Health Care Checkup
March 24, 2023
The Senate Finance Committee held a hearing on President Joe Biden’s FY24 funding request for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra testified at the hearing. President Biden’s budget proposes $144 billion in discretionary funding and $1.7 trillion in mandatory funding for HHS. The Secretary testified that the budget would make critical public health investments to prepare for future pandemics and replenish the nation’s strategic national stockpile. Becerra also asserted that the budget would protect Medicare for future generations. Mehlman Consulting’s summary of the hearing can be found here.

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) announced a new initiative to strengthen and increase transparency in the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN). The initiative includes actions to modernize the IT system, and foster competition in the contract process for OPTN management. It also calls on Congress to update the nearly 40-year-old National Organ Transplant Act by removing the appropriations cap on the OPTN contracts and broadening the pool of eligible contract entities.

HHS, through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), announced two grant funding opportunities for Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) expansion: the CCBHC Planning, Development, and Implementation (CCBHC-PDI) grant, and the CCBHC Improvement and Advancement (CCBHC–IA) grant. The funding will be used to help establish new CCBHC programs and enhance existing programs. More on these grant opportunities can be found here.

CMS announced that Oklahoma will extend Medicaid coverage to women in the 12-month postpartum period. Oklahoma is the 30th state to extend coverage to mothers in the year after giving birth. CMS estimates that 14,000 women will qualify for care under the extension.

Lawmakers in North Carolina voted 87-24 to expand Medicaid in the state. It is estimated that the expansion will reach an additional 600,000 North Carolinians. The start date for the expansion has yet to be decided, as it cannot go into effect until the state budget is approved in the summer.

The White House will reportedly shut down its COVID-19 response team in May, when the public health emergency (PHE) expires. The team was created in February 2020 and is led by Dr. Ashish Jha. According to officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity, several staffers have already departed, and it is expected that Dr. Jha will leave as well.
What to Expect Next Week: The House will be in session Monday – Thursday, and the Senate will be in session Monday – Friday. It will be a busy week on the Hill, before both chambers embark on a two-week district work period. Hearings will continue with HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra on President Biden’s FY24 budget for HHS. Additionally, on Thursday, there will be a Senate Finance hearing on PBMs and the cost of prescription drugs.
Senate Finance Committee Holds Hearing on President’s FY24 Budget Request for HHS
The Senate Finance Committee held a hearing on President Joe Biden’s FY24 funding request for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra testified at the hearing. President Biden’s budget proposes $144 billion in discretionary funding and $1.7 trillion in mandatory funding for HHS. The Secretary testified that the budget would make critical public health investments to prepare for future pandemics and replenish the nation’s strategic national stockpile. Becerra also asserted that the budget would protect Medicare for future generations. Several Members at the hearing asked Becerra about proposed Medicare Advantage (MA) changes in the CMS 2024 Advance Notice. Becerra said that the Notice would not change any of the benefits that Medicare beneficiaries receive. Mehlman Consulting’s summary of the hearing can be found here.

House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Health Holds Hearing on “Why Health Care is Unaffordable”
On Thursday, the House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee held a hearing on the impact that inflation has had on the cost of health care. Subcommittee Chair Vern Buchanan (R-FL) noted that the country is on a on an “unsustainable path of health care spending, with over $4.3 trillion spent in 2021, accounting for nearly 20 percent of [the nation’s] GDP.” Buchanan said that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) “accelerated health care costs faster than at any point in the last 50 years, and created an unworkable federal bureaucracy that took away control from patients and their doctors.” Ranking Member Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) expressed hope that the Subcommittee can come together to work in a bipartisan manner to respond to health care price inflation, instead of “relitigating worn out and unsubstantiated accusations against the ACA.”

House Energy and Commerce Committee Holds Markup on 19 Bills
The House Energy and Commerce Committee held a markup on 19 bills, including those on telecommunications, cybersecurity, and health care. The health care bills include the Protecting Health Care for All Patients Act, the 9–8–8 Lifeline Cybersecurity Responsibility Act, the HALT Fentanyl Act, and the Securing the Border for Public Health Act. The markup results of these bills are below:
  1. Protecting Health Care for All Patients Act (H.R.485) - Ordered to be Reported Favorably, 27 - 20
  2. 9–8–8 Lifeline Cybersecurity Responsibility Act (H.R.498) - Ordered to be Reported Favorably, 46 - 0
  3. HALT Fentanyl Act (H.R.467) - Ordered to be Reported Favorably, 27 - 19
  4. Securing the Border for Public Health Act (H.R.801) - Ordered to be Reported Favorably, 24 - 19

HRSA Announces Initiative to Modernize the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network
On Wednesday, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) announced a new initiative to strengthen and increase transparency in the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN). The initiative includes actions to modernize the IT system, and foster competition in the contract process for OPTN management. It also calls on Congress to update the nearly 40-year-old National Organ Transplant Act by removing the appropriations cap on the OPTN contracts and broadening the pool of eligible contract entities. President Joe Biden’s budget for fiscal year (FY) 2024 requests $67 million for organ-related work, which is a $36 million increase over FY23. HRSA created a website devoted to the initiative, to keep stakeholders informed on its progress. The website can be accessed here.

HHS Announces Over $120 Million in Funding Opportunities for Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics
HHS, through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), announced two grant funding opportunities for Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) expansion: the CCBHC Planning, Development, and Implementation (CCBHC-PDI) grant, and the CCBHC Improvement and Advancement (CCBHC–IA) grant. The funding will be used to help establish new CCBHC programs and enhance existing programs. More on these grant opportunities can be found here.

Oklahoma Extends Medicaid Postpartum Coverage
CMS announced that Oklahoma will extend Medicaid coverage to women in the 12-month postpartum period. Oklahoma is the 30th state to extend coverage to mothers in the year after giving birth. CMS estimates that 14,000 women will qualify for care under the extension. 41% of all births in the nation are covered by Medicaid. Additional information can be found here.

North Carolina Expands its Medicaid Program
This week, lawmakers in North Carolina voted 87-24 to expand Medicaid in the state. It is estimated that the expansion will reach an additional 600,000 North Carolinians. The start date for the expansion has yet to be decided, as it cannot go into effect until the state budget is approved in the summer. Once the expansion goes into effect, there will be only ten remaining states that have not expanded their Medicaid program.

White House to Disband COVID-19 Response Team when PHE Ends in May
The White House will reportedly shut down its COVID-19 response team in May, when the public health emergency (PHE) expires. The team was created in February 2020 and is led by Dr. Ashish Jha. According to officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity, several staffers have already departed, and it is expected that Dr. Jha will leave as well. The COVID-19 PHE is currently set to expire on May 11, 2023. 
House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic - Hearing
Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Hearing: "The Consequences of School Closures: Intended and Unintended"
Tuesday, March 28 at 10:00 AM EST

House Committee on Appropriations - Hearing
Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (Committee on Appropriations) Budget Hearing – Fiscal Year 2024 Request for the Department of Health and Human Services
Tuesday, March 28 at 10:00 AM EST

House Committee on Oversight and Accountability - Hearing
Subcommittee on Health Care and Financial Services (Committee on Oversight and Accountability) Hearing: "FDA Oversight Part I: The Infant Formula Shortage"
Tuesday, March 28 at 10:00 AM EST

House Committee on Ways and Means - Hearing
House Committee on Ways and Means Hearing: President Biden's Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Request with Health and Human Services Secretary Becerra
Tuesday, March 28 at 2:00 PM EST

House Committee on Appropriations - Hearing
Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (Committee on Appropriations) Hearing: Oversight Hearing – Addressing the Challenges of Rural America
Wednesday, March 29 at 10:00 AM EST

House Committee on Natural Resources - Hearing
Subcommittee on Indian and Insular Affairs (Committee on Natural Resources) Hearing: Oversight Hearing on "Challenges and Opportunities for Improving Healthcare Delivery in Tribal Communities"
Wednesday, March 29 at 10:00 AM EST

House Committee on Appropriations - Hearing
Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies (Committee on Appropriations) Budget Hearing - Fiscal Year 2024 Request for the Food and Drug Administration
Wednesday, March 29 at 1:00 PM EST

Senate Finance Committee - Hearing
Subcommittee on Health Care Hearing: "An Oral Health Crisis: Identifying and Addressing Health Disparities."
Wednesday, March 29 at 2:30 PM EST

Senate Finance Committee - Hearing
Full Committee Hearing: "Pharmacy Benefit Managers and the Prescription Drug Supply Chain: Impact on Patients and Taxpayers."
Thursday, March 30 at 10:00 AM EST
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Food and Drug Administration
Guidance Documents from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National Institutes of Health
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Washington, DC 20005