FPM Properties
10365 Hood Rd S #205
Jacksonville, FL 32257
We’ve been talking a lot about this amongst ourselves and as a group we concluded if we’re feeling like this, you must be too.

Psychological and emotional fatigue is at an all time high. Covid 19. The election cycle. Hurricane season. 2020. Our team is looking for anything we can find that is uplifting. We thought you might be as well so….

No legislative updates. No alerts about supply chain woes or materials costs. No links to distressing articles. None of that this month.

Here’s what we believe we can all feel a little good about:

  • The rental market remains steady and robust. Have there been hiccups along the way and ripples to how things usually go? You bet! Are we still adapting? Yes, but-- we’ve adapted!
  • By and large residents have been paying their rent and/or attempted to make good. Under the “global” circumstances this has been very good news.
  • We appear to be out of the woods re: hurricane season. We would just ask that everyone remember (when June 2021 comes around) what the gulf coast has endured and what we should always be prepared for.
  • To the best of our knowledge all of us have remained relatively healthy. We’ve done our best here to adhere to protocols that are believed to help keep everyone safe; we hope you have too.

Those 4 circumstances alone give us great reason to be grateful and as we head into the Thanksgiving holiday, we are. Grateful. Humbled. Hopeful.

We hope you can find at least 4 additional things in your own personal situation to feel grateful for as we near the end of what has been a completely unanticipated and really rather dreadful year for virtually everyone on the planet!

Of course, we have to express our gratitude for you and your support. You remained calm as all the chaos started to unfold. You patiently endured our technology update. You trusted that we would find a way to weather the storm and we believe, together, we have.

As always, we’re also busy planning for 2021. We look hopefully forward to a less anxious 12 months the next go around!

We wish you and all the cherished ones in your life a safe, healthy and happy Thanksgiving.

All the Best~ The FPM Properties Team
FPM Properties | 904-497-4200 |
info@fpmproperties.com | fpmproperties.com
Contemplating a home purchase or sale in 2021 & wondering what to expect? 
Call us--we can help!