November-December 2022

The Gratitude Edition

Gratitude: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness; a deep feeling of appreciation to someone or something for what they have done to help you.

It seems fitting this time of year to take a moment to thank all of you who have supported the Vermont Ethics Network. We have been privileged to serve the Vermont community for the past 36 years and we look forward to continuing to serve for many years to come. Thank you—for your support and your commitment to ethics and to the work that we do. 

-Cindy Bruzzese, MPA, MSB, HEC-C, Executive Director & Clinical Ethicist

Support VEN on GivingTuesday

GivingTuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. Over the past 10 years, this idea has grown into a year-round global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity on November 29th.

Every day, VEN supports Vermonters with their advance care planning and advance directive needs by developing resources, providing education and facilitating improved access to the Vermont Advance Directive Registry. Our goal is to ensure that all individuals receive the highest quality care consistent with their individual preferences and priorities. With support from community members like you, we have built a broad foundation of relationships and resources to help you and your loved ones navigate complex medical decisions—particularly at the end-of-life. We also remain committed to ensuring that Vermont health care facilities are supported to be able to effectively identify and manage the complex ethics questions inherent in the delivery of quality health care.  


We are grateful to those of you who have supported the work of the Vermont Ethics Network. We hope you will continue to value what we do by donating today and supporting our mission to advance ethics in health care. 

Donate Today

Other ways to support VEN:

Expanding Access to Health Planning Documents

Vermont Advance Directives in ASL

Completing advance directive documents is a essential tool for all adults to document their health care goals and values. While we may not be able to predict what kind of illness or emergency could come in our future, we can make a plan that provides peace of mind for ourselves and our loved ones.

However, many advance directive forms in the United States have not always been accessible to communities that speak languages other than English. In April 2022, VEN released 12 translations to the Vermont Advance Directive Short form, the Appointment of a Health Care Agent form, and the VADR Registration Agreement/Authorization to Change form.

Now, in collaboration with the Vermont Department of Disabilities, Aging & Independent Living (DAIL) and Vancro Integrated Interpreting Services, we are able to release these forms in American Sign Language video translations. VEN would like to extend a special thank you to Laura Seigel, Director of Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, and Deaf-Blind Services at DAIL, and Marcus Gunter, Interpretor, Educator and Mentor at Vancro for their hard work to make these translations possible.

Browse Forms in More Languages

Appointment of a Health Care Agent Form

VT Advance Directive Short Form

Advance Directive Long Form in Fillable PDF Format

In response to popular demand, the original VEN Advance Directive Long Form is now available in fillable PDF format.

This form allows you to appoint a health care agent and document your health care goals and values, and includes the Ulysses Clause waiver for requesting/refusing treatments. This is also the recommended forms for anyone who is considering current or future management of psychiatric conditions.

View the Interactive Long Form

Upcoming Events

Application Information

  • Applicants should have strong academic qualifications. Most applicants have or plan to obtain a professional degree in related fields of medicine, law or the allied health professions. 
  • Applicants are accepted on a rolling basis. To apply, please visit (choose non-matriculated option) or email
  • Tuition is $2,362. This course may be taken independently or for academic credits toward the MS in Bioethics. 

In case you missed it...

Bruzzese receives Madison-Deane Award for advancing excellence in End-of-Life Care

VEN is thrilled to share that our executive director, Cynthia Bruzzese, has been honored with the prestigious Madison Dean Award for her outstanding dedication to work in the field of health care decision making & palliative care.

Thank you, Cindy, for all the incredible work you do!

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2023 Ethics Education Session Recordings

The Fall 2022 Ethics Education Sessions concluded on November 16th. Recordings of all sessions are available on our News & Events page via the link below.

Watch Sessions

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