoption of health technologies such as the patient portal, telehealth, and remote patient monitoring devices. For more information about the assessment tool, please contact WHL at healthliteracy@wisconsinliteracy.org.

Digital health literacy is a focus area for WHL. WHL has previously worked to improve digital health literacy through projects with the Network of the National Library of Medicine, the All of Us research program, and through our vaccine community outreach initiative.

Organizational Health Literacy Assessments

WHL has conducted organizational health literacy assessments at five healthcare organizations in Wisconsin. Interested in an assessment at your healthcare organization? Please contact Health Literacy Director Stan Hudson (stan@wisconsinliteracy.org).

Adopting organizational health literacy best practices is the best way organizations can improve the way all patients understand, use, and communicate health information. The goal of this work is to establish baseline health literacy measures and processes that healthcare organizations can use to gauge future activities and improvements.

Our process:

  1. Scope the health literacy assessment to meet the organization’s needs;
  2. Coordinate assessment activities, including document review, staff interviews, and facility walkthroughs;
  3. Identify and train selected staff to increase the organization’s ability to conduct future assessments; and
  4. Provide an internal-use report with recommendations for each organization
Visit Our Website
Wisconsin Health Literacy | 608-257-1655 | www.wisconsinhealthliteracy.org
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